Pretty-принтер различий строк для OUnit.assert_equal
OUnit.assert_equal ~pp_diff
позволяет красиво печатать ожидаемые / фактические значения различий и OUnitDiff
Кажется, чтобы обеспечить отличается для коллекций.
Есть ли запас pp_diff
хотя для строковых значений? В идеале тот, который делает все возможное для расширения различий до ближайших границ последовательности UTF-8.
Даже устранение общего префикса / суффикса было бы лучше, чем ничего.
1 ответ
Забавный утренний вызов.
type move = Same | Add | Del
let edit_distance_matrix a b =
(* The usual dynamic edit distance algorithm, except we keep
a complete matrix of moves to be able to step back and see which
operations can turn [sa] into [sb].
This is not very efficient: we keep the complete matrices of
distances (costs) and moves. One doesn't need to know the move
for all cases of the matrix, only those that are on the "best"
path from begin to end; it would be better to recompute the moves
along the path after the facts. There probably also exists
a classic clever trick to apply the usual optimization of keeping
only two rows of the matrix at any time, and still compute the
best path along the way.
let la, lb = String.length a, String.length b in
let m = Array.make_matrix (la + 1) (lb + 1) (-1) in
let moves = Array.make_matrix (la + 1) (lb + 1) Same in
m.(0).(0) <- 0;
for i = 1 to la do
m.(i).(0) <- i;
for j = 1 to lb do
m.(0).(j) <- j;
for i = 1 to la do
for j = 1 to lb do
let best, move =
if a.[i-1] = b.[j-1] then m.(i-1).(j-1), Same
if m.(i-1).(j) <= m.(i).(j-1)
then m.(i-1).(j) + 1, Del
else m.(i).(j-1) + 1, Add
m.(i).(j) <- best;
moves.(i).(j) <- move;
m, moves
let get m (i, j) = m.(i).(j)
let valid m pos =
fst pos >= 0 && snd pos >= 0
let previous (i, j) = function
| Same -> (i - 1, j - 1)
| Add -> (i, j - 1)
| Del -> (i - 1, j)
let cons _pos action = function
| (action', n) :: rest when action = action' ->
(action', n+1) :: rest
| list -> (action, 1) :: list
(** walk back along the "best path", taking notes of changes to make
as we go *)
let chunks moves =
let la = Array.length moves - 1 in
let lb = Array.length moves.(0) - 1 in
let start = (la, lb) in
let rec loop acc pos =
let move = get moves pos in
let next_pos = previous pos move in
(* if the next position is not valid,
the current move is a dummy move,
and it must not be returned as part of [acc] *)
if not (valid moves next_pos) then acc
else loop (cons pos move acc) next_pos
in loop [] start
(** print the list of changes in term of the original string
We skip large parts of the string that are common, keeping only
[context] characters on the sides to provide some context.
let diff context sa sb =
let cost, moves = edit_distance_matrix sa sb in
let chks = chunks moves in
let buf = Buffer.create cost.(String.length sa).(String.length sb) in
let rec loop i j = function
| [] -> ()
| (Same, n) :: rest ->
if n <= 2 * context then
Buffer.add_substring buf sa i n
else begin
Buffer.add_substring buf sa i context;
Buffer.add_string buf "...\n...";
Buffer.add_substring buf sa (i + n - context) context;
loop (i + n) (j + n) rest
| (Add, n) :: rest ->
Buffer.add_string buf "[+";
Buffer.add_substring buf sb j n;
Buffer.add_char buf ']';
loop i (j + n) rest
| (Del, n) :: rest ->
Buffer.add_string buf "[-";
Buffer.add_substring buf sa i n;
Buffer.add_char buf ']';
loop (i + n) j rest
try loop 0 0 chks with _ -> ()
Buffer.contents buf
Тестовое задание:
# print_endline @@ diff 4
"le gros chat mange beaucoup de croquettes au saumon"
"le chat maigre mange peu de croquettes au saumon"
le[- gros] chat[+ maigre] mange [+p][-b]e[-auco]u[-p] de ...