Проблема с недействительным токеном в Apple Push Services
I created a production certificate Newly that is sucessfully created and generating devicetoken. Sending to the server. Below issue i getting in server. In device i am not getting Push notification. That certificate is "Apple Push Services"
Messageid: 1002 <<>> pushNotiObj.getToken(): 709e0d4e12ab07da25b25f9cd76bad572332b823fe3ee2300666b24f321b6a1a <<>> message: test ambusaidi <<>> notification.isSuccessful(): false <<>> getException(): javapns.notification.exceptions.ErrorResponsePacketReceivedException: An error response packet was received from the APNS server: APNS: [1] Invalid token <<>> isTransmissionCompleted(): true <<>> getPayload(): {"aps":{"alert":{"body":"test a","action-loc-key":"View It"},"sound":"default","badge":1},"acme":"1002"} <<>> getExpiry(): 1470651430769 <<>> getDevice(): javapns.devices.implementations.basic.BasicDevice@39e48b4c <<>> getIdentifier(): 1
14:17:11,688 INFO process:15 - Succesfully updated the record with status R. Message id is: 1002
14:17:11,688 INFO process:15 - 0:Push Notification failed to send.:709e0d4e12ab07da25b25f9cd76bad572332b823fe3ee2300666b24f321b6a1a
То же самое работает с другим сертификатом в производстве ниже изображение.
Есть ли что-то, что нужно изменить на стороне приложения или на стороне сервера.
Я видел этот пост https://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/2015/06/17/wwdc-2015-apple-push-goes-http2-for-apns/ это помогает?