Как создать отчет о ежедневных изменениях в таблице SCD 2
Мне нужно создать отчет, который будет показывать количество новых / измененных строк в день для таблицы SCD.
Вот SQL для создания таблицы:
create table #scd(
code nvarchar not null
, startdate date not null
, enddate date
alter table #scd add constraint pk_scd primary key (code, startdate);
insert into #scd values
('A', '2012-06-01', '2012-06-02')
,('B', '2012-06-01', '2012-06-02')
,('A', '2012-06-02', '2012-06-03')
,('B', '2012-06-02', '2012-06-04')
,('A', '2012-06-03', '2012-06-04')
,('A', '2012-06-04', null)
,('B', '2012-06-04', null)
,('C', '2012-06-04', null)
select * from #scd
Результат выглядит так:
code startdate enddate
A 2012-06-01 2012-06-02
B 2012-06-01 2012-06-02
A 2012-06-02 2012-06-03
B 2012-06-02 2012-06-04
A 2012-06-03 2012-06-04
A 2012-06-04 NULL
B 2012-06-04 NULL
C 2012-06-04 NULL
Теперь мне нужно произвести что-то вроде этого:
date new changed
2012-06-01 2 0
2012-06-02 0 2
2012-06-03 0 1
2012-06-04 1 2
Буду признателен за любую оказанную помощь.
2 ответа
; with
q_00 as ( -- get new records
, startdate
from #scd as s
where s.startdate = (select MIN(xx.startdate) from #scd as xx where xx.code = s.code)
q_01 as ( -- get changed records, those that are not new
, s.startdate
from #scd as s
left join q_00 as b on b.code = s.code and b.startdate = s.startdate
where b.code is null
q_03 as ( -- get the list of all possible dates
select distinct
from #scd
q_04 as ( -- count new records per date
, COUNT(1) as new_rec
from q_00
group by startdate
q_05 as ( -- count changed records per date
, COUNT(1) as chn_rec
from q_01
group by startdate
a.startdate as OnDate
, coalesce(new_rec, 0) as new_records
, coalesce(chn_rec, 0) as changed_records
from q_03 as a
left join q_04 as b on b.startdate = a.startdate
left join q_05 as c on c.startdate = a.startdate
order by a.startdate
Еще один способ получить результат
Select A.startdate,isnull(B.cnt,0) [new],(A.Cnt-isnull(B.cnt,0)) [changed]
(select startdate,COUNT(*) Cnt from #scd
group by startdate)A
left outer join
(select startdate,COUNT(*) cnt from #scd S1 where code not in
(select code from #scd S2 where S2.startdate<S1.startdate)
group by startdate)B
on A.startdate=B.startdate