Javascript и вопрос строки запроса

Когда я передаю переменные в моей строке запроса, некоторые java-скрипты не отображаются. Это происходит только тогда, когда URL-адрес выглядит следующим образом: default.aspx? YesId=1&noId=27, если его просто default.aspx. Java-скрипт показывает отлично.

У тебя есть идеи почему? Или как это исправить? Есть ли другой способ показать этот код JavaScript?

Default.aspx Код, который не отображается, находится в нижнем теге Div "ads"

 <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<div id="Direction">
    <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Click on the girl you like better." Font-Size="Large"
        Width="270" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#1B0358"></asp:Label>
<div id="pictures">
    <div id="ratedpic">
            <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server">
                <asp:Label ID="RatedPicnameLabel" runat="server" Text="" Font-Size="Medium"></asp:Label></asp:HyperLink>
        <asp:ImageButton ID="RatedImage" Width="70%" runat="server" /><br />
        <asp:Label ID="RatedPicRating" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label><br />
    <div id="MainPics">
        <div id="RightPic">
                <asp:Label ID="FirstPicMemberNameLabel" runat="server" Text="" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White"></asp:Label>
            <asp:ImageButton ID="FirstPicLink" Width="90%" runat="server" OnClick="FirstPicLink_Click" />
        <div id="LeftPic">
                <asp:Label ID="SecondPicMemberNameLabel" runat="server" Text="" ForeColor="White"
            <asp:ImageButton ID="SecondPicLink" Width="90%" runat="server" OnClick="SecondPicLink_Click" />
        <div id="skip">
            <asp:LinkButton ID="LBNoChoice" PostBackUrl="~/default.aspx" ForeColor="White" runat="server">Skip - I Can't Choose</asp:LinkButton>
<div id="Ads">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        google_ad_client = "ca-pub-**MyPubCode**";

        google_ad_slot = "**AdCode**";
        google_ad_width = 728;
        google_ad_height = 90;

    <script type="text/javascript" src="">

Код за страницей

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //get query string
        if (Request.QueryString["yesId"] != null && Request.QueryString["noId"] != null)

            int yesPictureId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["yesId"]);
            int noPictureId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["noId"]);
            RatedImage.Visible = true;
            HyperLink1.Visible = true;
            RatedPicRating.Visible = true;

            //pass ratings
            Ratings PassRatings = new Ratings();
            PassRatings.InsertRatings(yesPictureId, 1);
            PassRatings.InsertRatings(noPictureId, 2);

            //Get total yes and nos and Do Calculation 

            Ratings GetNoVotes = new Ratings();
            int DATotalYesVotes = GetNoVotes.GetTotalNOVotes(1, yesPictureId);
            int DaTNoVotes = GetNoVotes.GetTotalNOVotes(2, yesPictureId);
            int DaTotalVotes = DATotalYesVotes + DaTNoVotes;
            double Percentage = ((double)DATotalYesVotes / (double)DaTotalVotes) * 100;
            //Round percentage
            Percentage = Math.Round(Percentage, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            //Percentage = Convert.ToUInt32(Percentage);
            //TotalyesVotes.Text = Percentage.ToString();

            //Insert New percentage
            Picture UpdatePictureTating = new Picture();
            UpdatePictureTating.UpdateRatings(yesPictureId, (int)Percentage);

            //Create pictue object
            Picture RatedPic = new Picture();
            DataTable DARatedPicture = RatedPic.GetRatedPicByQueryString(yesPictureId);

            //Assign Location and Rating to variables
            foreach (DataRow row in DARatedPicture.Rows)
                // firstRatedPicId = row["PicID"].ToString();
                //secondNoPicId = firstYesPicId;
                //holds member Id for profile link
                int MemberID = (int)row["MemberID"];
                RatedPicnameLabel.Text = row["MemberName"].ToString() + "'s profile";
                HyperLink1.NavigateUrl = "Member.aspx?UserID=" + MemberID;
                RatedPicRating.Text = "Banged Rating: " + row["PicRating"].ToString() + "%";
                RatedImage.ImageUrl = "Pictures/" + row["PicLoc"];
                RatedImage.PostBackUrl = "Member.aspx?UserID=" + MemberID;
            //RatedImage.Enabled = false; 


            RatedImage.Visible = false;
            HyperLink1.Visible = false;
            RatedPicRating.Visible = false;

        Picture dlPicture = new Picture();
        DataTable DTPictures = dlPicture.GetRandomPicture();

        Picture dlPicture2 = new Picture();
        DataTable DTPictures2 = dlPicture2.GetRandomPicture();

        // the variables to hold the yes and no Id's for each set
        string firstNoPicId = "";
        string firstYesPicId = "";
        string secondNoPicId = "";
        string secondYesPicId = "";

        foreach (DataRow row in DTPictures.Rows)
            firstYesPicId = row["PicID"].ToString();
            secondNoPicId = firstYesPicId;
            FirstPicMemberNameLabel.Text = row["MemberName"].ToString();
            FirstPicLink.ImageUrl = "Pictures/" + row["PicLoc"];


        foreach (DataRow row in DTPictures2.Rows)
            secondYesPicId = row["PicID"].ToString();
            firstNoPicId = secondYesPicId;
            SecondPicMemberNameLabel.Text = row["MemberName"].ToString();
            SecondPicLink.ImageUrl = "Pictures/" + row["PicLoc"];

        while (firstYesPicId == secondYesPicId)
            DTPictures2 = dlPicture2.GetRandomPicture();

            foreach (DataRow row in DTPictures2.Rows)
                secondYesPicId = row["PicID"].ToString();
                firstNoPicId = secondYesPicId;
                SecondPicMemberNameLabel.Text = row["MemberName"].ToString();
                SecondPicLink.ImageUrl = "Pictures/" + row["PicLoc"];

        FirstPicLink.PostBackUrl = "default.aspx?yesId=" + firstYesPicId + "&"+"noId=" + firstNoPicId;
        SecondPicLink.PostBackUrl = "default.aspx?yesId=" + secondYesPicId + "&"+"noId=" + secondNoPicId;


1 ответ

Не могли бы вы создать что-то подобное и протестировать запрос / ответ?

HttpRequest q = Request;
string v = q.QueryString["yesId"]
    if (v != null)
    v = q.QueryString["noId"];
    if (v != null)
Другие вопросы по тегам