При добавлении Fabric отображается сообщение об ошибке " C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_74\bin\java.exe" с ненулевым значением выхода 2"
Я получил ошибку как
Ошибка: не удалось выполнить задачу ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'. com.android.build.api.transform.TransformException: com.android.ide.common.process.ProcessException: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: обрабатывать 'команду'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_74\bin\java.exe'' завершен с ненулевым значением выхода 2
когда я пытаюсь добавить плагин ткани (Crashlytics и Digit) в моем проекте. я ничего не понимаю... вот мой gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://maven.fabric.io/public' }
dependencies {
classpath 'io.fabric.tools:gradle:1.+'
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'io.fabric'
repositories {
maven { url 'https://maven.fabric.io/public' }
android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion "23.0.2"
dexOptions {
javaMaxHeapSize "4g"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.example.cuesoft_02.freedomtourismdemo"
minSdkVersion 13
targetSdkVersion 23
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
multiDexEnabled true
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
dependencies {
compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
compile files('libs/android-query-full.0.26.7.jar')
compile('com.crashlytics.sdk.android:crashlytics:2.5.5@aar') {
transitive = true;
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.2.1'
compile 'com.android.support:design:23.2.1'
compile 'org.jbundle.util.osgi.wrapped:org.jbundle.util.osgi.wrapped.org.apache.http.client:4.1.2'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:8.4.0'
compile 'com.github.jorgecastilloprz:pagedheadlistview:1.0.1'
compile 'com.mcxiaoke.viewpagerindicator:library:2.4.1'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-gcm:8.4.0'
compile('com.digits.sdk.android:digits:1.10.3@aar') {
transitive = true;
Моя папка 'lib', включающая только один файл.jar, который теперь является aQuery. Как мне решить эту проблему??
Кроме того, создание Gradle становится очень медленным после добавления этого плагина Fabric(Crashlytics and Digit).
также пытался заменить версии JDK с JDK 8 на JDK 7, но ничего не изменилось, поэтому я снова связал его с JDK 8.
заранее спасибо
Под редакцией я успешно добавляю Ткани и Crashlytics. Была конфликтующая библиотека ViewpagerIndicator . я просто удаляю его зависимость и добавляю сбои в ткани до тех пор, пока цифры не будут работать. Теперь проблема в том, что иногда он работает без сбоев, а иногда и сбоит. не могу понять его поведение. мой код ошибки и фактический код файла запуска, как показано ниже. Остальные файлы как есть.
05-12 16:50:51.383 144-1049/? E/AudioMTKHardware: setParameters() still have param.size() = 1, remain param = "screen_state=off"
05-12 16:52:07.950 32464-32464/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-12 16:52:08.114 32464-32464/? E/memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
05-12 16:52:08.114 32464-32464/? E/android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
05-12 16:52:15.711 32483-32483/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-12 16:52:22.407 32495-32495/? E/cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-12 16:52:22.595 32495-32495/? E/memtrack: Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
05-12 16:52:22.595 32495-32495/? E/android.os.Debug: failed to load memtrack module: -2
05-12 16:52:22.780 32517-32517/? E/GMPM: GoogleService failed to initialize, status: 10, Missing an expected resource: 'R.string.google_app_id' for initializing Google services. Possible causes are missing google-services.json or com.google.gms.google-services gradle plugin.
05-12 16:52:22.780 32517-32517/? E/GMPM: Scheduler not set. Not logging error/warn.
05-12 16:52:22.788 32517-32533/? E/GMPM: Uploading is not possible. App measurement disabled
05-12 16:52:22.817 32517-32517/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'io.fabric.sdk.android.services.persistence.PreferenceStoreImpl', referenced from method com.crashlytics.android.beta.Beta.doInBackground
05-12 16:52:22.823 32517-32517/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsPinningInfoProvider', referenced from method com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsCore.setAndValidateKitProperties
05-12 16:52:22.823 32517-32517/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'io.fabric.sdk.android.services.network.DefaultHttpRequestFactory', referenced from method com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsCore.setAndValidateKitProperties
05-12 16:52:22.825 32517-32517/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'io.fabric.sdk.android.services.persistence.FileStoreImpl', referenced from method com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsCore.getSdkDirectory
05-12 16:52:22.827 32517-32517/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'io.fabric.sdk.android.services.persistence.FileStoreImpl', referenced from method com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsCore.onPreExecute
05-12 16:52:22.828 32517-32517/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'io.fabric.sdk.android.services.persistence.PreferenceStoreImpl', referenced from method com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsCore.setShouldSendUserReportsWithoutPrompting
05-12 16:52:22.829 32517-32517/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'io.fabric.sdk.android.services.persistence.PreferenceStoreImpl', referenced from method com.crashlytics.android.core.CrashlyticsCore.shouldSendReportsWithoutPrompting
05-12 16:52:22.850 32517-32517/? E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'io.fabric.sdk.android.services.persistence.PreferenceStoreImpl', referenced from method io.fabric.sdk.android.services.common.AdvertisingInfoProvider.<init>
05-12 16:52:22.857 32517-32517/? E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.example.cuesoft_02.freedomtourismdemo, PID: 32517
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io.fabric.sdk.android.services.persistence.PreferenceStoreImpl
at io.fabric.sdk.android.services.common.AdvertisingInfoProvider.<init>(AdvertisingInfoProvider.java:37)
at io.fabric.sdk.android.services.common.IdManager.<init>(IdManager.java:113)
at io.fabric.sdk.android.Fabric$Builder.build(Fabric.java:259)
at io.fabric.sdk.android.Fabric.with(Fabric.java:311)
at com.example.cuesoft_02.freedomtourismdemo.Start.onCreate(Start.java:43)
at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:5264)
at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1088)
at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2302)
at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2390)
at android.app.ActivityThread.access$800(ActivityThread.java:151)
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1321)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:110)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:193)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5299)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:825)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:641)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
05-12 17:00:01.116 658-673/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:02.921 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:02.923 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:02.924 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:02.924 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:03.061 1366-1366/? E/Finsky: [1] com.google.android.finsky.wear.bh.a(742): onConnectionFailed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null}
05-12 17:00:04.018 1366-32615/? E/CursorLeakDetecter: bad request for cursor:1110748224.
05-12 17:00:04.155 1366-1398/? E/CursorLeakDetecter: bad request for cursor:1109105808.
05-12 17:00:04.244 1366-1398/? E/CursorLeakDetecter: bad request for cursor:1112561400.
05-12 17:00:04.244 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:04.245 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:04.277 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:04.277 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:04.395 31086-32619/? E/NativeCrypto: ssl=0x60bab618 cert_verify_callback x509_store_ctx=0x604bb938 arg=0x0
05-12 17:00:04.395 31086-32619/? E/NativeCrypto: ssl=0x60bab618 cert_verify_callback calling verifyCertificateChain authMethod=ECDHE_ECDSA
05-12 17:00:04.821 31086-32619/? E/NativeCrypto: ssl=0x63e4e6f8 cert_verify_callback x509_store_ctx=0x604bb938 arg=0x0
05-12 17:00:04.822 31086-32619/? E/NativeCrypto: ssl=0x63e4e6f8 cert_verify_callback calling verifyCertificateChain authMethod=ECDHE_RSA
05-12 17:00:05.023 1366-1398/? E/CursorLeakDetecter: bad request for cursor:1107869536.
05-12 17:00:05.038 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:05.039 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:05.073 1366-1398/? E/CursorLeakDetecter: bad request for cursor:1111879240.
05-12 17:00:05.083 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:05.083 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:06.591 1366-1398/? E/CursorLeakDetecter: bad request for cursor:1110725504.
05-12 17:00:06.603 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:06.604 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:06.623 1366-1398/? E/CursorLeakDetecter: bad request for cursor:1112393720.
05-12 17:00:06.636 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:06.637 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:07.065 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:07.066 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:07.096 1366-1398/? E/CursorLeakDetecter: bad request for cursor:1106145344.
05-12 17:00:07.288 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:07.289 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:13.463 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:13.463 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:13.464 658-658/? E/RemoteViews: ANR Warning,RemoteViews can only be used once ,if not ,it may cause ANR in hosts such as Laucher,SystemUI. keys for search <ANR Exception MSG History>
05-12 17:00:13.556 1136-1136/? E/NetworkScheduler.SchedulerReceiver: Invalid parameter app
05-12 17:00:13.556 1136-1136/? E/NetworkScheduler.SchedulerReceiver: Invalid package name : Perhaps you didn't include a PendingIntent in the extras?
05-12 17:00:15.892 1136-1136/? E/NetworkScheduler.SchedulerReceiver: Invalid parameter app
05-12 17:00:15.892 1136-1136/? E/NetworkScheduler.SchedulerReceiver: Invalid package name : Perhaps you didn't include a PendingIntent in the extras?
05-12 17:00:53.944 1456-3971/? E/ctxmgr: [TimeFilter.Builder]startTimeMillis must be >= 0. Clamping to 0.
package com.example.cuesoft_02.freedomtourismdemo;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import io.fabric.sdk.android.Fabric;
import com.crashlytics.android.Crashlytics;
//import com.digits.sdk.android.Digits;
//import com.twitter.sdk.android.core.TwitterAuthConfig;
//import com.twitter.sdk.android.core.TwitterCore;
public class Start extends AppCompatActivity {
// Note: Your consumer key and secret should be obfuscated in your source code before shipping.
// private static final String TWITTER_KEY = "UMNnVDb38Vazx64QHrUnOZSRC";
// private static final String TWITTER_SECRET = "Nz4tFuXnnSBuueyc5au1ek6eoyWdWc97rIJmHUjyesJM5yyE6j";
// Note: Your consumer key and secret should be obfuscated in your source code before shipping.
private static final String TWITTER_KEY = "ArKEkvmilnF9zWxiOs7ouZFbh";
private static final String TWITTER_SECRET = "3BprPxwy6Quc5uozP50RIwDxbDgrdrBdGMLIJfx7UMZHtaWc23";
// Note: Your consumer key and secret should be obfuscated in your source code before shipping.
// private static final String TWITTER_KEY = "ArKEkvmilnF9zWxiOs7ouZFbh";
// private static final String TWITTER_SECRET = "3BprPxwy6Quc5uozP50RIwDxbDgrdrBdGMLIJfx7UMZHtaWc23";
private SharedPreferences prefs;
private SharedPreferences unique_prefs, guest_name,app_userId;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// TwitterAuthConfig authConfig = new TwitterAuthConfig(TWITTER_KEY, TWITTER_SECRET);
// Fabric.with(this, new Crashlytics(), new TwitterCore(authConfig), new Digits());
Fabric.with(this, new Crashlytics());
// Fabric.with(this, new Crashlytics());
// TwitterAuthConfig authConfig = new TwitterAuthConfig(TWITTER_KEY, TWITTER_SECRET);
// Fabric.with(this, new Crashlytics(), new TwitterCore(authConfig), new Digits());
final GlobalClass globalVariable = (GlobalClass) getApplicationContext();
Thread timerThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
int AppUserId=0, trip = 0;
String name = "";
// prefs = getSharedPreferences("report", MODE_PRIVATE);
/*if (prefs == null) {
app = 0;
} else {
app = prefs.getInt("IsAppInstall", 0);
app_userId = getSharedPreferences("freedom", MODE_PRIVATE);
// AppUserId=app_userId.("AppUserId",0);
AppUserId = Integer.parseInt(globalVariable.GetAppUserId());
if (AppUserId == 0) {
startActivity(new Intent(Start.this, SplashScreen.class));
} else {
unique_prefs = getSharedPreferences("freedom", MODE_PRIVATE);
guest_name = getSharedPreferences("freedom", MODE_PRIVATE);
trip = unique_prefs.getInt("UniqueTripNo", 0);
name = guest_name.getString("Guestname", "");
if (trip == 0) {
startActivity(new Intent(Start.this, MainActivity.class));
/*if (name == "") {
startActivity(new Intent(Start.this, SignUp.class));
} else {
startActivity(new Intent(Start.this, MainActivity.class));
} else {
startActivity(new Intent(Start.this, Home.class).putExtra("TripId", String.valueOf(trip)));
protected void onPause() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Не могу понять, что делать??