Rails route, показать все элементы на одной странице

Мне нужно показать все мои элементы на одной странице. В маршрутах:

  namespace :nourishment do
   resources :diets do
     resources :nourishment_meals, :controller => 'meals'
     get 'nourishment_meals/show_all_meals' => 'meals#show_all_meals', as: "show_all_meals"

который будет генерировать:

nourishment_diet_nourishment_meals_path  GET     /nourishment/diets/:diet_id/nourishment_meals(.:format)     nourishment/meals#index
POST     /nourishment/diets/:diet_id/nourishment_meals(.:format)     nourishment/meals#create
new_nourishment_diet_nourishment_meal_path   GET     /nourishment/diets/:diet_id/nourishment_meals/new(.:format)     nourishment/meals#new
edit_nourishment_diet_nourishment_meal_path  GET     /nourishment/diets/:diet_id/nourishment_meals/:id/edit(.:format)    nourishment/meals#edit
nourishment_diet_nourishment_meal_path   GET     /nourishment/diets/:diet_id/nourishment_meals/:id(.:format)     nourishment/meals#show
PATCH    /nourishment/diets/:diet_id/nourishment_meals/:id(.:format)     nourishment/meals#update
PUT  /nourishment/diets/:diet_id/nourishment_meals/:id(.:format)     nourishment/meals#update
DELETE   /nourishment/diets/:diet_id/nourishment_meals/:id(.:format)     nourishment/meals#destroy

    nourishment_diet_show_all_meals_path     GET     /nourishment/diets/:diet_id/nourishment_meals/show_all_meals(.:format)  nourishment/meals#show_all_meals

Проблема, когда я делаю это:

<%= link_to "Show all meals", nourishment_diet_show_all_meals_path, :class=>"button green" %>

Эта ошибка поднять:


  Document(s) not found for class NourishmentMeal with id(s) show_all_meals.
  When calling NourishmentMeal.find with an id or array of ids, each parameter must match a document in the database or this error will be raised. The search was for the id(s): show_all_meals ... (1 total) and the following ids were not found: show_all_meals.
  Search for an id that is in the database or set the Mongoid.raise_not_found_error configuration option to false, which will cause a nil to be returned instead of raising this error when searching for a single id, or only the matched documents when searching for multiples.

Ошибка здесь, на моем foods_controller.rb

    # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
    def set_nourishment_meal
      @nourishment_diet = NourishmentDiet.find(params[:diet_id])
     [***HERE***] @nourishment_meal = @nourishment_diet.meals.find(params[:id])


  def show_all_meals
    puts "This word does not appear"

Кто-нибудь может мне помочь?

2 ответа


Маршрут ниже ожидает :diet_id, diet экземпляр должен быть предоставлен в качестве аргумента для этого пути, чтобы вызвать соответствующее действие.

nourishment_diet_show_all_meals_path     GET     /nourishment/diets/:diet_id/nourishment_meals/show_all_meals(.:format)  nourishment/meals#show_all_meals

Это должно быть изменено:

<%= link_to "Show all meals", nourishment_diet_show_all_meals_path, :class=>"button green" %>


<%= link_to "Show all meals", nourishment_diet_show_all_meals_path(diet), :class=>"button green" %>

Обратите внимание на аргумент (diet) выше.

Я думаю, что вы должны передать параметр diet_id в параметрах. Вы должны попробовать что-то вроде этого: <%= link_to "Show all meals", nourishment_diet_show_all_meals_path(@diet.id), :class=>"button green" %>, @diet.id это всего лишь пример, используйте все, что работает для вашего приложения.

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