Unit-testing > unreachable code detected warning


Compiler gives me a warning at a return line with a message:

Unreachable code detected


How can I refactor my unit test so I don't get compiler warning? Any other feedback is also welcome.


у меня есть Bar class that wraps WCF calls. If exception happens somewhere inside a call, the wrapper would log an error and throw a WCF fault. Вот класс:

public class Bar
    private readonly ILog _execeptionLog;

    public Bar(ILog execeptionLog)
        if (execeptionLog == null) 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("execeptionLog");

        _execeptionLog = execeptionLog;

    public TResult TryExecute<TResult>(Func<TResult> action)
        if (action == null) 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("action");

            return action.Invoke();
        catch (Exception ex)
            var fault = FooFault.CreateFrom(ex);
            throw new FaultException<FooFault>(fault);

I try to unit test this class to ensure that I get a fault with correct details. Here is my unit test method

public void TryExecute_ActionThrowsException_FaultDetailIsNotNull()
    var mock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ILog>();
    var uut = new Bar(mock);
    var ex = new ArgumentException("foo");

        int actual = uut.TryExecute(() =>
            throw ex;
            return 1; //<<<<<<<< Unrechable code detected here
    catch (FaultException<FooFault> fault)

1 ответ


Вы могли бы сделать это...

int actual = uut.TryExecute<int>(() =>
    throw ex;
    // return 1; //<<<<<<<< Unrechable code detected here

И это полно...

var uut = new Bar(null);
var ex = new ArgumentException("foo");
    int actual = uut.TryExecute<int>(() =>
        throw ex;
catch (Exception fault)
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