Экспоненциальный интеграл и гамма-функция

Чтобы решить эту проблему, без итерации: рекурсия: сумма серий из n членов

расчет для заданного n: 1 + 2 * 3 + 3 * 4 * 5 + 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 +... + n * (n + 1)...(2n-1)

с этим математическим ответом: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1590673/formula-to-calculate-directly-1-23-345-4567-nn1-2n

Это здесь библиотека в Java, чтобы получить экспоненциальный интеграл и гамма-функцию?

как в этой формуле:



1 ответ

В библиотеке Apache Commons Math есть класс Gamma.

Я адаптировал код со страницы экспоненциальных интегралов с C на Java для Ei(x):

package wilx.math.exponential.integrals;

 * @author wilx
public class ExponentialIntegrals
    // Internally Defined Constants //
    static final double DBL_EPSILON = Math.ulp(1.0);
    static final double epsilon = 10.0 * DBL_EPSILON;
    static final double DBL_MAX = Double.MAX_VALUE;

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // double xExponential_Integral_Ei( double x ) //
    // //
    // Description: //
    // The exponential integral Ei(x) is the integral with integrand //
    // exp(t) / t //
    // where the integral extends from -inf to x. //
    // Note that there is a singularity at t = 0. Therefore for x > 0, the //
    // integral is defined to be the Cauchy principal value: //
    // lim { I[-inf, -eta] exp(-t) dt / t + I[eta, x] exp(-t) dt / t } //
    // in which the limit is taken as eta > 0 approaches 0 and I[a,b] //
    // denotes the integral from a to b. //
    // //
    // Arguments: //
    // double x The argument of the exponential integral Ei(). //
    // //
    // Return Value: //
    // The value of the exponential integral Ei evaluated at x. //
    // If x = 0.0, then Ei is -inf and -DBL_MAX is returned. //
    // //
    // Example: //
    // double y, x; //
    // //
    // ( code to initialize x ) //
    // //
    // y = xExponential_Integral_Ei( x ); //
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    public static double Exponential_Integral_Ei(final double x)
        if (x < -5.0)
            return Continued_Fraction_Ei(x);
        if (x == 0.0)
            return -DBL_MAX;
        if (x < 6.8)
            return Power_Series_Ei(x);
        if (x < 50.0)
            return Argument_Addition_Series_Ei(x);
        return Continued_Fraction_Ei(x);

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // static double Continued_Fraction_Ei( double x ) //
    // //
    // Description: //
    // For x < -5 or x > 50, the continued fraction representation of Ei //
    // converges fairly rapidly. //
    // //
    // The continued fraction expansion of Ei(x) is: //
    // Ei(x) = -exp(x) { 1/(-x+1-) 1/(-x+3-) 4/(-x+5-) 9/(-x+7-) ... }. //
    // //
    // //
    // Arguments: //
    // double x //
    // The argument of the exponential integral Ei(). //
    // //
    // Return Value: //
    // The value of the exponential integral Ei evaluated at x. //
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    private static double Continued_Fraction_Ei(final double x)
        double Am1 = 1.0;
        double A0 = 0.0;
        double Bm1 = 0.0;
        double B0 = 1.0;
        double a = expl(x);
        double b = -x + 1.0;
        double Ap1 = b * A0 + a * Am1;
        double Bp1 = b * B0 + a * Bm1;
        int j = 1;

        a = 1.0;
        while (fabsl(Ap1 * B0 - A0 * Bp1) > epsilon * fabsl(A0 * Bp1))
            if (fabsl(Bp1) > 1.0)
                Am1 = A0 / Bp1;
                A0 = Ap1 / Bp1;
                Bm1 = B0 / Bp1;
                B0 = 1.0;
                Am1 = A0;
                A0 = Ap1;
                Bm1 = B0;
                B0 = Bp1;
            a = -j * j;
            b += 2.0;
            Ap1 = b * A0 + a * Am1;
            Bp1 = b * B0 + a * Bm1;
            j += 1;
        return (-Ap1 / Bp1);

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // static double Power_Series_Ei( double x ) //
    // //
    // Description: //
    // For -5 < x < 6.8, the power series representation for //
    // (Ei(x) - gamma - ln|x|)/exp(x) is used, where gamma is Euler's gamma //
    // constant. //
    // Note that for x = 0.0, Ei is -inf. In which case -DBL_MAX is //
    // returned. //
    // //
    // The power series expansion of (Ei(x) - gamma - ln|x|) / exp(x) is //
    // - Sum(1 + 1/2 + ... + 1/j) (-x)^j / j!, where the Sum extends //
    // from j = 1 to inf. //
    // //
    // Arguments: //
    // double x //
    // The argument of the exponential integral Ei(). //
    // //
    // Return Value: //
    // The value of the exponential integral Ei evaluated at x. //
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    private static double Power_Series_Ei(final double x)
        double xn = -x;
        double Sn = -x;
        double Sm1 = 0.0;
        double hsum = 1.0;
        final double g = 0.5772156649015328606065121;
        double y = 1.0;
        double factorial = 1.0;

        if (x == 0.0)
            return -DBL_MAX;

        while (fabsl(Sn - Sm1) > epsilon * fabsl(Sm1))
            Sm1 = Sn;
            y += 1.0;
            xn *= (-x);
            factorial *= y;
            hsum += (1.0 / y);
            Sn += hsum * xn / factorial;
        return (g + logl(fabsl(x)) - expl(x) * Sn);

    static final double ei[] = { 1.915047433355013959531e2,
        4.403798995348382689974e2, 1.037878290717089587658e3,
        2.492228976241877759138e3, 6.071406374098611507965e3,
        1.495953266639752885229e4, 3.719768849068903560439e4,
        9.319251363396537129882e4, 2.349558524907683035782e5,
        5.955609986708370018502e5, 1.516637894042516884433e6,
        3.877904330597443502996e6, 9.950907251046844760026e6,
        2.561565266405658882048e7, 6.612718635548492136250e7,
        1.711446713003636684975e8, 4.439663698302712208698e8,
        1.154115391849182948287e9, 3.005950906525548689841e9,
        7.842940991898186370453e9, 2.049649711988081236484e10,
        5.364511859231469415605e10, 1.405991957584069047340e11,
        3.689732094072741970640e11, 9.694555759683939661662e11,
        2.550043566357786926147e12, 6.714640184076497558707e12,
        1.769803724411626854310e13, 4.669055014466159544500e13,
        1.232852079912097685431e14, 3.257988998672263996790e14,
        8.616388199965786544948e14, 2.280446200301902595341e15,
        6.039718263611241578359e15, 1.600664914324504111070e16,
        4.244796092136850759368e16, 1.126348290166966760275e17,
        2.990444718632336675058e17, 7.943916035704453771510e17,
        2.111342388647824195000e18, 5.614329680810343111535e18,
        1.493630213112993142255e19, 3.975442747903744836007e19,
        1.058563689713169096306e20 };

    private static double expl(final double x)
        return Math.exp(x);

    private static double fabsl(final double x)
        return Math.abs(x);

    private static double logl(final double x)
        return Math.log(x);

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // static double Argument_Addition_Series_Ei(double x) //
    // //
    // Description: //
    // For 6.8 < x < 50.0, the argument addition series is used to calculate //
    // Ei. //
    // //
    // The argument addition series for Ei(x) is: //
    // Ei(x+dx) = Ei(x) + exp(x) Sum j! [exp(j) expj(-dx) - 1] / x^(j+1), //
    // where the Sum extends from j = 0 to inf, |x| > |dx| and expj(y) is //
    // the exponential polynomial expj(y) = Sum y^k / k!, the Sum extending //
    // from k = 0 to k = j. //
    // //
    // Arguments: //
    // double x //
    // The argument of the exponential integral Ei(). //
    // //
    // Return Value: //
    // The value of the exponential integral Ei evaluated at x. //
    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    private static double Argument_Addition_Series_Ei(final double x)
        final int k = (int) (x + 0.5);
        int j = 0;
        final double xx = k;
        final double dx = x - xx;
        double xxj = xx;

        final double edx = expl(dx);
        double Sm = 1.0;
        double Sn = (edx - 1.0) / xxj;
        double term = DBL_MAX;
        double factorial = 1.0;
        double dxj = 1.0;

        while (fabsl(term) > epsilon * fabsl(Sn))
            factorial *= j;
            xxj *= xx;
            dxj *= (-dx);
            Sm += (dxj / factorial);
            term = (factorial * (edx * Sm - 1.0)) / xxj;
            Sn += term;

        return ei[k - 7] + Sn * expl(xx);
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