Клипы: "факт-X" появляется при запуске, и выбор цикла

Я делаю экспертную систему диагностики транспортных средств на основе ссылки. Мне удалось запустить мою систему и она работает успешно, но в конце она отображает "Fact-x"(X - число фактов). Вот дерево решений и код для справки:

;; initialize
(deffacts init (start))

;;Main Menu
(defrule Menu
     ?ml  <- (start)
(printout t crlf crlf crlf 
     "Choose one of the problem areas listed below" crlf crlf
  " 1-  Brake Pedal System. "crlf crlf
  " 2-  Gearbox. "crlf crlf
  " 3-          ." crlf crlf
  " 4-  END SYSTEM. "crlf crlf crlf 
  " Enter no. of your choice: ")
    (bind ?response (read))
    (switch ?response 
        (case 1 then (assert (type 0-1)))
        (case 2 then (assert (type 0-2)))
        (case 3 then (assert (type 0-3)))
        (case 4 then (assert (type quit))))
    (printout t crlf)
    (retract ?ml)))

   ;; submenu1
   (defrule subMenu1 
   ?ml <-  (type 0-1)
  (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
     "Choose which topic best relates to your problem? "crlf crlf
  " 1-1 Car Pulls One Side When Braking. "crlf crlf 
  " 1-2 Rear Brake Drag. "crlf crlf
  " 1-3 Brake squeal. "crlf crlf 
  " 1-4 END SYSTEM. "crlf crlf crlf
  " Enter no. of your choice: ")
    (bind ?response (read))
    (switch ?response 
        (case 1-1 then (assert (type 1-1)))
        (case 1-2 then (assert (type 1-2)))
        (case 1-3 then (assert (type 1-3)))
        (case 1-4 then (assert (type quit))))
    (printout t crlf)
    (retract ?ml)))

;; END System
(defrule user-quits
(type quit)
(printout t "You have EXIT the System." crlf)

  ;; Rule 1 based on choice 1-1
  (defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking
   ?ml <-  (type 1-1)
     (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
     " Was your tyre uneven? (yes|no) "crlf crlf
     " Your answer: ")
     (assert (ifYesNochoice (read))))
    (printout t crlf)
    (retract ?ml)))

 ;;Rule 2 based on Yes answer in Rule 1
 (defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking1
    ?ml <- (ifYesNochoice yes)
    (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
    " Please check your tyre pressure "crlf crlf
    " Is it in good condition? (yes|no) "crlf crlf
    " Your answer: "
    (assert (ifYesNochoice1 (read)))))
    (printout t crlf)
    (retract ?ml)))

 ;;Rule 3 based on Yes answer in Rule 2
 (defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking2
  ?ml <-  (ifYesNochoice1 yes)
    (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
    " Then your car should be no problem. " crlf crlf
    " Thanks for using Vehicle Diagnosis Failure System. " crlf crlf))
    (printout t crlf)
    (retract ?ml)

 ;; Rule 4 based on NO answer in Rule 2
 (defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking3
  ?ml <-  (ifYesNochoice1 no)
    (printout t crlf crlf crlf
    " Please inflate all the tyres according to the tyre plycard. "crlf crlf
    " Please check again with your technician if problem is solved. "crlf crlf
    " Thanks for using Vehicle Diagnosis Failure System. "crlf crlf))
    (printout t crlf)
    (retract ?ml)

 ;; Rule 5 based on NO answer in Rule 1
 (defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking4
  ?ml <-  (ifYesNochoice no)
     (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
     " Do you feel a stuck calliper? (yes|no) "crlf crlf
     " Your answer: ")
     (assert (ifYesNochoice2 (read))))
    (printout t crlf)
    (retract ?ml)))

 ;; Rule 6 based on NO answer to Rule 5 
 (defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking5
  ?ml <-  (ifYesNochoice2 no)
    (assert (type1-1))
    (printout t crlf)
    (retract ?ml))

  ;; Rule 7 based on yes answer in Rule 6
  (defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking6
  ?ml <-  (ifYesNochoice2 yes)
     (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
     " Did you service your brake calliper? (yes|no) "crlf crlf
     " Your answer: ")
     (assert (ifYesNochoice3 (read))))
    (printout t crlf)
    (retract ?ml)))

Мой вопрос заключается в следующем:

1) Как мне НЕ отображать факты-X после запуска системы. Показанные результаты являются следующими: (Обратите внимание на факт-X)


2) Если я хочу сделать цикл для моего вопроса на основе НЕТ для Правила 1 в выборе 1-1. (Например, если для Правила 1 запускается NO, он переходит к следующей проблеме (Правило 6), как показано в дереве решений. Однако, если для Правила 6 не запускается Нет, он не возвращается к Правилу 1.) Как их зациклить?

1 ответ

Ваш код полон неправильно сбалансированных скобок. При загрузке кода генерируется несколько предупреждений:

CLIPS> (clear)
CLIPS> (load "rules.clp")
[CSTRCPSR1] Expected the beginning of a construct.
[CSTRCPSR1] Expected the beginning of a construct.
[CSTRCPSR1] Expected the beginning of a construct.
[CSTRCPSR1] Expected the beginning of a construct.
[CSTRCPSR1] Expected the beginning of a construct.
[CSTRCPSR1] Expected the beginning of a construct.
[CSTRCPSR1] Expected the beginning of a construct.
[CSTRCPSR1] Expected the beginning of a construct.


Вот правило, которое заставляет печатать Факт 5:

(defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking1
   ?ml <- (ifYesNochoice yes)
   (printout t 
      crlf crlf crlf 
      " Please check your tyre pressure "crlf crlf
      " Is it in good condition? (yes|no) "crlf crlf
      " Your answer: "
      (assert (ifYesNochoice1 (read)))
(printout t crlf)
(retract ?ml)))

Я отступил в коде, чтобы проиллюстрировать баланс открывающих и закрывающих скобок. Утверждение assert включено в качестве аргумента в первую команду printout, поэтому вы видите напечатанный Fact-5. Вторые команды printout и retract не включены в тело правила, поэтому они не будут выполняться при выполнении правила.

Исправленные правила:

;; initialize
(deffacts init (start))

;; Main Menu
(defrule Menu
   ?ml  <- (start)
   (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
      "Choose one of the problem areas listed below" crlf crlf
      " 1-  Brake Pedal System. "crlf crlf
      " 2-  Gearbox. "crlf crlf
      " 3-          ." crlf crlf
      " 4-  END SYSTEM. "crlf crlf crlf 
      " Enter no. of your choice: ")
   (bind ?response (read))
   (switch ?response 
      (case 1 then (assert (type 0-1)))
      (case 2 then (assert (type 0-2)))
      (case 3 then (assert (type 0-3)))
      (case 4 then (assert (type quit))))
   (printout t crlf)
   (retract ?ml))

;; submenu1
(defrule subMenu1 
   ?ml <- (type 0-1)
   (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
      "Choose which topic best relates to your problem? "crlf crlf
      " 1-1 Car Pulls One Side When Braking. "crlf crlf 
      " 1-2 Rear Brake Drag. "crlf crlf
      " 1-3 Brake squeal. "crlf crlf 
      " 1-4 END SYSTEM. "crlf crlf crlf
      " Enter no. of your choice: ")
   (bind ?response (read))
   (switch ?response 
      (case 1-1 then (assert (type 1-1)))
      (case 1-2 then (assert (type 1-2)))
      (case 1-3 then (assert (type 1-3)))
      (case 1-4 then (assert (type quit))))
   (printout t crlf)
   (retract ?ml))

;; END System
(defrule user-quits
   (type quit)
   (printout t "You have EXIT the System." crlf)

;; Rule 1 based on choice 1-1
(defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking
   ?ml <- (type 1-1)
   (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
      " Was your tyre uneven? (yes|no) "crlf crlf
      " Your answer: ")
   (assert (ifYesNochoice (read)))
   (printout t crlf)
   (retract ?ml))

;; Rule 2 based on Yes answer in Rule 1
(defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking1
   ?ml <- (ifYesNochoice yes)
   (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
      " Please check your tyre pressure "crlf crlf
      " Is it in good condition? (yes|no) "crlf crlf
      " Your answer: ")
   (assert (ifYesNochoice1 (read)))
   (printout t crlf)
   (retract ?ml))

;; Rule 3 based on Yes answer in Rule 2
(defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking2
   ?ml <-  (ifYesNochoice1 yes)
   (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
      " Then your car should be no problem. " crlf crlf
      " Thanks for using Vehicle Diagnosis Failure System. " crlf crlf)
   (printout t crlf)
   (retract ?ml)

 ;; Rule 4 based on NO answer in Rule 2
(defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking3
   ?ml <-  (ifYesNochoice1 no)
   (printout t crlf crlf crlf
      " Please inflate all the tyres according to the tyre plycard. "crlf crlf
      " Please check again with your technician if problem is solved. "crlf crlf
      " Thanks for using Vehicle Diagnosis Failure System. "crlf crlf)
   (printout t crlf)
   (retract ?ml)

;; Rule 5 based on NO answer in Rule 1
(defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking4
   ?ml <-  (ifYesNochoice no)
   (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
      " Do you feel a stuck calliper? (yes|no) "crlf crlf
      " Your answer: ")
   (assert (ifYesNochoice2 (read)))
   (printout t crlf)
   (retract ?ml))

;; Rule 6 based on NO answer to Rule 5 
(defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking5
   ?ml <-  (ifYesNochoice2 no)
   (assert (type 1-1))
   (printout t crlf)
   (retract ?ml))

;; Rule 7 based on yes answer in Rule 6
(defrule car_pulls_one_side_when_braking6
   ?ml <-  (ifYesNochoice2 yes)
   (printout t crlf crlf crlf 
      " Did you service your brake calliper? (yes|no) "crlf crlf
      " Your answer: ")
   (assert (ifYesNochoice3 (read)))
   (printout t crlf)
   (retract ?ml))
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