Анимация мяча в качелях
Проблема в том, когда я изменяю размер JFrame
анимация продолжается с предварительно заданными размерами для JComponent
, Есть ли способ, которым я могу обновить свой width
а также height
переменные, как я изменяю размер JFrame
, так что анимация может работать вместе с новыми координатами.
Проще говоря, скажем JComponent
имеет начальный width = 300
а также height = 300
, Итак BALL
движется внутри этих указанных Co-ordinates
, Теперь, если я изменю свой размер JFrame
Размер для JComponent
все еще остается как есть width = 300
а также height = 300
, но я надеялся, что это способ изменить эти переменные в соответствии с текущим размером окна. Дайте мне знать, если мне что-то не хватает в объяснении моей проблемы.
Вот код, который я использую:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class BallAnimation
private int x;
private int y;
private int count;
private int width;
private int height;
private int speedValue;
private boolean flag;
* These variables are used to keep track of
* the ball, either it is going LEFT or RIGHT
* depending on that, we will set the
* Co-ordinates.
private boolean toLeft, toRight;
private boolean fromTop, fromBottom;
private Timer timer;
private JButton button;
private ActionListener actionTimer;
private ActionListener buttonAction;
public BallAnimation()
x = y = count = 0;
flag = toLeft = false;
toRight = true;
fromTop = true;
fromBottom = false;
speedValue = 5;
public static void main(String args[])
Runnable runnable = new Runnable()
public void run()
BallAnimation animation = new BallAnimation();
public void go()
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
//JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
* Class Name :
* Java Naming Convention says that class names
* should be in Pascal Case, i.e. the first
* letter of the class name should be capitalized
* and every new word must start with a capitalized
* Alphabet.
* For Example :
* public class ClassName{...}
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* Variable Name :
* Java Naming Convention says that the variable name
* should be in Camel Case, i.e. the first letter of
* the variable name should be small case or _ (underscore)
* and every new word must start with a capitalized
* Alphabet.
* ---------------------------------------------------------
final MyDraw drawPanel = new MyDraw(0, 0);
x = drawPanel.getXValue();
y = drawPanel.getYValue();
actionTimer = new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x < width && y < height
&& toRight && !toLeft)
x += speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x < width && y >= height
&& toRight && !toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the TOP LEFT Side
* touched the BOTTOM of the JPanel.
y -= speedValue;
x += speedValue;
fromTop = false;
fromBottom = true;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x < width && y <= 0
&& toRight && !toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from BOTTOM LEFT Side
* touched the TOP of the JPanel.
fromTop = true;
fromBottom = false;
x += speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x < width && y < height
&& toRight && !toLeft)
x += speedValue;
y -= speedValue;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x >= width && y < height
&& toRight && !toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the BOTTOM LEFT Side
* touched the RIGHT Side of the JPanel.
toRight = false;
toLeft = true;
x -= speedValue;
y -= speedValue;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x < width && y <= 0
&& !toRight && toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the BOTTOM RIGHT Side
* touched the Top Side of the JPanel.
fromTop = true;
fromBottom = false;
x -= speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x <= 0 && y < height
&& !toRight && toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the TOP RIGHT Side
* touched the LEFT Side of the JPanel.
toRight = true;
toLeft = false;
x += speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x >= width && y < height
&& toRight && !toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the TOP LEFT Side
* touched the RIGHT Side of the JPanel
toRight = false;
toLeft = true;
x -= speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x < width && y < height
&& !toRight && toLeft)
x -= speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x <= 0 && y < height
&& !toRight && toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the BOTTOM RIGHT Side
* touched the LEFT Side of the JPanel.
toRight = true;
toLeft = false;
x += speedValue;
y -= speedValue;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x < width && y < height
&& !toRight && toLeft)
x -= speedValue;
y -= speedValue;
else if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x < width && y >= height
&& !toRight && toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the TOP RIGHT Side
* touched the BOTTOM Side of the JPanel.
fromTop = false;
fromBottom = true;
x -= speedValue;
y -= speedValue;
System.out.println("X : " + x);
System.out.println("Y : " + y);
System.out.println("Direction is LEFT : " + toLeft);
System.out.println("Direction is RIGHT : " + toRight);
System.out.println("Coming from TOP : " + fromTop);
System.out.println("Coming from BOTTOM : " + fromBottom);
drawPanel.setXYValues(x, y);
buttonAction = new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
if (!flag)
button.setText("STOP ANIMATION");
flag = true;
else if (flag)
button.setText("START ANIMATION");
flag = false;
button = new JButton("START ANIMATION");
frame.getContentPane().add(drawPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.getContentPane().add(button, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
frame.setSize(300, 300);
timer = new Timer(40, actionTimer);
width = drawPanel.getWidth() - 30;
System.out.println("WIDTH : " + width);
height = drawPanel.getHeight() - 30;
System.out.println("HEIGHT : " + height);
class MyDraw extends JComponent
private int x;
private int y;
private Timer timer;
public MyDraw(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int getXValue()
return x;
public int getYValue()
return y;
public void setXYValues(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public Dimension getPreferredSize()
return (new Dimension(300, 300));
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
g.fillOval(x, y, 40, 40);
3 ответа
Теперь это целая куча кода! Попробуйте этот вариант (ломает одну или две вещи, но исправляет основную проблему). Исправление заключается в том, чтобы основывать ширину / высоту на текущем размере компонента.
package test;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class BallAnimation
private int x;
private int y;
private int count;
//private int drawPanel.getWidth();
//private int drawPanel.getHeight();
private int speedValue;
private boolean flag;
* These variables are used to keep track of
* the ball, either it is going LEFT or RIGHT
* depending on that, we will set the
* Co-ordinates.
private boolean toLeft, toRight;
private boolean fromTop, fromBottom;
private Timer timer;
private JButton button;
private ActionListener actionTimer;
private ActionListener buttonAction;
MyDraw drawPanel;
public BallAnimation()
x = y = count = 0;
flag = toLeft = false;
toRight = true;
fromTop = true;
fromBottom = false;
speedValue = 5;
public static void main(String args[])
Runnable runnable = new Runnable()
public void run()
BallAnimation animation = new BallAnimation();
public void go()
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
//JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
* Class Name :
* Java Naming Convention says that class names
* should be in Pascal Case, i.e. the first
* letter of the class name should be capitalized
* and every new word must start with a capitalized
* Alphabet.
* For Example :
* public class ClassName{...}
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* Variable Name :
* Java Naming Convention says that the variable name
* should be in Camel Case, i.e. the first letter of
* the variable name should be small case or _ (underscore)
* and every new word must start with a capitalized
* Alphabet.
* ---------------------------------------------------------
drawPanel = new MyDraw(0, 0);
x = drawPanel.getXValue();
y = drawPanel.getYValue();
actionTimer = new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x < drawPanel.getWidth() && y < drawPanel.getHeight()
&& toRight && !toLeft)
x += speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x < drawPanel.getWidth() && y >= drawPanel.getHeight()
&& toRight && !toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the TOP LEFT Side
* touched the BOTTOM of the JPanel.
y -= speedValue;
x += speedValue;
fromTop = false;
fromBottom = true;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x < drawPanel.getWidth() && y <= 0
&& toRight && !toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from BOTTOM LEFT Side
* touched the TOP of the JPanel.
fromTop = true;
fromBottom = false;
x += speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x < drawPanel.getWidth() && y < drawPanel.getHeight()
&& toRight && !toLeft)
x += speedValue;
y -= speedValue;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x >= drawPanel.getWidth() && y < drawPanel.getHeight()
&& toRight && !toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the BOTTOM LEFT Side
* touched the RIGHT Side of the JPanel.
toRight = false;
toLeft = true;
x -= speedValue;
y -= speedValue;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x < drawPanel.getWidth() && y <= 0
&& !toRight && toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the BOTTOM RIGHT Side
* touched the Top Side of the JPanel.
fromTop = true;
fromBottom = false;
x -= speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x <= 0 && y < drawPanel.getHeight()
&& !toRight && toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the TOP RIGHT Side
* touched the LEFT Side of the JPanel.
toRight = true;
toLeft = false;
x += speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x >= drawPanel.getWidth() && y < drawPanel.getHeight()
&& toRight && !toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the TOP LEFT Side
* touched the RIGHT Side of the JPanel
toRight = false;
toLeft = true;
x -= speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x < drawPanel.getWidth() && y < drawPanel.getHeight()
&& !toRight && toLeft)
x -= speedValue;
y += speedValue;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x <= 0 && y < drawPanel.getHeight()
&& !toRight && toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the BOTTOM RIGHT Side
* touched the LEFT Side of the JPanel.
toRight = true;
toLeft = false;
x += speedValue;
y -= speedValue;
else if (!fromTop && fromBottom && x < drawPanel.getWidth() && y < drawPanel.getHeight()
&& !toRight && toLeft)
x -= speedValue;
y -= speedValue;
else if (fromTop && !fromBottom && x < drawPanel.getWidth() && y >= drawPanel.getHeight()
&& !toRight && toLeft)
* Since the ball coming from the TOP RIGHT Side
* touched the BOTTOM Side of the JPanel.
fromTop = false;
fromBottom = true;
x -= speedValue;
y -= speedValue;
System.out.println("X : " + x);
System.out.println("Y : " + y);
System.out.println("Direction is LEFT : " + toLeft);
System.out.println("Direction is RIGHT : " + toRight);
System.out.println("Coming from TOP : " + fromTop);
System.out.println("Coming from BOTTOM : " + fromBottom);
drawPanel.setXYValues(x, y);
buttonAction = new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
if (!flag)
button.setText("STOP ANIMATION");
flag = true;
else if (flag)
button.setText("START ANIMATION");
flag = false;
button = new JButton("START ANIMATION");
frame.getContentPane().add(drawPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.getContentPane().add(button, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
frame.setSize(300, 300);
timer = new Timer(40, actionTimer);
System.out.println("WIDTH : " + drawPanel.getWidth());
System.out.println("HEIGHT : " + drawPanel.getHeight());
class MyDraw extends JComponent
private int x;
private int y;
private Timer timer;
public MyDraw(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int getXValue()
return x;
public int getYValue()
return y;
public void setXYValues(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public Dimension getPreferredSize()
return (new Dimension(300, 300));
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
g.fillOval(x, y, 40, 40);
Просто нужно добавить HierarchyBoundsListener (...), к вашему MyDraw
объект, т.е. drawPanel
как описано ниже:
private HierarchyBoundsListener boundsListener =
new HierarchyBoundsListener()
public void ancestorMoved(HierarchyEvent he)
public void ancestorResized(HierarchyEvent he)
JComponent component = (JComponent) he.getComponent();
width = component.getWidth() - 30;
height = component.getHeight() - 30;
И добавить это к вашему drawPanel
объект, вы будете делать:
Я ожидаю, что вам просто нужно связать некоторое разнообразие слушателя (WindowEventListener
?) к JFrame, так что width
а также height
обновляются при изменении размеров окна.