Поиск строк в файле и сравнение с переменной, введенной с помощью C

Я хочу ввести имя в программу, и это имя будет выступать в качестве ключевого слова для файла. Программа выполнит поиск файла по этому имени и отобразит всю другую информацию, связанную с ним. Ниже приведен фрагмент кода.


FILE *ptr;
int bookgenre;
char fname[20], lname[20],book[20],gender[20];
struct persfile{
    char fname[20];
    char lname[20];
    char bookname[20];
    int  date, latefees;
    char gender;
void menu ();
void caseCheck(int);

int main(void)
    int New = 0, genrenum = 0, count=0;
    struct persfile personfile[count]; //Intialization of the struct in the main function

    /*New = getch();*/
        system ("cls");

        if(New == 2)
         for (count=1; count<=200; count++ )

            int latefees=0;
            ptr = fopen("membersit.txt", "a");

             /*for (count=1;count<=5;count++)*/

            printf("Enter the first name of the person \n");
            scanf("%s", personfile[count].fname);
            printf("Enter the last name of the person \n\n");
            scanf("%s", personfile[count].lname);
            printf("Enter the gender of the individual....(M/F) \n");
            personfile[count].gender = getch();
            printf("%c", personfile[count].gender);
                                                            // At a later date...examine the time library and look at its connection to the
            system("cls");                                          //date at which the book was rented.. //

            printf("The code for the differnt book genres are given below\n\n");

            printf("Enter the genre number of said book\n");
            scanf("%d", &genrenum);

            system ("cls");
            printf("These are the books under this genre\n\n");


            printf("Since this is a new individual..he has no outstandng latefees");
            fprintf(ptr,"%s %s %d \n", personfile[count].fname, personfile[count].lname, personfile[count].latefees);

        else if(New==3)

        ptr=fopen("membersit.txt", "r");

        fscanf(ptr,"%s %s",fname,  lname);

        printf("First Name: %s \n Last Name: %s \n  Latefees: %d  \n", fname, lname);


    /*if (ptr==NULL){
        printf("This file is not in our system");

    /*search the existing files for the name of the person and open up their file
    The opened file would have late fees as a header..*/

return 0;

void menu ()

    printf("Welcome to the library!!");
    printf("\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n");
    printf("\n1.Add information to existing member \n\n2.Create a new member");
    printf("\n\n3.Search a member\n\n4.Display all members\n\5.End the program\n\n\n\n");

void caseCheck(int genrenum)
    switch (genrenum)
        case 000:
            printf("KIDS BOOKS\n_________________________________________\nDora the explorer\nBlues Clues\nGo Diego Go\nThe Little Engine Who Could\n Curious George\n\n");

        case 111:
            printf("SUPERNATURAL BOOKS\n__________________________________\nLost\nHarry Potter\nAnnie/\n\n");

        printf("The data you entered is invalid");

/* Notes :
 Good programming practices
 Your '}' should line up when using condition loops
 -> Variables shoul not be started wth a capital letter */

 /*There was something wrong with your while loop.... you did not implement it correctly... Leave off the terminate function for last

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