Поддержка фрагментов для Mapsforge

Я знаю, что здесь есть какой-то патч для фрагментов для Mapsforge: https://code.google.com/p/mapsforge/issues/detail?id=177 Однако я не совсем уверен, как его использовать.

Это то, что я реализовал до сих пор:

public class TOfflineMapViewFragment  extends SherlockFragment{

    MapView myOpenMapView;
    //other codes here...

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflator, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            view = inflator.inflate(R.layout.offline_map_activity, container, false);

            myOpenMapView = (MapView) view.findViewById(R.id.openmapview);
            myOpenMapView.setMapFile(new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + 

           return view;


Это мой XML-файл:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:orientation="vertical" >

Я получаю эту ошибку:

03-19 15:51:04.243: E/AndroidRuntime(10395): FATAL EXCEPTION: main

03-19 15:51:04.243: E/AndroidRuntime(10395): android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #6: Error inflating class org.mapsforge.android.maps.MapView
03-19 15:51:04.243: E/AndroidRuntime(10395):    at android.view.LayoutInflater.createView(LayoutInflater.java:606)
03-19 15:51:04.243: E/AndroidRuntime(10395):    at android.view.LayoutInflater.createViewFromTag(LayoutInflater.java:680)
03-19 15:51:04.243: E/AndroidRuntime(10395):    at android.view.LayoutInflater.rInflate(LayoutInflater.java:739)
03-19 15:51:04.243: E/AndroidRuntime(10395):    at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:489)
03-19 15:51:04.243: E/AndroidRuntime(10395):    at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:396)
03-19 15:51:04.243: E/AndroidRuntime(10395):    at com.fragments.TOfflineMapViewFragment.onCreateView(TOfflineMapViewFragment.java:76)

Что не так с этим?

2 ответа



у меня в переопределенном onCreate() работал

Я создал шаблон фрагмента, который делает то же самое, что MapVeiwTemplate. Это расширяет Фрагмент вместо Действия.

import android.app.Fragment;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;

import org.mapsforge.core.model.LatLong;
import org.mapsforge.core.model.MapPosition;
import org.mapsforge.map.android.graphics.AndroidGraphicFactory;
import org.mapsforge.map.android.util.AndroidPreferences;
import org.mapsforge.map.android.view.MapView;
import org.mapsforge.map.datastore.MapDataStore;
import org.mapsforge.map.layer.cache.TileCache;
import org.mapsforge.map.layer.hills.HillsRenderConfig;
import org.mapsforge.map.model.MapViewPosition;
import org.mapsforge.map.model.common.PreferencesFacade;
import org.mapsforge.map.reader.MapFile;
import org.mapsforge.map.rendertheme.XmlRenderTheme;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Created by a7med on 08.03.18.
public abstract class MapFragmentTemplate extends Fragment
    // Abstract variables for displaying the map
    protected MapView mapView;
    protected PreferencesFacade preferencesFacade;
    protected List<TileCache> tileCaches = new ArrayList<TileCache>();

    // Constant variables for controlling the map
    private final static int MINZOOM = 5;
    private final static int MAXZOOM = 23;
    private final static int CURRENTZOOM = 12;

    // Default address in Norway ... Oslo is chosen as Default
    final LatLong DEFAULT_LOCATION = new LatLong(59.8939225, 10.7150775);

     * Abstract methods that must be implemented:
     *  - getLayoutId();
     *  - getMapViewId();
     *  - getMapFileName();
     *  - getRenderTheme();
     *  - createLayers();
     *  - createTileCaches();
     * @return the layout to be used,
    protected abstract int getLayoutId();

     * @return the id of the mapview inside the layout.
    protected abstract int getMapViewId();

     * Gets the name of the map file.
     * The directory for the file is supplied by getMapFileDirectory()
     * @return the map file name to be used
    protected abstract String getMapFileName();

     * @return the rendertheme for this viewer
    protected abstract XmlRenderTheme getRenderTheme();

     * Hook to create map layers. You will need to create at least one layer to
     * have something visible on the map.
    protected abstract void createLayers();

     * Hook to create tile caches. For most map viewers you will need a tile cache
     * for the renderer. If you do not need tilecaches just provide an empty implementation.
    protected abstract void createTileCaches();

        Methods for this class
     * Hook to create controls, such as scale bars.
     * You can add more controls.
    protected void createControls()
        mapView.setZoomLevel((byte) CURRENTZOOM);

     * The MaxTextWidthFactor determines how long a text may be before it is line broken. The
     * default setting should be good enough for most apps.
     * @return the maximum text width factor for line breaking captions
    protected float getMaxTextWidthFactor()
        return 0.7f;

     * @return the default starting zoom level if nothing is encoded in the map file.
    protected byte getZoomLevelDefault()
        return (byte) CURRENTZOOM;

     * @return the minimum zoom level of the map view.
    protected byte getZoomLevelMin()
        return (byte) MINZOOM;

     * @return the maximum zoom level of the map view.
    protected byte getZoomLevelMax()
        return (byte) MAXZOOM;

     * Template method to create the map views.
    protected void createMapViews(View v)
        mapView = getMapView(v);
        mapView.setZoomLevelMin((byte) MINZOOM);
        mapView.setZoomLevelMax((byte) MAXZOOM);
        mapView.setZoomLevel((byte) CURRENTZOOM);
        mapView.setCenter(new LatLong(DEFAULT_LOCATION.latitude, DEFAULT_LOCATION.longitude));

     * Creates the shared preferences that are being used to store map view data over
     * activity restarts.
    protected void createSharedPreferences()
        this.preferencesFacade = new AndroidPreferences(getActivity().getSharedPreferences(getPersistableId(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE));

     * Gets the default initial position of a map view if nothing is set in the map file. This
     * operation is used as a fallback only. Override this if you are not sure if your map file
     * will always have an initial position.
     * @return the fallback initial position of the mapview.
    protected MapPosition getDefaultInitialPosition()
        return new MapPosition(DEFAULT_LOCATION, getZoomLevelDefault());

     * Extracts the initial position from the map file, falling back onto the value supplied
     * by getDefaultInitialPosition if there is no initial position coded into the map file.
     * You will only need to override this method if you do not want the initial position extracted
     * from the map file.
     * @return the initial position encoded in the map file or a fallback value.
    protected MapPosition getInitialPosition()
        final MapDataStore mapFile = getMapFile();

        if (mapFile.startPosition() != null)
            Byte startZoomLevel = mapFile.startZoomLevel();
            if (startZoomLevel == null)
                // it is actually possible to have no start zoom level in the file
                startZoomLevel = new Byte((byte) CURRENTZOOM);

            return new MapPosition(mapFile.startPosition(), startZoomLevel);
            return getDefaultInitialPosition();

     * Provides the directory of the map file, by default the Android external storage
     * directory (e.g. sdcard).
     * @return
    protected File getMapFileDirectory()
        return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();

     * Combines map file directory and map file to a map file.
     * This method usually will not need to be changed.
     * @return a map file interface
    protected MapDataStore getMapFile()
        return new MapFile(new File(getMapFileDirectory(), this.getMapFileName()));

     * The persistable ID is used to store settings information, like the center of the last view
     * and the zoomlevel. By default the simple name of the class is used. The value is not user
     * visibile.
     * @return the id that is used to save this mapview.
    protected String getPersistableId()
        return this.getClass().getSimpleName();

     * Returns the relative size of a map view in relation to the screen size of the device. This
     * is used for cache size calculations.
     * By default this returns 1.0, for a full size map view.
     * @return the screen ratio of the mapview
    protected float getScreenRatio()
        return 1.0f;

     * Configuration method to set if a map view activity will have zoom controls.
     * @return true if the map has standard zoom controls.
    protected boolean hasZoomControls()
        return true;

     * Configuration method to set if map view activity's zoom controls hide automatically.
     * @return true if zoom controls hide automatically.
    protected boolean isZoomControlsAutoHide()
        return true;

     * initializes the map view position.
     * @param mvp the map view position to be set
     * @return the mapviewposition set
    protected MapViewPosition initializePosition(MapViewPosition mvp)
        final LatLong center = mvp.getCenter();

        if (center.equals(DEFAULT_LOCATION))


        return mvp;

     * Hook to check for Android Runtime Permissions.
    protected void checkPermissionsAndCreateLayersAndControls()

     * Android Fragment life cycle method.
     * @param inflater
     * @param container
     * @param savedInstanceState
     * @return
    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
        final View v = inflater.inflate(getLayoutId(), container,

         * App Initialization !!
         * behind the scenes, this initialization process gathers a bit of
         * information on your device, such as the screen resolution, that allows mapsforge to
         * automatically adapt the rendering for the device.


        return v;

     * Android Activity life cycle method.
    public void onPause()

     * Android Activity life cycle method.
    public void onDestroy()

     * Hook to purge tile caches.
     * By default we purge every tile cache that has been added to the tileCaches list.
    protected void purgeTileCaches()
        for (TileCache tileCache : tileCaches)


    protected void redrawLayers()

     * Creates a map view using an XML layout file supplied by getLayoutId() and finds
     * the map view component inside it with getMapViewId().
     * @return the Android MapView for this activity.
    protected MapView getMapView(View v)
        return (MapView) v.findViewById(getMapViewId());

     * Override to enable hill shading.
     * @return null or the HillsRenderConfig to use (defining height model path and algorithm)
    protected HillsRenderConfig getHillsRenderConfig()
        return null;

Надеюсь, это поможет, даже если уже поздно.

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