ng2-bootstrap - отключить даты
Я пытаюсь отключить некоторые даты с помощью указателя даты ng2-bootstrap. Я пробовал разные варианты, но даты не отключены. Как я могу это исправить?
export class AppComponent {
public dt:Date = new Date();
public minDate:Date = void 0;
public events:Array<any>;
public tomorrow:Date;
public afterTomorrow:Date;
public formats:Array<string> = ['DD-MM-YYYY', 'YYYY/MM/DD', 'DD.MM.YYYY', 'shortDate'];
public format:string = this.formats[0];
public dateOptions:any = {
formatYear: 'YY',
startingDay: 1
// This is the property as it is in the documentation
public dateDisabled:Array<{date:Date, mode:string}>;
private opened:boolean = false;
public constructor() {
(this.tomorrow = new Date()).setDate(this.tomorrow.getDate() + 1);
(this.afterTomorrow = new Date()).setDate(this.tomorrow.getDate() + 2);
this.minDate = new Date(); = [
{date: this.tomorrow, status: 'full'},
{date: this.afterTomorrow, status: 'partially'}
// This is my array with disabled dates
this.dateDisabled = [
{date: moment('13-07-2016', 'DD-MM-YYYY').toDate(), mode: 'day'}
// This is the way I use the datepicker in my view
<datepicker [(ngModel)]="dt" [dateDisabled]="dateDisabled"></datepicker>