Печать списка, просмотр элементов и ярлыков
Надеюсь, у вас все хорошо, я работаю над приложением.net для своего малого бизнеса, я хочу напечатать отчет для делегата, я уже сделал код для печати представления списка, но я хочу напечатать форму с метками и представление списка, как этот:
но мой код дает мне это: что у меня есть сейчас
и в представлении списка, как я могу сделать представление списка справа налево в предварительном просмотре печати.
это мой код:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim PrintPreview As New PrintPreviewDialog
PrintPreview.Document = PrintDocument1
End Sub
Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(sender As Object, e As Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage
'Keep track of the Line Y postition to determine if there are more pages
Static CurrentYPosition As Integer = 0
'The below is desined for details view.
If ListView1.View = View.Details Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PrintDetails(ByRef e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)
Static LastIndex As Integer = 0
Static CurrentPage As Integer = 0
'Getting the current dpi so the textleftpad
'will be the same on a different dpi than
'the 96 i'm using. Won't make much of a difference though.
Dim DpiGraphics As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics
Dim DpiX As Integer = DpiGraphics.DpiX
Dim DpiY As Integer = DpiGraphics.DpiY
Dim X, Y As Integer
Dim ImageWidth As Integer
Dim TextRect As Rectangle = Rectangle.Empty
Dim TextLeftPad As Single = CSng(-4 * (DpiX / 96)) '4 pixel pad on the left.
Dim ColumnHeaderHeight As Single = CSng(ListView1.Font.Height + (10 * (DpiX / 96))) '5 pixel pad on the top an bottom
Dim StringFormat As New StringFormat
Dim PageNumberWidth As Single = e.Graphics.MeasureString(CStr(CurrentPage), ListView1.Font).Width
'Specify the text should be drawn in the center of the line and
'that the text should not be wrapped and the text should show
'ellipsis would cut off.
StringFormat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap
StringFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter
StringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
CurrentPage += 1
'Start the x and y at the top left margin.
X = CInt(e.MarginBounds.X)
Y = CInt(e.MarginBounds.Y)
'Draw the column headers
For ColumnIndex As Integer = 0 To ListView1.Columns.Count - 1
TextRect.X = X
TextRect.Y = Y
TextRect.Width = ListView1.Columns(ColumnIndex).Width
TextRect.Height = ColumnHeaderHeight
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGray, TextRect)
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.DarkGray, TextRect)
'TextLeftPad adds a little padding from the gridline.
'Add it to the left and subtract it from the right.
TextRect.X += TextLeftPad
TextRect.Width -= TextLeftPad
e.Graphics.DrawString(ListView1.Columns(ColumnIndex).Text, ListView1.Font, Brushes.Black, TextRect, StringFormat)
'Move the x position over the width of the column width.
'Since I subtracted some padding add the padding back
'when offsetting.
X += TextRect.Width + TextLeftPad
'Just drew the headers. Move the Y down the height
'of the column headers.
Y += ColumnHeaderHeight
'Now draw the items. If this is the first page then the
'last index will be zero. If its not then the last index
'will be the last index we tried to draw but had no room.
For i = LastIndex To ListView1.Items.Count - 1
With ListView1.Items(i)
'Start the x at the pages left margin.
X = CInt(e.MarginBounds.X)
'Check for Last Line
If Y + .Bounds.Height > e.MarginBounds.Bottom Then
'This item won't fit.
'subtract 1 from i so the next time this sub
'is entered we can start with this item.
LastIndex = i - 1
e.HasMorePages = True
'Draw the current page number before leaving.
e.Graphics.DrawString(CStr(CurrentPage), ListView1.Font, Brushes.Black, (e.PageBounds.Width - PageNumberWidth) / 2, e.PageBounds.Bottom - ListView1.Font.Height * 2)
Exit Sub
End If
'Print Images.
'The image width is used so we can draw the gridline
'around the image about to be drawn. You'll see it
ImageWidth = 0
If ListView1.SmallImageList IsNot Nothing Then
'If the image key is set then draw the image
'with the key . If not draw the image with the
'index. A tiny bit of validation would be good.
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(.ImageKey) Then
e.Graphics.DrawImage(ListView1.SmallImageList.Images(.ImageKey), X, Y)
ElseIf .ImageIndex >= 0 Then
e.Graphics.DrawImage(ListView1.SmallImageList.Images(.ImageIndex), X, Y)
End If
ImageWidth = ListView1.SmallImageList.ImageSize.Width
End If
'Now draw the subitems. using the columns count so the
'grid lines can be drawn. If used the subitems count then
'the table would not be full if some subitems where less
'than others.
For ColumnIndex As Integer = 0 To ListView1.Columns.Count - 1
TextRect.X = X
TextRect.Y = Y
TextRect.Width = ListView1.Columns(ColumnIndex).Width
TextRect.Height = .Bounds.Height
If ListView1.GridLines Then
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.DarkGray, TextRect)
End If
'If an image is drawn then shift over the x to
'accomadate its width. If this was shifted before
'now then the gridline with draw rect above would be
' on the wrong side of the image.
If ColumnIndex = 0 Then TextRect.X += ImageWidth
'Add a little padding from the gridline.
TextRect.X += TextLeftPad
TextRect.Width -= TextLeftPad
If ColumnIndex < .SubItems.Count Then
'This item has at least the same number of
'subitems as the current column index.
e.Graphics.DrawString(.SubItems(ColumnIndex).Text, ListView1.Font, Brushes.Black, TextRect, StringFormat)
End If
'Shift the x of the width of this subitem.
'Add some padding to the left side of the text
'so need to add it back.
X += TextRect.Width + TextLeftPad
'Set the next line
Y += .Bounds.Height
End With
'Draw the final page number.
e.Graphics.DrawString(CStr(CurrentPage), ListView1.Font, Brushes.Black, (e.PageBounds.Width - PageNumberWidth) / 2, e.PageBounds.Bottom - ListView1.Font.Height * 2)
LastIndex = 0
CurrentPage = 0
End Sub