Черный экран на телефоне
У меня проблема с моим "первым" приложением на Android. Когда я запускаю свою программу, я вижу только черный экран. Я нашел некоторую информацию и использовал файл Android.sdk abd.exe для проверки всех запущенных потоков на моем телефоне.
Я запускаю cmd и устанавливаю путь к файлу android.sdk abd. Затем я выполнил эту рекомендацию:
adb logcat -v threadtime
После того, как моя консоль показывает это:
01-14 11:54:36.798 2210 2735 D InputDispatcher: notifyMotion - action=ACTION_DOWN(0), id=0, tooltype=1, deviceId=5, source=0x1002, policyFlags=0x0, flags=0x0, metaState=0x0, buttonState=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, eventTime=1813030619000, downTime=1813030619000,
01-14 11:54:36.799 2210 2734 D InputTransport: channel 'fae6efc com.lge.launcher2/com.lge.launcher2.Launcher (server)' : action=ACTION_DOWN(0), id=0, tooltype=1, deviceId=5, source=0x1002, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, metaState=0x0, buttonState=0x0, downTime=1813030619000, eventTime=1813030619000, pointerCount=1
01-14 11:54:36.799 2210 2734 D InputTransport: channel '5c6a310 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper (server)' : action=ACTION_DOWN(0), id=0, tooltype=1, deviceId=5, source=0x1002, flags=0x1, edgeFlags=0x0, metaState=0x0, buttonState=0x0, downTime=1813030619000, eventTime=1813030619000, pointerCount=1
01-14 11:54:36.800 3567 3567 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_DOWN
01-14 11:54:36.847 2210 2735 D InputDispatcher: notifyMotion - action=ACTION_UP(0), id=0, tooltype=1, deviceId=5, source=0x1002, policyFlags=0x0, flags=0x0, metaState=0x0, buttonState=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, eventTime=1813079025000, downTime=1813030619000,
01-14 11:54:36.847 2210 2734 D InputTransport: channel 'fae6efc com.lge.launcher2/com.lge.launcher2.Launcher (server)' : action=ACTION_UP(0), id=0, tooltype=1, deviceId=5, source=0x1002, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, metaState=0x0, buttonState=0x0, downTime=1813030619000, eventTime=1813079025000, pointerCount=1
01-14 11:54:36.847 2210 2734 D InputTransport: channel '5c6a310 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper (server)' : action=ACTION_UP(0), id=0, tooltype=1, deviceId=5, source=0x1002, flags=0x1, edgeFlags=0x0, metaState=0x0, buttonState=0x0, downTime=1813030619000, eventTime=1813079025000, pointerCount=1
01-14 11:54:36.849 3567 3567 I ViewRootImpl: ViewRoot's Touch Event : ACTION_UP
01-14 11:54:36.850 2210 2940 V SoundPool: play sampleID=1, leftVolume=1.000000, rightVolume=1.000000, priority=0, loop=0, rate=1.000000
01-14 11:54:36.851 2210 2940 V SoundPool: Allocated recycled channel for same sampleID
01-14 11:54:36.851 2210 2940 V SoundPool: play channel 0xb876a680 state = 0
01-14 11:54:36.851 2210 2940 V SoundPool: SoundChannel::play 0xb876a680: sampleID=1, channelID=83, leftVolume=1.000000, rightVolume=1.000000, priority=0, loop=0, rate=1.000000
01-14 11:54:36.851 3567 3567 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.ordenimagesaver time:1813082
01-14 11:54:36.851 403 3522 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
01-14 11:54:36.851 403 3522 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForDevice() returns output 2
01-14 11:54:36.851 2210 2940 D AudioSystem: getIoDescriptor: ioHandle = 2, index = 0, mIoDescriptors = 0xb897f080
01-14 11:54:36.851 2210 2940 V AudioSystem: getFrameCount() output 2, frameCount 960
01-14 11:54:36.851 403 2941 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: getOutput() device 2, stream 1, samplingRate 0, format 0, channelMask 3, flags 0
01-14 11:54:36.851 403 2941 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: getOutputForDevice() returns output 2
01-14 11:54:36.852 2210 2940 D AudioSystem: getIoDescriptor: ioHandle = 2, index = 0, mIoDescriptors = 0xb897f080
01-14 11:54:36.852 2210 2940 V AudioSystem: getSamplingRate() output 2, sampling rate 48000
01-14 11:54:36.852 2210 2940 V SoundPool: reusing track 0xb8b6b2a8 for sample 1
01-14 11:54:36.852 2210 2940 V AudioTrack: setLoop_l 0 0 0
01-14 11:54:36.852 2210 2940 D AudioTrack: start(): 0xb8b6b2a8
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: start(4096), calling pid 2210 session 13
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: ? => ACTIVE (4096) on thread 0xb7fccd88
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: startOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 13
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: startOutput() output primary->(primary)(2), stream 1, session 13
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: setBeaconMute(1) mBeaconMuteRefCount=1 mBeaconPlayingRefCount=0
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V APM::AudioOutputDescriptor: changeRefCount() stream 1, count 1
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 2
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0002 delayMs 0
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() remove speaker device. strategy 9 ringermode 1
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() add headphone device. strategy 9 ringermode 1
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() changing device
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding create patch delay 0
01-14 11:54:36.852 403 403 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 7 at index 0, num commands 0
01-14 11:54:36.852 2210 3556 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.ordenimagesaver/javafxports.android.FXActivity} from uid 10022 on display 0
01-14 11:54:36.855 403 1455 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing create audio patch
01-14 11:54:36.855 403 1455 V AudioFlinger_Threads: sendConfigEvent_l() num events 1 event 3
01-14 11:54:36.856 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Threads: thread 0xb17b1008 type 0 TID 1625 waking up
01-14 11:54:36.856 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Threads: processConfigEvents_l() remaining events 1
01-14 11:54:36.856 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: routing=2
01-14 11:54:36.856 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: exit: code(0)
01-14 11:54:36.856 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Threads: processConfigEvents_l() DONE thread 0xb17b1008
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 1455 V AudioPolicyService: -AudioCommandThread 7
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 1455 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() createAudioPatch returned 0 patchHandle 103num_sources 1 num_sinks 1
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 403 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding update audio patch list
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 403 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 10 at index 0, num commands 0
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 403 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding set voice volume volume 0.571429, delayMs 0
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 403 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 4 at index 0, num commands 0
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 1455 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing set voice volume volume 0.571429
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 1455 V AudioPolicyService: -AudioCommandThread 4
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 1455 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 403 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding set parameter string fm_volume=0.1115583479, io 2 ,delay 0
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 403 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 3 at index 0, num commands 0
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 1455 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing set parameters string fm_volume=0.1115583479, io 2
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 1455 V AudioFlinger: setParameters(): io 2, keyvalue fm_volume=0.1115583479, calling pid 403
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 1455 V AudioFlinger_Threads: ThreadBase::setParameters() fm_volume=0.1115583479
01-14 11:54:36.857 403 1455 V AudioFlinger_Threads: sendConfigEvent_l() num events 1 event 2
01-14 11:54:36.858 403 1456 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing update audio patch list
01-14 11:54:36.858 403 1456 V AudioPolicyService: -AudioCommandThread 10
01-14 11:54:36.858 403 1456 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
01-14 11:54:36.858 2210 3556 D ActivityManager: setTaskToReturnTo : TaskRecord{dd1e57 #73 A=com.ordenimagesaver U=0 sz=4} / mTaskToReturnTo = 1
01-14 11:54:36.862 2210 3556 D InputDispatcher: Focus left window: Window{fae6efc u0 com.lge.launcher2/com.lge.launcher2.Launcher}
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Threads: processConfigEvents_l() remaining events 1
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) kvpairs: fm_volume=0.1115583479
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 1625 D audio_hw_fm: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: set_fm_volume usecase
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 1625 D audio_hw_fm: fm_set_volume: (0.111558)
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 1625 E audio_hw_fm: fm_set_volume: FM not active, ignoring set_fm_volume call or mute state 0
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: exit: code(0)
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Threads: processConfigEvents_l() DONE thread 0xb17b1008
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 1455 V AudioPolicyService: -AudioCommandThread 3
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 1455 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 403 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: checkAndSetVolume() cannot set stream 6 volume with force use = 0 for comm
01-14 11:54:36.866 403 403 V AudioFlinger_Threads: signal playback thread
01-14 11:54:36.868 2210 2940 V SoundPool: delete oldTrack 0x0
01-14 11:54:36.869 2210 3556 D AppWindowTokenEx: AppWindowTokenEx init..
01-14 11:54:36.874 3567 3567 I [LGHome]EVENT: [Launcher.java:5515:onWindowFocusChanged()]onWindowFocusChanged() hasFocus false
01-14 11:54:36.874 3567 3567 I [LGHome]EVENT: [Launcher.java:5541:setEnableShakeHandlers()]disableShakeHandlers
01-14 11:54:36.874 3567 3567 I [LGHome]EVENT: onPause
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: enter: stream(0xb7f5d7d8)usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback) devices(0x2)
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: enter and usecase(0)
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 D msm8974_platform_lge: LGE_platform_get_output_snd_device: enter(0:2)
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 V msm8916_platform: platform_get_output_snd_device: enter: output devices(0x2)
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 V msm8916_platform: platform_get_output_snd_device: exit: snd_device(speaker)
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 V platform_apt: lge_get_output_in_mandatory_depth: enter and devices(2)
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 D msm8974_platform_lge: LGE_platform_get_output_snd_device: exit: out_snd_device(speaker)
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: out_snd_device(2: speaker) in_snd_device(0: )
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: enter 2
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
01-14 11:54:36.877 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: enable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
01-14 11:54:36.883 403 1625 W audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_update_stream_app_type_cfg: App type could not be selected. Falling back to default
01-14 11:54:36.883 403 1625 I audio_hw_primary: select_devices Selected apptype: 69936
01-14 11:54:36.883 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: enter: usecase(0)
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 E audio_hw_dolby: audio_extn_dolby_ds2_set_endpoint: Dolby set endpint :0x2
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 V msm8916_platform: platform_send_audio_calibration: sending audio calibration for snd_device(2) acdb_id(14)
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 14, path = 0
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_asm_topology
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_hw_delay : acdb_id = 14 path = 0
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 I audio_hw_utils: audio_extn_utils_send_app_type_cfg app_type 69936, acdb_dev_id 14, sample_rate 48000
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 V msm8974_platform_lge: LGE_platform_add_backend_name: enter: 2
01-14 11:54:36.884 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: apply mixer and update path: deep-buffer-playback
01-14 11:54:36.885 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: exit
01-14 11:54:36.885 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: select_devices: done
01-14 11:54:36.885 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: Opening PCM device card_id(0) device_id(0) format(0)
01-14 11:54:36.888 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: start_output_stream: pcm_prepare
01-14 11:54:36.895 11337 11337 I System.out: usetextureview = false, useswipekeyboard = false
01-14 11:54:36.895 11337 11337 V FXActivity: onCreate called, using 8.60.7-SNAPSHOT
01-14 11:54:36.896 11337 11585 V FXActivity native: Notification queue started
01-14 11:54:36.902 11337 11337 V FXActivity native: appDataDir: /data/user/0/com.ordenimagesaver
01-14 11:54:36.903 11337 11337 V FXActivity: onStart
01-14 11:54:36.903 11337 11337 V FXActivity: onResume
01-14 11:54:36.907 403 1625 D AudioFlinger_Threads: mixer(0xb17b1008) throttle end: throttle time(30)
01-14 11:54:36.908 11337 11337 D PhoneWindow: notifyNavigationBarColor, color=0x: ff000000, token: android.view.ViewRootImplAO$WEx@ab25162
01-14 11:54:36.909 2210 3521 D WindowManager: notifyNavigationBarColor(), token: android.os.BinderProxy@84a02b6, color: ff000000
01-14 11:54:36.918 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Threads: mixer(0xb17b1008) throttle begin: ret(3840) deltaMs(0) requires sleep 10 ms
01-14 11:54:36.919 2210 2339 I SystemUI[Framework]: PhoneWindowManager.updateSystemUiVisibilityLw() :visibility=0x8600, pkg=com.ordenimagesaver
01-14 11:54:36.920 2210 3044 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: Window{31acbb7 u0 com.ordenimagesaver/javafxports.android.FXActivity}
01-14 11:54:36.921 2210 2339 W WindowManager: Call!!!getLGSystemUiVisibility. =0x0
01-14 11:54:36.921 2210 2339 D StatusBarManagerServiceEx: setLGSystemUiVisibility(0x0)
01-14 11:54:36.921 2210 2339 D StatusBarManagerServiceEx: manageNaviBtnDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{31acbb7 u0 com.ordenimagesaver/javafxports.android.FXActivity}
01-14 11:54:36.921 2210 2339 I SystemUI[Framework]: ==>disabledNaviBtn() what=0x0, token=android.os.Binder@bb24803, pkg=Window{31acbb7 u0 com.ordenimagesaver/javafxports.android.FXActivity}
01-14 11:54:36.921 2210 2339 I SystemUI[Framework]: disableNaviBtn: mDisabledNaviBtn=0x0, mDisableRecords.size=0
01-14 11:54:36.921 2210 2339 D PhoneWindowManagerEx: [PWM]1.notifyNavigationBarColor => mLastColorNavigationBar=0xff000000
01-14 11:54:36.922 3026 3026 I NavigationThemeResource: notify navigation bar color(0xff000000)
01-14 11:54:36.922 3026 3026 I NavigationThemeResource: NavigationKey Color is changed(WHITE_WITH_SHADOW -> WHITE)
01-14 11:54:36.922 3026 3026 I NavigationThemeResource: BarMode=4, Theme=BLACK, LightBackground=false (NOT Transparent)
01-14 11:54:36.922 3026 3026 I NavigationThemeResource: , Keyguard show=false, IME shown=false, Bar vertical=false, Panel expanded=false
01-14 11:54:36.937 11337 11337 V FXEntity: Surface created.
01-14 11:54:36.938 11337 11337 V FXActivity native: [JVDBG] SURFACE created native android window at 0xb798f7c8, surface = 0xbe837b00
01-14 11:54:36.938 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Threads: track(0xb7fccd88) underrun, framesReady(0) < framesDesired(962)
01-14 11:54:36.938 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 0 framesWritten 3840
01-14 11:54:36.938 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: presentationComplete() reset: mPresentationCompleteFrames 7680 audioHalFrames 3840
01-14 11:54:36.939 11337 11337 I GLASS : Native code is notified that surface has changed (repaintall)!
01-14 11:54:36.940 11337 11337 V FXEntity: Called Surface changed [480, 749], format 4
01-14 11:54:36.940 11337 11337 V FXActivity native: [JVDBG] SURFACE created native android window at 0xb798f7c8, surface = 0xbe837ae0
01-14 11:54:36.941 11337 11337 I GLASS : Native code is notified that surface has changed with size provided (repaintall)!
01-14 11:54:36.941 11337 11337 V FXEntity: Called Surface redraw needed
01-14 11:54:36.941 11337 11337 V FXEntity: Redraw...
01-14 11:54:36.941 11337 11337 I GLASS : Call surfaceRedrawNeeded
01-14 11:54:36.941 11337 11337 I GLASS : Native code is notified that surface needs to be redrawn (repaintall)!
01-14 11:54:36.941 11337 11337 V FXEntity: Wait a while before doing this again...
01-14 11:54:36.943 2210 8114 V SoundPool: process 0xb876a680 channel 83 event BUFFER_END
01-14 11:54:36.943 2210 3309 V SoundPool: awake
01-14 11:54:36.943 2210 3309 V SoundPool: Getting channel from stop list
01-14 11:54:36.943 2210 3309 V SoundPool: stop
01-14 11:54:36.943 2210 3309 D AudioTrack: stop(): 0xb8b6b2a8
01-14 11:54:36.943 403 1635 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: stop(4096), calling pid 2210
01-14 11:54:36.943 403 1635 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: not stopping/stopped => stopping/stopped (4096) on thread 0xb17b1008
01-14 11:54:36.944 2210 3309 V SoundPool: done_l(83)
01-14 11:54:36.944 2210 3309 V SoundPool: move to front
01-14 11:54:36.949 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 7680 framesWritten 3840
01-14 11:54:36.949 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 7680 framesWritten 4800
01-14 11:54:36.959 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 7680 framesWritten 4800
01-14 11:54:36.959 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 7680 framesWritten 5760
01-14 11:54:36.969 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 7680 framesWritten 5760
01-14 11:54:36.969 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 7680 framesWritten 6720
01-14 11:54:36.979 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 7680 framesWritten 6720
01-14 11:54:36.979 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Tracks: presentationComplete() mPresentationCompleteFrames 7680 framesWritten 7680
01-14 11:54:36.979 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Threads: removeTracks_l removing track on session 13
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1625 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() adding stop output 2
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1625 V AudioPolicyService: inserting command: 5 at index 0, num commands 0
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() processing stop output 2
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: stopOutput() output 2, stream 1, session 13
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: setBeaconMute(1) mBeaconMuteRefCount=0 mBeaconPlayingRefCount=0
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V APM::AudioOutputDescriptor: changeRefCount() stream 1, count 0
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevice() selected device 0
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() device 0000 delayMs 160
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() prevDevice 0x0002
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() remove speaker device. strategy 9 ringermode 1
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V APM::AudioPolicyEngine: getDeviceForStrategy() add headphone device. strategy 9 ringermode 1
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V APM::AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() setting same device 0x0000 or null device
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V AudioPolicyService: -AudioCommandThread 5
01-14 11:54:36.990 403 1456 V AudioPolicyService: AudioCommandThread() going to sleep
01-14 11:54:37.141 11337 11337 V FXEntity: Redraw again...
01-14 11:54:37.142 11337 11337 I GLASS : Call surfaceRedrawNeeded
01-14 11:54:37.142 11337 11337 I GLASS : Native code is notified that surface needs to be redrawn (repaintall)!
01-14 11:54:37.152 11337 11337 V FXEntity: Called Surface redraw needed
01-14 11:54:37.152 11337 11337 V FXEntity: Redraw...
01-14 11:54:37.152 11337 11337 I GLASS : Call surfaceRedrawNeeded
01-14 11:54:37.152 11337 11337 I GLASS : Native code is notified that surface needs to be redrawn (repaintall)!
01-14 11:54:37.152 11337 11337 V FXEntity: Wait a while before doing this again...
01-14 11:54:37.352 11337 11337 V FXEntity: Redraw again...
01-14 11:54:37.352 11337 11337 I GLASS : Call surfaceRedrawNeeded
01-14 11:54:37.352 11337 11337 I GLASS : Native code is notified that surface needs to be redrawn (repaintall)!
01-14 11:54:37.369 2210 2419 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.ordenimagesaver/javafxports.android.FXActivity: +487ms
01-14 11:54:37.384 11337 11337 V ViewRootImpl: Contents drawing finished : com.ordenimagesaver/javafxports.android.FXActivity
01-14 11:54:37.385 11337 11337 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@158b82d time:1813617
01-14 11:54:37.391 3567 3788 E Surface : getSlotFromBufferLocked: unknown buffer: 0xb898a880
01-14 11:54:37.780 3567 3567 I [LGHome]EVENT: onStop
01-14 11:54:37.795 2210 2337 I ProcessStatsService: Prepared write state in 14ms
01-14 11:54:39.934 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Threads: Audio hardware entering standby, mixer 0xb17b1008, suspend count 0
01-14 11:54:39.934 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: out_standby: enter: stream (0xb7f5d7d8) usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
01-14 11:54:40.121 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: stop_output_stream: enter: usecase(0: deep-buffer-playback)
01-14 11:54:40.121 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: enter: usecase(0)
01-14 11:54:40.121 403 1625 V msm8974_platform_lge: LGE_platform_add_backend_name: enter: 2
01-14 11:54:40.121 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: reset and update mixer path: deep-buffer-playback
01-14 11:54:40.121 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: disable_audio_route: exit
01-14 11:54:40.121 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: enter 2
01-14 11:54:40.121 403 1625 D hardware_info: hw_info_append_hw_type : device_name = speaker
01-14 11:54:40.121 403 1625 D audio_hw_primary: disable_snd_device: snd_device(2: speaker)
01-14 11:54:40.123 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: stop_output_stream: exit: status(0)
01-14 11:54:40.123 403 1625 V audio_hw_primary: out_standby: exit
01-14 11:54:40.123 403 1625 V AudioFlinger_Threads: thread 0xb17b1008 type 0 TID 1625 going to sleep
01-14 11:54:41.259 415 508 I ThermalEngine: Sensor:pa_therm0:27000 mC
Я не вижу никаких исключений, и все же у меня черный экран при запуске программы на смартфоне с ОС Android.
1 ответ
The ClassNotFoundException
говорит, что не может найти OrdenImageSaver
учебный класс. Похоже, вы пытаетесь загрузить изображение, и, поскольку этот класс не может быть найден, на экране просто отображается черный цвет.
Убедитесь, что класс находится в com.ordenimagesaver
пакет. После этого попробуйте следующее:
Очистить приложение cache
Очистить приложение data
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