Ошибка объекта массива MSON в проекте API Blueprint
Мы разрабатываем новый API с использованием HAL+JSON, используя API Blueprint Apiary.io. Мы использовали JSON в наших ответах в рамках самого Blueprint. Я тестирую переход на использование MSON вместо этого, но у меня проблема с объектом массива.
Вот код API Blueprint. Все отлично работает, кроме curies
массив (внизу), который содержит один object
# Content API
An API for retrieving content from NBC News Group.
# Group Root resource
The starting point for the Content API.
## Root Resource [/]
### Request root resource [GET]
+ Response 200 (application/hal+json)
+ Attributes (required, object)
+ _links (object) - Linked resources in HAL
+ self (required, object) - Self link to current document
+ href: / (required, string) - URI of this resource
+ profile: `http://domain.com/docs/profiles/root` (required, string) - URI to profile description for this resource
+ `nbng:content` (object) - Link relation to all content
+ href: `http://apiary-mock.com/content` (required, string) - URI to content
+ title: Browse all NBC News Group content (required, string) - title of the link relation
+ `nbcng:publishers` (object) - Link relation to all publishers
+ href: `http://apiary-mock.com/publishers` (required, string) - URI to publishers
+ title: Browse all NBC News Group publishers (required, string) - title of the link relation
+ `nbcng:publisher` (object) - Link relation to an individual publisher
+ href: `http://apiary-mock.com/publisher/{id}` (required, string) - URI to an individual publisher, with `{id}` query string param
+ templated: true (required, boolean) - Notes if the link has a URI template associated to it
+ title: Get a publisher by name (required, string) - title of the link relation
+ curies (required, array) - Link relation to documentation
+ (object)
+ href: `http://www.domain.com/docs/relation/nbcng/{rel}` (required, string) - URI to documentation
+ name: nbcng (required, string) - prefix of the link relation documentation is tied to
+ title: NBC News Group Link Relation (required, string) - title of the link relation
+ templated: true (required, boolean) - Notes if the link has a URI template associated to it
+ welcome: Welcome to the NBC News Group Content API (required, string) - Welcome message for resource
Для этого curies
массив, вывод API Blueprint в JSON возвращает:
"curies": [
"undefined": null
Когда ожидается, что будет JSON, который выглядит следующим образом:
"curies": [
"href": "http://www.nbcnewsdigitaldev.com/docs/relation/nbcng/{rel}",
"name": "nbcng",
"title": "NBC News Group Link Relation",
"templated": true
Насколько я могу судить по спецификации MSON, синтаксис для curies
массив и объект верны.
Хотелось бы получить отзывы от людей, которые участвовали в аналогичных исследованиях MSON.
1 ответ
Я столкнулся с довольно странным поведением API Blueprint, MSON и вложенных структур. В этом случае вы бы предположили, что вы работали, или, возможно, указав это как
+ curies (required, array) - Link relation to documentation
+ Attributes (object)
+ href: `http://www.domain.com/docs/relation/nbcng/{rel}` (required, string) - URI to documentation
+ name: nbcng (required, string) - prefix of the link relation documentation is tied to
+ title: NBC News Group Link Relation (required, string) - title of the link relation
+ templated: true (required, boolean) - Notes if the link has a URI template associated to it
Это все еще было сломано для меня. Но если вы используете Data Structures, это, кажется, заставляет его отображаться правильно
# Content API
An API for retrieving content from NBC News Group.
# Group Root resource
The starting point for the Content API.
## Root Resource [/]
### Request root resource [GET]
+ Response 200 (application/hal+json)
+ Attributes (required, object)
+ _links (object) - Linked resources in HAL
+ self (required, object) - Self link to current document
+ href: / (required, string) - URI of this resource
+ profile: `http://domain.com/docs/profiles/root` (required, string) - URI to profile description for this resource
+ `nbng:content` (object) - Link relation to all content
+ href: `http://apiary-mock.com/content` (required, string) - URI to content
+ title: Browse all NBC News Group content (required, string) - title of the link relation
+ `nbcng:publishers` (object) - Link relation to all publishers
+ href: `http://apiary-mock.com/publishers` (required, string) - URI to publishers
+ title: Browse all NBC News Group publishers (required, string) - title of the link relation
+ `nbcng:publisher` (object) - Link relation to an individual publisher
+ href: `http://apiary-mock.com/publisher/{id}` (required, string) - URI to an individual publisher, with `{id}` query string param
+ templated: true (required, boolean) - Notes if the link has a URI template associated to it
+ title: Get a publisher by name (required, string) - title of the link relation
+ curies (required, array) - Link relation to documentation
+ Attributes (Cury)
+ welcome: Welcome to the NBC News Group Content API (required, string) - Welcome message for resource
# Data Structures
## Cury (object)
+ href: `http://www.domain.com/docs/relation/nbcng/{rel}` (required, string) - URI to documentation
+ name: nbcng (required, string) - prefix of the link relation documentation is tied to
+ title: NBC News Group Link Relation (required, string) - title of the link relation
+ templated: true (required, boolean) - Notes if the link has a URI template associated to it
Который представил конечную точку с ответом
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/",
"profile": "http://domain.com/docs/profiles/root"
"nbng:content": {
"href": "http://apiary-mock.com/content",
"title": "Browse all NBC News Group content"
"nbcng:publishers": {
"href": "http://apiary-mock.com/publishers",
"title": "Browse all NBC News Group publishers"
"nbcng:publisher": {
"href": "http://apiary-mock.com/publisher/{id}",
"templated": true,
"title": "Get a publisher by name"
"curies": [
"href": "http://www.domain.com/docs/relation/nbcng/{rel}",
"name": "nbcng",
"title": "NBC News Group Link Relation",
"templated": true
"welcome": "Welcome to the NBC News Group Content API"