Обновить значение переменной вне класса в VB.NET

У меня есть класс, полученный из формы, он имеет текстовое поле для имени пользователя и пароля и кнопку ОК. Я хочу, чтобы он вел себя как InputBox, поэтому я могу использовать его так:

Dim Username As String = ""
Dim Password As String = ""
Dim authorization As New Authorization(Username, Password)
    'The user will click OK and I will expect the Username and Password to change based on the user input
MsgBox(Username & " " & Password)

Класс авторизации:

Public Class Authorization
    Dim RefUsername As String
    Dim RefPassword As String

    Public Sub New(ByRef Username As String, ByRef Password As String)

        RefUsername = Username 'I'm trying to pass reference instead of value
        RefPassword = Password 'I'm trying to pass reference instead of value
    End Sub

    Private Sub OKButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AuthorizeButton.Click
        RefUsername = Username.Text 'I'm trying to change value of variable outside the class
        RefPassword = Password.Text 'I'm trying to change value of variable outside the class

    End Sub
End Class

Короче говоря, я хочу изменить значение переменных вне класса, когда пользователь нажимает кнопку ОК, как я собираюсь это сделать?

2 ответа


Вы можете просто добавить свойства в класс, чтобы изменить его извне, как и любой другой класс:

Public Class Authorization

    Friend Property RefUsername As String
    Friend Property RefPassword As String

    'this constructor isn't really necessary with this new approach,
    'but I'll leave it as-is.
    Public Sub New(ByRef Username As String, ByRef Password As String)

        RefUsername = Username ' 
        RefPassword = Password
    End Sub

    Private Sub OKButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                               ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                               Handles AuthorizeButton.Click

        Me.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK

    End Sub
End Class

Со стороны вы получите имя пользователя и пароль:

Dim Username As String = ""
Dim Password As String = ""

Dim authorization As New Authorization(Username, Password)
'this constructor isn't really necessary with this new approach,
'but I'll leave it as-is.

If authorization.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
    MsgBox(authorization.RefUsername & " " & authorization.RefPassword)
End If
Public Class Authorization
Dim RefUsername As String
Dim RefPassword As String

Public Sub New(ByRef Username As String, ByRef Password As String)

    RefUsername = Username 'I'm trying to pass reference instead of value
    RefPassword = Password 'I'm trying to pass reference instead of value
End Sub

Private Shared Function PromptUser() As ReturnClass
   Dim currentReturnClass as ReturnClass

   // Dialog Goes Here
   currentReturnClass.UserName = Username.Text
   currentReturnClass.Password = Password.Text
End Sub

End Class

private class ReturnClass
   Dim userName as String
   Dim password as String
   Dim userAcceptedDialog as Boolean
   ' Setters and Getters

End Class

Ваш телефонный код:

Dim Username As String = "Default User"
Dim Password As String = "Default Password"
Dim authorization As New Authorization(Username, Password)
Dim myReturnClass as ReturnClass
myReturnClass = authorization.PromptUser()
MsgBox(myReturnClass.Username & " " & myReturnClass.Password)
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