PHP Parse проходит через # дней, но хочет ограничить количество выводов
Поэтому я использую следующий длинный фрагмент кода для составления списка предстоящих событий. Он запрашивает количество дней, в течение которых вы хотите отобразить события, скажем, 10 дней, и группирует столько событий за эти 10 дней. Я изменил код, чтобы не было только одного заголовка для данной даты с несколькими событиями под ним, вместо того, чтобы отображалась каждая дата события. Однако это все еще дает мне все события следующих 10 дней. Я хотел бы ограничить код так, чтобы из многочисленных событий следующих 10 дней он только возвращал / отображал / выводил 6 событий.
Я почти уверен, что мне нужно изменить здесь: for ($i=0; $i<$days_to_display; $i++)
но $days_to_display
немного делает это сложно.
Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью!
// List View of Coming Events v .9
// Plug-in for PHPiCalendar 2.0 / 2.1
// developed by Johnathon Wright (my initials @
// Original Publication Date: 2005 10 28
// Originally Developed for St. Barnabas Episcopal Church website
// Include this file from your PHP-enabled front page.
// Do something like this:
// <?PHP include 'd:/inetpub/.../phpical/event_list.php';
// DEFINE the base PHPiCalendar directory below.
define('BASE', 'c:/inetpub/');
// create an actual PHPiCalendar instance
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=$charset");
// at this point, the calendar has been generated and its data
// is stored in $master_array. Test to ensure that this is working by
// un-commenting the lines below.
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
// A few settings...
// days_to_display_default should be a positive integer.
$days_to_display_default = 14;
// In Mozilla Sunbird, events can be set to PRIVATE.
// PHPiCalendar does not display the title or description for
// these events, but does display the time, if applicable.
// If you want to hide these events, set $show_private_events to FALSE.
// Otherwise, it should be TRUE
$show_private_events = TRUE;
// day_to_begin should be a text string. See
// for full documentation. Some values I tested:
// -------------------------------------------------------
// last monday - the most recent Monday.
// thursday - this gave me the date of the next Wednesday.
// yesterday - yesterday
// today - today
// next week - +2 weeks (How can this be? Don't ask me, it's PHP...)
// 1 week - a week from today
$day_to_begin = "today";
// Replace with the commented code if you would NOT like
// users to be able to set this value on their own.
$days_to_display = $days_to_display_default;
// this code replaces the above code if you want to prevent
// users from setting the number of days to display
$days_to_display = $days_to_display_default;
// This next section seems terribly inefficient. We calculate the unix
// timestamp of first-thing-this-morning by finding out the date
// and then looking up the timestamp for that date...
// Again, the commented code prevents users from setting their own start date.
$date_start = date('Ymd', strtotime("now"));
$timestamp_start = strtotime(dateOfWeek($getdate, $date_start));
$date_start = date('Ymd', strtotime("now"));
$timestamp_start = strtotime(dateOfWeek($getdate, $date_start));
// Display the date range for this list
$timestamp_end = $timestamp_start + ($days_to_display * 24 * 60 * 60);
// seed the iterator $thisdate with todays timestamp.
// It will loop through $days_to_display...
$thisdate = $timestamp_start;
// Loop through the days, finding events in each day
for ($i=0; $i<$days_to_display; $i++)
$thisday = date("Ymd", $thisdate);
if (isset($master_array[$thisday]))
echo "<br/>";
foreach($master_array[($thisday)] as $event_start_time => $event_set)
foreach ($event_set as $event_id => $event_info)
// Where are we?
// date is $thisdate
// time is $event_start_time
// event is $event_id;
if (! (($event_info['event_text'] == '**PRIVATE**') && ($show_private_events == FALSE)))
// event title
echo "<li>";
echo "<span class='bold_text'>" . stripslashes(urldecode($event_info['event_text'])) . "</span><br/>";
// event time range, if not an all-day event
echo " <span style='display: block;'>". date("D. F jS", $thisdate) . "";
if (! (($event_info['event_start'] == '0000') && ($event_info['event_end'] == '0000')))
echo ":
" . date("g:ia", $event_info['start_unixtime']) . " - " . date("g:ia", $event_info['end_unixtime'])."</span>";
// event location
if (strlen($event_info['location']) > 0)
echo " <span class='italic_text'>" . stripslashes(urldecode($event_info['location'])) . "</span>";
if ( (($event_info['event_start'] == '0000') && ($event_info['event_end'] == '0000')))
echo "all day";
// event description.
echo "</li>";
} // IF private event AND we don't want to see those
}// END enter this event
} // END foreach event
} // END if there are any events today in the array
// iterator should be the next day.
// Why is this 25? Shouldn't it be 24?
$thisdate = ($thisdate + (25 * 60 * 60));
2 ответа
Установите где-нибудь счетчик, чтобы отслеживать, сколько событий было выведено, и завершите цикл, как только вы достигнете предела:
$limit = 6;
$displayed = 0;
foreach(...) {
if (show_event()) {
... show event ...
if ($displayed >= $limit) {
Это не может быть лучшим способом! Но вы можете добавить еще один цикл for над foreach, например:
for ($i=0; $i<$days_to_display; $i++)
$thisday = date("Ymd", $thisdate);
if (isset($master_array[$thisday]))
echo "<br/>";
for($k=0;$k<=$noofevents;$k++) //Where $noofevents is the number of events!
foreach($master_array[($thisday)] as $event_start_time => $event_set)
foreach ($event_set as $event_id => $event_info)
// Where are we?
// date is $thisdate
// time is $event_start_time
// event is $event_id;
if (! (($event_info['event_text'] == '**PRIVATE**') && ($show_private_events == FALSE)))
// event title
echo "<li>";
echo "<span class='bold_text'>" . stripslashes(urldecode($event_info['event_text'])) . "</span><br/>";
// event time range, if not an all-day event
echo " <span style='display: block;'>". date("D. F jS", $thisdate) . "";
if (! (($event_info['event_start'] == '0000') && ($event_info['event_end'] == '0000')))
echo ":
" . date("g:ia", $event_info['start_unixtime']) . " - " . date("g:ia", $event_info['end_unixtime'])."</span>";
// event location
if (strlen($event_info['location']) > 0)
echo " <span class='italic_text'>" . stripslashes(urldecode($event_info['location'])) . "</span>";
if ( (($event_info['event_start'] == '0000') && ($event_info['event_end'] == '0000')))
echo "all day";
// event description.
echo "</li>";
} // IF private event AND we don't want to see those
}// END enter this event
} // END foreach event
} // END for x events
} //END if isset
}//END for days