Измените godep на предыдущую версию

Я пытаюсь вернуть мой godep к предыдущей версии. Мне нужна v52, но я установил последнюю версию v74, когда я побежал, иди и пошли.

Я попытался заменить бинарный файл godep в $GOPATH/bin. И иди подбирает это.

Но проблема в том, когда я пытаюсь запустить godep как godep restore или что-нибудь я получаю ошибки как ниже. Я не уверен, куда идти отсюда.

godep: Dep (github.com/BurntSushi/toml) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bufio) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/DataDog/datadog-go/statsd) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bytes) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/armon/go-metrics) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bufio) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (io) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/endpoints) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (fmt) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (crypto/rand) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/signer/v4) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (crypto/hmac) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/waiter) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (fmt) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/elasticache) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (time) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache/memcache) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bufio) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/garyburd/redigo/internal) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (strings) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bufio) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/go-ini/ini) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bufio) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/go-stack/stack) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bytes) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/inconshreveable/log15) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bytes) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bytes) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (net/http) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/martini-contrib/cors) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (net/http) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/mattn/go-colorable) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bytes) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/mattn/go-isatty) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (syscall) not found
godep: Dep (github.com/nu7hatch/gouuid) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (crypto/md5) not found
godep: Dep (golang.org/x/net/context) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (errors) not found
godep: Dep (golang.org/x/sys/unix) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (errors) not found
godep: Dep (golang.org/x/text/transform) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (bytes) not found
godep: Dep (golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm) restored, but was unable to load it with error:
    Package (fmt) not found
godep: Error checking some deps.

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