Вложенные If/Else Утверждения

Извините, что редактирую это еще раз, но вместо того, чтобы сделать еще один пост, я решил спросить это здесь.

    public static void main(String[] args)
    // TODO code application logic here

char response = 0;
double grossAnnualIncome = 0.0;
double annualTuition = 0.0;
double annualCharity = 0.0;
double homeMortgage = 0.0;
double healthCredit = 0.0;
double annualAfterTaxes = 0.0;
double monthlyAfterTaxes = 0.0;
double taxAt17 = 0.0;
double taxableIncome = 0.0;
double ans1 = 0.0;

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.printf( "Please enter your gross annual income or 0 for none: " );
grossAnnualIncome = input.nextDouble();

if( grossAnnualIncome > 0 )
    System.out.printf( "Please enter your annual tuition and expenses for higher education or 0 for none: ");
    annualTuition = input.nextDouble();

 System.out.printf( "Please enter your annual charitable contributions or 0 for none: ");
    annualCharity = input.nextDouble();

    System.out.printf( "Please enter the annual interest paid for your home mortgage or 0 for none: ");
    homeMortgage = input.nextDouble();

    System.out.printf( "Did you purchase health insurance through your employer or outside the workplace?"
              + " Enter 'Y' or 'N': ");
response = input.nextLine().charAt(0);

        if( Character.toUpperCase(response) == 'Y' )
        System.out.printf( "Are you filing as a family?  Enter 'Y' or 'N': ");
        response = input.nextLine().charAt(0);

            if ( Character.toUpperCase(response) == 'Y' )
            healthCredit = 3500;

        if( Character.toUpperCase(response) == 'N' )
                System.out.printf( "Are you filing as single?  Enter 'Y' or 'N': ");
                response = input.nextLine().charAt(0);
                    if( Character.toUpperCase(response) == 'Y')
                    healthCredit = 2000;


        healthCredit = 0;

    taxableIncome = grossAnnualIncome - homeMortgage - annualTuition - annualCharity - healthCredit;
        taxAt17 = taxableIncome * .17;
        annualAfterTaxes = grossAnnualIncome - taxAt17;
        monthlyAfterTaxes = annualAfterTaxes / 12;
        ans1 = homeMortgage + annualTuition + annualCharity + healthCredit;

    System.out.printf( "\nYOUR TAXES\n\n"
                    + "Gross Annual Income: %,.0f\n\n"
                    + "Deductions: \n"
                    + "\tHigher Education: %,.0f\n"
                    + "\tCharitable Contributions: %,.0f\n"
                    + "\tHome Mortgage Interest: %,.0f\n"
                    + "\tHealth Insurance Tax Credit: %,.0f\n\n"
                    + "Tax at 17%%: %,.0f\n"
                    + "Annual Income After Taxes: %,.0f\n"
                    + "Monthly Income After Taxes: %,.0f", grossAnnualIncome, annualTuition, annualCharity,
                       homeMortgage, healthCredit, taxAt17, annualAfterTaxes, monthlyAfterTaxes);


  if( grossAnnualIncome <= 0 )
  System.out.printf( "You earned no income so you owe no taxes!" );



Оба моих вывода верны, но у меня проблемы с последним.

Мой последний вывод должен гласить: "ВЫ НАЛОГАЕТЕ 0,00 $ НАЛОГАМИ!"

Когда я кодирую:

if (grossAnnualIncome <= ans1)
System.out.printf( "YOU OWE $0.00 IN TAXES!" );

Он показывает все, начиная с grossAnnualIncome > 0 output.

1 ответ


Java: буквальный знак процента в выражении printf

Вероятно, это связано с процентом в 17%. Это должно быть экранировано, что можно сделать с другим%

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