Тот же код, другая производительность: имитация отжига (Ruby vs Java)
Я попытался преобразовать код Ruby, указанный в [ http://www.cleveralgorithms.com/nature-inspired/physical/simulated_annealing.html][1] для решения задачи коммивояжера с использованием имитации отжига, и оба кода выполнялись без любые ошибки. Однако я обнаружил, что они оба по-разному работают на одном и том же экземпляре проблемы (berlin52 из TSPLIB). Код Ruby обычно получает лучшее решение между 9000 и 10000, в то время как код Java получает лучшее решение между 16000 и 17000. Может ли быть какая-то часть моего кода Java, которая не была реализована должным образом? Я проверил, но не смог найти ни одного! Заранее спасибо.
Рубиновый код:
def euc_2d(c1, c2)
Math.sqrt((c1[0] - c2[0])**2.0 + (c1[1] - c2[1])**2.0).round
def cost(permutation, cities)
distance =0
permutation.each_with_index do |c1, i|
c2 = (i==permutation.size-1) ? permutation[0] : permutation[i+1]
distance += euc_2d(cities[c1], cities[c2])
return distance
def random_permutation(cities)
perm = Array.new(cities.size){|i| i}
perm.each_index do |i|
r = rand(perm.size-i) + i
perm[r], perm[i] = perm[i], perm[r]
return perm
def stochastic_two_opt!(perm)
c1, c2 = rand(perm.size), rand(perm.size)
exclude = [c1]
exclude << ((c1==0) ? perm.size-1 : c1-1)
exclude << ((c1==perm.size-1) ? 0 : c1+1)
c2 = rand(perm.size) while exclude.include?(c2)
c1, c2 = c2, c1 if c2 < c1
perm[c1...c2] = perm[c1...c2].reverse
return perm
def create_neighbor(current, cities)
candidate = {}
candidate[:vector] = Array.new(current[:vector])
candidate[:cost] = cost(candidate[:vector], cities)
return candidate
def should_accept?(candidate, current, temp)
return true if candidate[:cost] <= current[:cost]
return Math.exp((current[:cost] - candidate[:cost]) / temp) > rand()
def search(cities, max_iter, max_temp, temp_change)
current = {:vector=>random_permutation(cities)}
current[:cost] = cost(current[:vector], cities)
temp, best = max_temp, current
max_iter.times do |iter|
candidate = create_neighbor(current, cities)
temp = temp * temp_change
current = candidate if should_accept?(candidate, current, temp)
best = candidate if candidate[:cost] < best[:cost]
if (iter+1).modulo(10) == 0
puts " > iteration #{(iter+1)}, temp=#{temp}, best=#{best[:cost]}"
return best
if __FILE__ == $0
# problem configuration
berlin52 = [[565,575],[25,185],[345,750],[945,685],[845,655],
# algorithm configuration
max_iterations = 2000
max_temp = 100000.0
temp_change = 0.98
# execute the algorithm
best = search(berlin52, max_iterations, max_temp, temp_change)
puts "Done. Best Solution: c=#{best[:cost]}, v=#{best[:vector].inspect}"
package localsearch;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.*;
public class SimulatedAnnealing {
public static Random rand = new Random();
public static double[][] berlin52 = {{565,575},{25,185},{345,750},{945,685},{845,655},
public static void main (String[] args){
double[][] cities = berlin52;
// Algorithm configuration
int maxIterations = 2000;
double maxTemperature = 100000.0;
double tempChange = 0.98;
// Execute the algorithm
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Candidate best = search(berlin52, maxIterations, maxTemperature, tempChange);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Done. Best Solution: c = " + best.cost + ", v = " + best.vector);
System.out.println("Time taken: " + (endTime - startTime) / 1000.0);
public static double euc2d(double[] c1, double[] c2){
return round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(c1[0] - c2[0], 2.0) + Math.pow(c1[1] - c2[1], 2.0)), 0);
public static double cost(List<Integer> permutation, double[][] cities){
double distance = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < permutation.size(); i++) {
int c1 = i;
int c2 = (i == permutation.size()-1)? permutation.get(0) : permutation.get(i+1);
distance += euc2d(cities[c1], cities[c2]);
return round(distance, 4);
public static ArrayList<Integer> randomPermutation(double[][] cities){
int n = cities.length;
ArrayList<Integer> perm = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int r = (rand.nextInt(n) + i) % n;
Collections.swap(perm, i, r);
return perm;
public static List<Integer> stochasticTwoOpt(List<Integer> perm){
int c1 = rand.nextInt(perm.size());
while (c1 == 0)
c1 = rand.nextInt(perm.size());
int c2 = rand.nextInt(perm.size());
ArrayList<Integer> exclude = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(c1, 0));
exclude.add((c1==0) ? perm.size()-1 : c1-1);
exclude.add((c1 == (perm.size()-1)) ? 0 : c1+1);
while (exclude.contains(c2))
c2 = rand.nextInt(perm.size());
if (c2 < c1){
int temp = c1;
c1 = c2;
c2 = temp;
return twoOpt(perm, c1, c2);
public static List<Integer> twoOpt(List<Integer> perm, int i, int j){
ArrayList<Integer> newPerm = new ArrayList<>(perm.subList(0, i));
ArrayList<Integer> reversedPortion = new ArrayList<>(perm.subList(i, j + 1));
newPerm.addAll(perm.subList(j + 1, perm.size()));
return newPerm;
public static double round(double d, int numbersAfterDecimalPoint) {
double n = Math.pow(10, numbersAfterDecimalPoint);
double d2 = d * n;
long lon = (long) d2;
lon = ((long) (d2 + 0.5) > lon) ? lon + 1 : lon;
return (lon) / n;
public static class Candidate {
public double cost;
public List<Integer> vector;
public Candidate(List<Integer> vector, double cost){
this.vector = vector;
this.cost = cost;
public Candidate(){
vector = new ArrayList<>();
cost = 0.0;
public Candidate(Candidate candidate){
this.vector = new ArrayList<>(candidate.vector);
this.cost = candidate.cost;
public static Candidate createNeighbor(Candidate current, double[][] cities){
Candidate candidate = new Candidate();
candidate.vector = new ArrayList<>(current.vector);
candidate.vector = stochasticTwoOpt(candidate.vector);
candidate.cost = cost(candidate.vector, cities);
return candidate;
public static boolean shouldAccept (Candidate candidate, Candidate current, double temperature){
if(candidate.cost <= current.cost)
return true;
return Math.exp((current.cost - candidate.cost) / temperature) > rand.nextDouble();
public static Candidate search(double[][] cities, int maxIterations, double maxTemperature, double tempChange){
ArrayList<Integer> initPerm = randomPermutation(cities);
Candidate current = new Candidate(initPerm, cost(initPerm, cities));
double temp = maxTemperature;
Candidate best = new Candidate(current);
for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIterations; iter++) {
Candidate candidate = createNeighbor(current, cities);
temp *= tempChange;
if(shouldAccept(candidate, current, temp))
current = new Candidate(candidate);
if (candidate.cost < best.cost)
best = new Candidate(candidate);
if ((iter+1) % 10 == 0)
System.out.println("> iteration " + (iter+1) + ", temp = " + temp + ", best = " + best.cost);
return best;