Удвоение изображения и размера текста для увеличения

Я пытаюсь удвоить размер изображений и текста для отображения внутри лупы, и у меня это в основном вниз, но увеличенное изображение не соответствует меньшему изображению. Поэтому при увеличении я не могу видеть углы изображения, поскольку изображение увеличивается только при наведении на него курсора.

То же самое для текста, я не хочу указывать ширину, потому что при наведении увеличенный текст не совпадает с тем, где находится курсор.

;(function(factory) {
 if ( typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ) {
  define( ['jquery'], factory );
 } else if ( typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object' ) {
  module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
 } else {
  factory( jQuery );
}(function ($) {

 "use strict";
 $.anythingZoomer = function(el, options) {
  var n, o, t, base = this;
  base.$wrap = $(el);
  base.wrap = el;

  // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object
  base.$wrap.data('zoomer', base);

  base.version = '2.2.6';

  base.init = function() {
   base.options = o = $.extend( {}, $.anythingZoomer.defaultOptions, options );

   // default class names
   n = $.anythingZoomer.classNames;

   // true when small element is showing, false when large is visible
   base.state = true;
   base.enabled = true;
   base.hovered = false;

   base.$wrap.addClass(n.wrap).wrapInner('<span class="' + n.wrapInner + '"/>');
   base.$inner = base.$wrap.find('.' + n.wrapInner);
   base.$small = base.$wrap.find('.' + o.smallArea);
   base.$large = base.$wrap.find('.' + o.largeArea);


   // Add classes after getting size

    .bind('mouseenter' + n.namespace, function() {
     if (!base.enabled) { return; }
     base.saved = base.enabled;
     base.hovered = true;
     if (o.delay) {
      base.enabled = false;
      base.delay = setTimeout(function() {
       base.enabled = base.saved;
       base.position.type = 'mousemove';
      }, o.delay);
     } else {
    .bind('mouseleave' + n.namespace, function() {
     base.hovered = false;
     if (!base.enabled) { return; }
     if (o.delay) {
      base.enabled = base.saved;
     if (base.state && base.enabled) {
      // delay hiding to prevent flash if user hovers over it again
      // i.e. moving from a link to the image
      base.timer = setTimeout(function() {
       if (base.$zoom.hasClass(n.windowed)) {
      }, 200);
    .bind('mousemove' + n.namespace, function(e) {
     if (!base.enabled) { return; }
     base.position = e;
     if (!base.hovered) { return; }
     if (base.state && base.enabled) {
      // get current offsets in case page positioning has changed
      // Double demo: expanded text demo will offset image demo zoom window
      var off = base.$small.offset();
      base.zoomAt( e.pageX - off.left, e.pageY - off.top, null, true );
    .bind(o.switchEvent + (o.switchEvent !== '' ? n.namespace : ''), function() {
     if (!base.enabled) { return; }
     // toggle visible image
     if (base.state) {
     } else {


   // add events
   $.each('initialized zoom unzoom'.split(' '), function(i,f) {
    if ($.isFunction(o[f])) {
     base.$wrap.bind(f, o[f]);

   base.initialized = true;
   base.$wrap.trigger('initialized', base);


  base.reveal = function() {
   base.enabled = base.saved;
   if (base.state && base.enabled) {
    if (o.overlay) { base.$overlay.addClass(n.overlay); }
    base.$wrap.trigger('zoom', base);

  base.update = function() {

   // make sure the large image is hidden
   if (base.initialized) {

   base.$smInner = (base.$small.find('.' + n.smallInner).length) ?
    base.$small.find('.' + n.smallInner) :
    base.$small.wrapInner('<span class="' + n.smallInner + '"/>').find('.' + n.smallInner);
   base.$small.find('.' + n.overly).remove();

   if (o.clone) {
    t = base.$smInner.clone()
    if (base.$large.length) {
     // large area exists, just add content
     base.$large.html( t.html() );
    } else {
     // no large area, so add it
     t.wrap('<div class="' + o.largeArea + '">');
     // set base.$large again in case small area was cloned
     base.$large = base.$wrap.find('.' + o.largeArea);

   base.$lgInner = (base.$large.find('.' + n.largeInner).length) ?
    base.$large.find('.' + n.largeInner) :
    base.$large.wrapInner('<span class="' + n.largeInner + '"/>').find('.' + n.largeInner);

   if (!base.$wrap.find('.' + n.zoom).length) {
    base.$large.wrap('<div class="' + n.zoom + '"/>');
    base.$zoom = base.$wrap.find('.' + n.zoom);

   if (o.edit && !base.edit) {
    base.edit = $('<span class="' + n.edit + '"></span>').appendTo(base.$zoom);

   // wrap inner content with a span to get a more accurate width
   // get height from either the inner content itself or the children of the inner content since span will need
   // a "display:block" to get an accurate height, but adding that messes up the width
   base.largeDim = [ base.$lgInner.children().width(), Math.max( base.$lgInner.height(), base.$lgInner.children().height() ) ];
   base.zoomDim = base.last = [ base.$zoom.width(), base.$zoom.height() ];

   base.smallDim = [ base.$smInner.children().width(), base.$small.height() ];
   base.$overlay = $('<div class="' + n.overly + '" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;" />').prependTo(base.$small);
   base.ratio = [
    base.largeDim[0] / (base.smallDim[0] || 1),
    base.largeDim[1] / (base.smallDim[1] || 1)

    width  : base.smallDim[0],
    height : base.smallDim[1]


  // Show small image - Setup
  base.showSmall = function() {
   base.state = true;

    .addClass(n.windowed + ' ' + n.zoom)
     width  : base.zoomDim[0],
     height : base.zoomDim[1]

    width  : base.smallDim[0],
    height : base.smallDim[1]


  // Switch small and large on double click
  base.showLarge = function() {
   base.state = false;

    .removeClass(n.windowed + ' ' + n.zoom)
     height : 'auto',
     width  : 'auto'

    width  : base.largeDim[0],
    height : base.largeDim[1]

    left   : 0,
    top    : 0,
    width  : base.largeDim[0],
    height : base.largeDim[1]


  // x,y coords -> George Washington in image demo
  // base.setTarget( 82, 50, [200,200] );

  // 'selector', [xOffset, yOffset], [zoomW, zoomH] -> Aug 26 in calendar demo
  // base.setTarget( '.day[rel=2009-08-26]', [0, 0], [200, 200] );
  base.setTarget = function(tar, sec, sz) {
   var t, x = 0, y = 0;

   if (!base.$zoom.hasClass(n.windowed)) {

   // x, y coords
   if ( !isNaN(tar) && !isNaN(sec) ) {
    x = parseInt(tar, 10);
    y = parseInt(sec, 10);
   } else if ( typeof(tar) === 'string' && $(tar).length ) {
    // '.selector', [xOffSet, yOffSet]
    t = $(tar);
    x = t.position().left + t.width()/2 + (sec ? sec[0] || 0 : 0);
    y = t.position().top + t.height()/2 + (sec ? sec[1] || 0 : 0);

   base.zoomAt(x, y, sz);

   // add overlay
   if (o.overlay) {
   // hovered, but not really

   // zoom window triggered
   base.$wrap.trigger('zoom', base);


  // x, y, [zoomX, zoomY] - zoomX, zoomY are the dimensions of the zoom window
  base.zoomAt = function(x, y, sz, internal) {
   var sx = (sz ? sz[0] || 0 : 0) || base.last[0],
    sy = (sz ? sz[1] || sz[0] || 0 : 0) || base.last[1],
    sx2 = sx / 2,
    sy2 = sy / 2,
    ex = o.edge || (o.edge === 0 ? 0 : sx2 * 0.66), // 2/3 of zoom window
    ey = o.edge || (o.edge === 0 ? 0 : sy2 * 0.66), // allows edge to be zero
    m = parseInt(base.$inner.css('margin-left'), 10) || base.$inner.position().left || 0;
   // save new zoom size
   base.last = [ sx, sy ];
   // save x, y for external access
   base.current = [ x, y ];

   // show coordinates
   if (o.edit) { base.edit.html(Math.round(x) + ', ' + Math.round(y)); }

   if ( (x < -ex) || (x > base.smallDim[0] + ex) || (y < -ey) || (y > base.smallDim[1] + ey) ) {
   } else {
    // Sometimes the mouseenter event is delayed

   // center zoom under the cursor
    left   : x - sx2 + m,
    top    : y - sy2,
    width  : sx,
    height : sy

   // match locations of small element to the large
    left : -(x - o.offsetX - sx2/2) * base.ratio[0],
    top  : -(y - o.offsetY - sy2/2) * base.ratio[1]


  base.hideZoom = function(internal) {
   if (internal && base.$smInner.hasClass(n.hovered)) {
    base.$wrap.trigger('unzoom', base);
   base.last = base.zoomDim;
   base.lastKey = null;

  base.setEnabled = function(enable) {
   base.enabled = enable;
   if (enable) {
    var off = base.$small.offset();
    base.zoomAt( base.position.pageX - off.left, base.position.pageY - off.top, null, true );
   } else {
    base.hovered = false;

  // Initialize zoomer


 // class names used by anythingZoomer
 $.anythingZoomer.classNames = {
  namespace  : '.anythingZoomer', // event namespace
  wrap       : 'az-wrap',
  wrapInner  : 'az-wrap-inner',
  large      : 'az-large',
  largeInner : 'az-large-inner',
  small      : 'az-small',
  smallInner : 'az-small-inner',
  overlay    : 'az-overlay',  // toggled class name
  overly     : 'az-overly',   // overlay unstyled class
  hovered    : 'az-hovered',
  zoom       : 'az-zoom',
  windowed   : 'az-windowed', // zoom window active
  expanded   : 'az-expanded', // zoom window inactive (large is showing)
  edit       : 'az-coords' ,   // coordinate window
  scrollzoom : 'az-scrollzoom'

 $.anythingZoomer.defaultOptions = {
  // content areas
  smallArea   : 'small',    // class of small content area; the element with this class name must be inside of the wrapper
  largeArea   : 'large',    // class of large content area; this class must exist inside of the wrapper. When the clone option is true, it will add this automatically
  clone       : false,      // Make a clone of the small content area, use css to modify the style
  // appearance
  overlay     : false,      // set to true to apply overlay class "az-overlay"; false to not apply it
  speed       : 100,        // fade animation speed (in milliseconds)
  edge        : 30,         // How far outside the wrapped edges the mouse can go; previously called "expansionSize"
  offsetX     : 0,          // adjust the horizontal position of the large content inside the zoom window as desired
  offsetY     : 0,          // adjust the vertical position of the large content inside the zoom window as desired
  // functionality
  switchEvent : 'dblclick', // event that allows toggling between small and large elements - default is double click
  delay       : 0,          // time to delay before revealing the zoom window.
  // edit mode
  edit        : false       // add x,y coordinates into zoom window to make it easier to find coordinates

 $.fn.anythingZoomer = function(options, second, sx, sy) {
  return this.each(function() {
   var anyZoom = $(this).data('zoomer');
   // initialize the zoomer but prevent multiple initializations
   if ( /object|undefined/.test( typeof options ) ) {
    if (anyZoom) {
    } else {
     (new $.anythingZoomer(this, options));
   } else if ( anyZoom && ( typeof options === 'string' || (!isNaN(options) && !isNaN(second)) ) ) {
    if (/(en|dis)able/.test(options)) {
     anyZoom.setEnabled( options === 'enable' );
    } else {
     anyZoom.setTarget(options, second, sx, sy);

 $.fn.getAnythingZoomer = function() {
  return this.data('zoomer');

 return $.anythingzoomer;

.az-wrap, .az-small, .az-large {
 position: relative;
.az-wrap-inner {
 display: block;
 margin: 0 auto; /* center small & large content */
/* This wraps the large image and hides it */
.az-zoom {
 background: #fff;
 border: #333 1px solid;
 position: absolute;
 top: 0;
 left: 0;
 width: 150px;
 height: 150px;
 overflow: hidden;
 z-index: 100;
 display: none;
 -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 4px #000;
 -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 4px #000;
 box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 4px #000;
/* Class applied to az-mover when large image is windowed */
.az-windowed {
 overflow: hidden;
 position: absolute;
/* Class applied to az-mover when large image is fully shown */
.az-expanded {
 height: auto;
 width: auto;
 position: static;
 overflow: visible;

/* overlay small area */
.az-overlay {
 background-color: #000;
 opacity: 0.3;
 filter: alpha(opacity=30);
 z-index: 10;

/* edit mode coordinate styling */
.az-coords {
 display: none; /* hidden when expanded */
.az-zoom .az-coords {
 display: block;
 position: absolute;
 top: 0;
 right: 0;
 background: #000;
 background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
 color: #fff;

.zoom           { display: block; margin: 0 auto; }
.large          { background: white; }

.small p         { font-size: 1em; width: 700px; }
.large p         { font-size: 2em; width: 1400px; }

.small img        { -moz-transform: 0 0; -ms-transform: 0 0; -o-transform: 0 0; -webkit-transform: 0 0; transform: 0 0; }
.large img        { -moz-transform: scale(2); -ms-transform: scale(2); -o-transform: scale(2); -webkit-transform: scale(2); transform: scale(2); }
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

 <meta charset="UTF-8">

 <title>Image and Text Magnifier</title>

 <!-- anythingZoomer required -->
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/anythingzoomer.css">
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
 <script src="js/jquery.anythingzoomer.js"></script>
 $(function() {

          $(this).anythingZoomer({clone: true});

       $("button").click(function() {
         var state = $(this).text(); // enable or disable
         $(this).text((state === "disable") ? "enable" : "disable");
         return false;

<body id="double">

<div id="main-content">

 <p>Double click within the section to toggle between the large and small versions.</p>

 <p><strong>Magnify </strong><button>disable</button></p>
    <p><strong>Text Demo </strong></p>
 <div class="zoom">

  <div class="small">
   <p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra. Vestibulum erat wisi, condimentum sed, commodo vitae, ornare sit amet, wisi. Aenean fermentum, elit eget tincidunt condimentum, eros ipsum rutrum orci, sagittis tempus lacus enim ac dui. Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus, tortor neque egestas augue, eu vulputate magna eros eu erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam dui mi, tincidunt quis, accumsan porttitor, facilisis luctus, metus.</p>

  <!-- the clone option will automatically make a div.large if it doesn't exist -->



 <p><strong>Image Demo</strong></p>

 <div class="zoom second">

  <div class="small">
   <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/Dean_Franklin_-_06.04.03_Mount_Rushmore_Monument_%28by-sa%29-3_new.jpg/1200px-Dean_Franklin_-_06.04.03_Mount_Rushmore_Monument_%28by-sa%29-3_new.jpg" alt="small rushmore">

  <div class="large">
   <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/Dean_Franklin_-_06.04.03_Mount_Rushmore_Monument_%28by-sa%29-3_new.jpg/1200px-Dean_Franklin_-_06.04.03_Mount_Rushmore_Monument_%28by-sa%29-3_new.jpg" alt="big rushmore">





Первоначально у меня был шрифт и ширина, указанная так:

.small p                                    { font-size: 16px; width: 700px}
.large p                                    { font-size: 32px; width: 1400px; }

.small img                              { width: 250px;}
.large img                              { width: 500px;}

но я не хочу никаких конкретных цифр.

Предложения или идеи???

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