Вычисляет наибольшее количество слов в строке ошибки в ruby coursera
Прошло уже почти 2 недели, я не могу удалить это из своей головы. Я новичок в ruby, и я застрял с этим последним кусочком Ruby on Rails, вводным курсом на Coursera. Конечно, будет легко понять, что здесь не так, но мне нужна помощь, чтобы закончить этот курс вовремя, на этот раз.
#Implement all parts of this assignment within (this) module2_assignment2.rb file
#Implement a class called LineAnalyzer.
class LineAnalyzer
#Implement the following read-only attributes in the LineAnalyzer class.
#* highest_wf_count - a number with maximum number of occurrences for a single word (calculated)
#* highest_wf_words - an array of words with the maximum number of occurrences (calculated)
#* content - the string analyzed (provided)
#* line_number - the line number analyzed (provided)
#Add the following methods in the LineAnalyzer class.
#* initialize() - taking a line of text (content) and a line number
#* calculate_word_frequency() - calculates result
#Implement the initialize() method to:
#* take in a line of text and line number
#* initialize the content and line_number attributes
#* call the calculate_word_frequency() method.
#Implement the calculate_word_frequency() method to:
#* calculate the maximum number of times a single word appears within
# provided content and store that in the highest_wf_count attribute.
#* identify the words that were used the maximum number of times and
# store that in the highest_wf_words attribute.
attr_accessor :highest_wf_count, :highest_wf_words, :content, :line_number
def initialize(content, line)
@content = content
@line_number = line
@highest_wf_words = []
def calculate_word_frequency()
@highest_wf_words = Hash.new
words = @content.split
words.each { |w|
if @highest_wf_words.has_key?(w)
@highest_wf_words[w] += 1
@highest_wf_words[w] = 1
@highest_wf_words.sort_by { |word, count| count }
@highest_wf_words.each do |key, value|
if value > @highest_wf_count
@highest_wf_count = value
def highest_wf_count= (number)
@highest_wf_count = number
# Implement a class called Solution.
class Solution
# Implement the following read-only attributes in the Solution class.
#* analyzers - an array of LineAnalyzer objects for each line in the file
#* highest_count_across_lines - a number with the maximum value for highest_wf_words attribute in the analyzers array.
#* highest_count_words_across_lines - a filtered array of LineAnalyzer objects with the highest_wf_words attribute
# equal to the highest_count_across_lines determined previously.
# Implement the following methods in the Solution class.
#* analyze_file() - processes 'test.txt' into an array of LineAnalyzers and stores them in analyzers.
#* calculate_line_with_highest_frequency() - determines the highest_count_across_lines and
# highest_count_words_across_lines attribute values
#* print_highest_word_frequency_across_lines() - prints the values of LineAnalyzer objects in
# highest_count_words_across_lines in the specified format
# Implement the analyze_file() method() to:
#* Read the 'test.txt' file in lines
#* Create an array of LineAnalyzers for each line in the file
# Implement the calculate_line_with_highest_frequency() method to:
#* calculate the maximum value for highest_wf_count contained by the LineAnalyzer objects in analyzers array
# and stores this result in the highest_count_across_lines attribute.
#* identifies the LineAnalyzer objects in the analyzers array that have highest_wf_count equal to highest_count_across_lines
# attribute value determined previously and stores them in highest_count_words_across_lines.
#Implement the print_highest_word_frequency_across_lines() method to
#* print the values of objects in highest_count_words_across_lines in the specified format
attr_reader :analyzers, :highest_count_across_lines, :highest_count_words_across_lines
def initialize
@highest_count_across_lines = nil
@highest_count_words_across_lines = nil
@analyzers = []
def analyze_file()
File.foreach('test.txt') do |content, line|
LineAnalyzer = LineAnalyzer.new(content, line)
@analyzers << LineAnalyzer
def calculate_line_with_highest_frequency()
@highest_count_across_lines = 0
@highest_count_words_across_lines = []
@analyzers.each do |analyzers|
if analyzers.highest_wf_words > @highest_count_across_lines
@highest_count_across_lines = analyzers.highest_wf_count
analyzers.highest_wf_words.each do |key, value|
if analyzers.highest_count_words_across_lines < value
@highest_count_words_across_lines << key
def print_highest_word_frequency_across_lines()
@highest_count_words_across_lines = Array.new
puts "The following words have the highest word frequency per line:"
Я продолжаю иметь 1 провал из 19 на rspec, как это:
has accessor for highest_wf_count
has accessor for highest_wf_words
has accessor for content
has accessor for line_number
has method calculate_word_frequency
calls calculate_word_frequency when created
attributes and values
has attributes content and line_number
content attribute should have value "test"
line_number attribute should have value 1
highest_wf_count value is 3
highest_wf_words will include "really" and "you"
content attribute will have value "This is a really really really cool cool you you you"
line_number attribute will have value 2
should respond to #analyze_file
should respond to #calculate_line_with_highest_frequency
should respond to #print_highest_word_frequency_across_lines
creates 3 line analyzers
calculates highest count across lines to be 4
calculates highest count words across lines to be will, it, really (FAILED - 1)
1) Solution#calculate_line_with_highest_frequency calculates highest count words across lines to be will, it, really
Failure/Error: words_found = solution.highest_count_words_across_lines.map(&:highest_wf_words).flatten
undefined method `highest_wf_words' for "This":String
# ./spec/solution_spec.rb:38:in `map'
# ./spec/solution_spec.rb:38:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.10817 seconds (files took 0.37345 seconds to load)
19 examples, 1 failure
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/solution_spec.rb:31 # Solution#calculate_line_with_highest_frequency calculates highest count words across lines to be will, it, really
И это файл solution_spec. Куда я сбился с пути? Пожалуйста, помогите, это отчаянный звонок!
require_relative "../module2_assignment"
require 'rspec'
describe Solution do
subject(:solution) { Solution.new }
it { is_expected.to respond_to(:analyze_file) }
it { is_expected.to respond_to(:calculate_line_with_highest_frequency) }
it { is_expected.to respond_to(:print_highest_word_frequency_across_lines) }
context "#analyze_file" do
it "creates 3 line analyzers" do
expect(solution.analyzers.length).to eq 0
expect(solution.analyzers.length).to eq 3
context "#calculate_line_with_highest_frequency" do
it "calculates highest count across lines to be 4" do
expect(solution.highest_count_across_lines).to be nil
expect(solution.highest_count_across_lines).to be 4
it "calculates highest count words across lines to be will, it, really" do
expect(solution.highest_count_words_across_lines).to be nil
words_found = solution.highest_count_words_across_lines.map(&:highest_wf_words).flatten
expect(words_found).to match_array ["will", "it", "really"]
3 ответа
У тебя много проблем.
Ваш метод решения #analysis_file, вы пытаетесь использовать константу (
) как переменная:LineAnalyzer = LineAnalyzer.new(content, line)
, Вам нужно изменить на:line_analyzer = LineAnalyzer.new(content, line) @analyzers << line_analyzer
переменная в том же методе всегдаnil
, Вы можете исправить это, заменив первую строку метода наFile.foreach('test.txt').with_index(1) do |content, line|
,Ваш расчет
не работает вообще. Вместо установки его на ноль и повторения, как вы делаете, просто выполните:@highest_count_across_lines = analyzers.map(&:highest_wf_count).max
Я откровенно смущен тестами, и не очень рад выяснить, как заставить их пройти. ИМХО этот курс преподает вам не идиоматический рубин. Но, надеюсь, все вышеперечисленное выведет вас на правильный путь.
Одна вещь отсутствует в этом для @highest_count_words_across_lines
@highest_count_words_across_lines = @analyzers.select do |analyzer|
analyzer.highest_wf_count == @highest_count_across_lines
На самом деле они просят объекты, а вы даете значения.
words_found = solution.highest_count_words_across_lines.map(&:highest_wf_words).flatten
Здесь самое высокое_count_words_across_lines возвращает массив строк, в каждой из которых вы вызываете метод самый высокий_wf_words. Но метод на самом деле определен в классе LineAnalyzer
Надеюсь это поможет