Apache Camel route (Java DSL) не создает папку - но, Camel route (Blueprint) делает... -Почему не работает DSL?
Приложение не создает папку "folderX". Не понятно почему. Использование "Blueprint" (xml) работает.
Пробовал несколько итераций ссылки на папку - например, "file://C:/folderX", "file:C:/folderX" и т. Д. - но безрезультатно.
Хотите знать, есть ли какая-то несовместимость классов и / или фляг, которые могут ее поглотить (?).
Опубликовал вывод системного журнала (уровень DEBUG), который произошел, когда я развернул пакет (то есть, поместил jar в папку "/ deploy").
- Вывод системного журнала что-то не так?
SRC / Основной / Java / AAA / В / ссс / банка / CamelDslRoute
package aaa.bbb.ccc.jar;
import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
import org.apache.camel.cdi.ContextName;
public class CamelRoute extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {
.log("Receiving order...${file:name}");
образец записи
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE xml>
<customer id="A0001">
<name>Antwerp Zoo</name>
<article id="A0001">
<article id="A0011">
SRC / главная / ресурсы /OSGI/ план / верблюжьей route.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"
http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0 http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0/blueprint.xsd
http://cxf.apache.org/blueprint/jaxrs http://cxf.apache.org/schemas/blueprint/jaxrs.xsd
http://cxf.apache.org/blueprint/core http://cxf.apache.org/schemas/blueprint/core.xsd
<camel:camelContext id="aaa.bbb.ccc.jar" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">
<ext:property-placeholder placeholder-prefix="$[" placeholder-suffix="]" />
системный вход в систему после развертывания (удаление файла jar в папку Red Hat Fuse "/deploy")...
17:59:55.794 INFO [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Installing bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01 / 1.0.0.v20181127225805
17:59:55.824 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Starting BlueprintContainer destruction process for bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01/1.0.0.v20181127225805
17:59:55.825 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Not a blueprint bundle or destruction of BlueprintContainer already finished for aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01/1.0.0.v20181127225805.
17:59:55.827 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Starting BlueprintContainer destruction process for bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01/1.0.0.v20181127225805
17:59:55.827 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Not a blueprint bundle or destruction of BlueprintContainer already finished for aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01/1.0.0.v20181127225805.
17:59:55.828 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Starting destruction process for bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01
17:59:55.829 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Not an extended bundle or destruction of extension already finished for aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01.
17:59:55.831 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01 (272): Starting destruction process
17:59:55.832 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01 (272): Not an extended bundle or destruction of extension already finished
17:59:55.833 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] BundleEvent INSTALLED - aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01
17:59:55.853 DEBUG [FelixDispatchQueue] FrameworkEvent PACKAGES REFRESHED - org.apache.felix.framework
17:59:55.867 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Starting BlueprintContainer destruction process for bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01/1.0.0.v20181127225805
17:59:55.885 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Not a blueprint bundle or destruction of BlueprintContainer already finished for aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01/1.0.0.v20181127225805.
17:59:55.887 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Starting BlueprintContainer destruction process for bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01/1.0.0.v20181127225805
17:59:55.891 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Not a blueprint bundle or destruction of BlueprintContainer already finished for aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01/1.0.0.v20181127225805.
17:59:55.901 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Starting destruction process for bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01
17:59:55.902 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Not an extended bundle or destruction of extension already finished for aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01.
17:59:55.904 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01 (272): Starting destruction process
17:59:55.906 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01 (272): Not an extended bundle or destruction of extension already finished
17:59:55.908 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] BundleEvent RESOLVED - aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01
17:59:55.916 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] BundleEvent STARTING - aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01
17:59:55.921 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Scanning bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01/1.0.0.v20181127225805 for blueprint application
17:59:55.923 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] No blueprint application found in bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01/1.0.0.v20181127225805
17:59:55.924 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Bundle started: aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01
17:59:55.927 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Ignore incorrect info null provided by bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01
17:59:55.932 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Bundle Considered for class providers: aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01
17:59:55.933 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] adding bundle aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01 [272]
17:59:55.934 DEBUG [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] BundleEvent STARTED - aaa.bbb.ccc.rhf01
17:59:55.936 INFO [fileinstall-C:\RHF71/deploy] Started bundle: file:/C:/RHF71/deploy/rhf01-1.0.0.jar
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
karaf @ root ()> особенности: список | grep "Начато"
karaf@root()> features:list | grep "Started"
spring | 4.3.17.RELEASE_1 | | Started | spring-legacy-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Spring 4.3.x support
spring-tx | 4.3.17.RELEASE_1 | | Started | spring-legacy-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Spring 4.3.x Transaction (TX) support
fuse-credential-store | 7.1.0.fuse-710023-redhat-00001 | x | Started | fuse-framework-7.1.0.fuse-710023-redhat-00001 | fuse-credential-store
fuse-javaee-apis | 7.1.0.fuse-710023-redhat-00001 | x | Started | fuse-framework-7.1.0.fuse-710023-redhat-00001 | fundamental bundles required by some important fe
aries-proxy | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Aries Proxy
aries-blueprint | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Aries Blueprint
feature | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Features Support
shell | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Karaf Shell
deployer | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Karaf Deployer
bundle | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide Bundle support
config | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide OSGi ConfigAdmin support
diagnostic | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide Diagnostic support
instance | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide Instance support
jaas | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide JAAS support
log | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide Log support
package | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Package commands and mbeans
service | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide Service support
system | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide System support
http | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Implementation of the OSGI HTTP Service
pax-http-service | 7.2.2 | | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Pax-Web OSGi HTTP Service
war | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Turn Karaf as a full WebContainer
kar | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide KAR (KARaf archive) support
ssh | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide a SSHd server on Karaf
management | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Provide a JMX MBeanServer and a set of MBeans in
eventadmin | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | OSGi Event Admin service specification for event-
scr | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Declarative Service support
wrap | 2.5.4.redhat-1 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Wrap URL handler
maven | 4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | x | Started | standard-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Commands for Maven configuration of services from
hawtio-core | 2.0.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00002 | | Started | hawtio-2.0.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00002 |
hawtio-rbac | 2.0.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00002 | | Started | hawtio-2.0.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00002 |
hawtio-log | 2.0.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00002 | | Started | hawtio-2.0.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00002 |
hawtio | 2.0.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00002 | x | Started | hawtio-2.0.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00002 |
pax-web-core | 7.2.2 | | Started | org.ops4j.pax.web-7.2.2 | Provide Core pax-web bundles
pax-http | 7.2.2 | | Started | org.ops4j.pax.web-7.2.2 | Implementation of the OSGI HTTP Service
pax-http-whiteboard | 7.2.2 | | Started | org.ops4j.pax.web-7.2.2 | Provide HTTP Whiteboard pattern support
pax-war | 7.2.2 | | Started | org.ops4j.pax.web-7.2.2 | Provide support of a full WebContainer
undertow | 1.4.23.Final | | Started | org.ops4j.pax.web-7.2.2 |
pax-http-undertow | 7.2.2 | x | Started | org.ops4j.pax.web-7.2.2 |
xml-specs-api | 2.9.0 | | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-core | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-blueprint | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-spring | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-cdi | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-csv | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-cxf | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-ftp | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-jaxb | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-jdbc | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-mail | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-paxlogging | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
camel-undertow | 2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 | x | Started | camel-2.21.0.fuse-710018-redhat-00001 |
pax-cdi | 1.0.0 | | Started | org.ops4j.pax.cdi-1.0.0 | Provide CDI support
pax-cdi-weld | 1.0.0 | x | Started | org.ops4j.pax.cdi-1.0.0 | Weld CDI 1.2 support
cxf-specs | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-jaxb | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
wss4j | 2.1.9.redhat-1 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-core | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-commands | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | x | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-wsdl | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-ws-policy | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-ws-addr | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-ws-rm | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-ws-mex | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-ws-security | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-rt-security | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-rt-security-saml | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-http | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-http-provider | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-http-undertow | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | x | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-bindings-soap | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-jaxws | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-jaxrs | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-jackson | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-rs-description-swagger2 | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | x | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-databinding-aegis | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-databinding-jaxb | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-databinding-xmlbeans | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-features-clustering | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-features-logging | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-features-throttling | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-features-metrics | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-bindings-corba | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-bindings-coloc | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-bindings-object | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-transports-local | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-transports-jms | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-transports-udp | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-javascript | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-frontend-javascript | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf-xjc-runtime | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
cxf | 3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 | x | Started | cxf-3.1.11.fuse-710022-redhat-00001 |
patch-management | 7.1.0.fuse-710023-redhat-00001 | x | Started | fuse-patch-7.1.0.fuse-710023-redhat-00001 |
patch-core | 7.1.0.fuse-710023-redhat-00001 | | Started | fuse-patch-7.1.0.fuse-710023-redhat-00001 |
patch | 7.1.0.fuse-710023-redhat-00001 | x | Started | fuse-patch-7.1.0.fuse-710023-redhat-00001 |
pax-transx-tm-api | 0.4.0 | | Started | pax-transx-0.4.0 |
pax-transx-tm-narayana | 0.4.0 | | Started | pax-transx-0.4.0 |
transaction-api | 1.2.0 | | Started | enterprise-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 |
transaction-manager-narayana | 5.7.2.Final | x | Started | enterprise-4.2.0.fuse-710024-redhat-00002 | Narayana Transaction Manager
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: может предоставить пакет: вывод списка при необходимости (не хватило места)
Java 8
Red Hat Fuse 7.1
Windows 10
Cygwin (работает через предохранитель)
(см. pom.xml для других зависимостей)
1 ответ
Я сделал следующие шаги, чтобы заставить это работать во время выполнения Fuse:
- создать новый проект интеграции предохранителей - Standalone, Karaf / Fuse on Karaf, CBR - Java DSL
- создайте новые папки и файл "src / main / resources / OSGI-INF/blueprint / blueprint.xml
- Содержание файла blueprint.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0 https://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0/blueprint.xsd http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint/camel-blueprint.xsd">
<bean class="com.mycompany.camel.CamelRoute" id="myRouteBuilder"/>
<camelContext id="cbr-example-context" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">
<routeBuilder ref="myRouteBuilder"/>
- развернуть проект через представление " Серверы" в Red Hat Developer Studio
Поскольку файл находится в каталоге OSGI-INF/blueprint внутри нашего JAR-файла, он будет автоматически активирован, как только будет установлен пакет. Это возможно, потому что Red Hat Fuse использует Apache Karaf с программой развертывания Blueprint - см. Развертывание в Apache Karaf - OSGi Services
В любом случае, предоставляемые шаблоны должны работать "из коробки". Поэтому я поднял вопрос для разработчиков Fuse Tooling - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FUSETOOLS-3178
Проверьте права доступа к папке для C:\, а также используйте uri, как указано ниже:
из ("файл://C:/AAAInput/ Autocreate= верно и Noop= истина")
Похоже, твой маршрут вообще не начинался. Попробуйте использовать прямой ref для компоновщика маршрутов вместо сканирования пакетов следующим образом:
<camel:camelContext id="aaa.bbb.ccc.jar" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/blueprint">
<camel:routeBuilder ref="routeBuilder"/>
<bean id="routeBuilder" class="aaa.bbb.ccc.jar.CamelRoute" />