Как отправить письмо по электронной почте CC при отправке по электронной почте в продаже Цитата, Должен ли я использовать другое ключевое слово для электронной почты CC?
Я перегружаю метод get_mail_values для mail.compose.message. Я добавил только поле email_cc, и я ожидаю, что письмо должно отправляться обоим получателям.
def get_mail_values(self, res_ids):
"""Generate the values that will be used by send_mail to create mail_messages
or mail_mails. """
results = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, False)
rendered_values = {}
mass_mail_mode = self.composition_mode == 'mass_mail'
# render all template-based value at once
if mass_mail_mode and self.model:
rendered_values = self.render_message(res_ids)
# compute alias-based reply-to in batch
reply_to_value = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, None)
if mass_mail_mode and not self.no_auto_thread:
# reply_to_value = self.env['mail.thread'].with_context(thread_model=self.model).browse(res_ids).message_get_reply_to(default=self.email_from)
reply_to_value = self.env['mail.thread'].with_context(thread_model=self.model).message_get_reply_to(res_ids, default=self.email_from)
for res_id in res_ids:
# static wizard (mail.message) values
mail_values = {
'subject': self.subject,
'body': self.body or '',
'parent_id': self.parent_id and self.parent_id.id,
'partner_ids': [partner.id for partner in self.partner_ids],
**'email_cc' : self.partner_ids_cc,**
'attachment_ids': [attach.id for attach in self.attachment_ids],
'author_id': self.author_id.id,
'email_from': self.email_from,
'record_name': self.record_name,
'no_auto_thread': self.no_auto_thread,
'mail_server_id': self.mail_server_id.id,
# mass mailing: rendering override wizard static values
if mass_mail_mode and self.model:
# keep a copy unless specifically requested, reset record name (avoid browsing records)
mail_values.update(notification=not self.auto_delete_message, model=self.model, res_id=res_id, record_name=False)
# auto deletion of mail_mail
if self.auto_delete or self.template_id.auto_delete:
mail_values['auto_delete'] = True
# rendered values using template
email_dict = rendered_values[res_id]
mail_values['partner_ids'] += email_dict.pop('partner_ids', [])
if not self.no_auto_thread:
if reply_to_value.get(res_id):
mail_values['reply_to'] = reply_to_value[res_id]
if self.no_auto_thread and not mail_values.get('reply_to'):
mail_values['reply_to'] = mail_values['email_from']
# mail_mail values: body -> body_html, partner_ids -> recipient_ids
mail_values['body_html'] = mail_values.get('body', '')
mail_values['recipient_ids'] = [(4, id) for id in mail_values.pop('partner_ids', [])]
# process attachments: should not be encoded before being processed by message_post / mail_mail create
mail_values['attachments'] = [(name, base64.b64decode(enc_cont)) for name, enc_cont in email_dict.pop('attachments', list())]
attachment_ids = []
for attach_id in mail_values.pop('attachment_ids'):
new_attach_id = self.env['ir.attachment'].browse(attach_id).copy({'res_model': self._name, 'res_id': self.id})
mail_values['attachment_ids'] = self.env['mail.thread']._message_preprocess_attachments(
mail_values.pop('attachments', []),
attachment_ids, 'mail.message', 0)
results[res_id] = mail_values
return results
Согласно моему заключению mail.compose.message передает управление объекту mail.mail и метод send объекта mail.mail отвечает за отправку почты обычным получателям и получателям CC.
Пожалуйста, предложите мне, где я делаю ошибки?