Переопределение, массивы, коварианты и инициализаторы

Я попытался объединить в одной программе некоторые понятия в OOPS, которые на первый взгляд кажутся взаимосвязанными и запутанными. Если вы можете добавить к этому, было бы здорово. Любые указатели или предложения по запоминанию этих концепций также приветствуются.

    package oops_concepts;

    public class First {
        // final static int j;  //  final Has to have a initial value
        static int []j;
         * static { j[2]=1; // Throws ExceptionInInitializerError not
         * NullPointerException }

        protected int i = m2(14); // forward reference

        public First() {
            i = 15; // runs after instance initializer

        protected int m2(int j) {
            return j;

         static int staticMethod() {
            System.out.println("Calling Superclass static Method");
            return 5;

        public void callTwoMethods(){
            System.out.println("Calling Superclass callTwoMethods Method");

        protected Object protectedMethod1() throws Exception {
            System.out.println("Calling Superclass protectedMethod1");
            return new String("Base");

        public Object publicMethod1() {
            System.out.println("Calling Superclass publicMethod1");
            return new String("Base");

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            First first = new Second();

            System.out.println("Value of i :" + first.i);

            Second second = new Second();
            String s = second.protectedMethod1();  // prints derived
            System.out.println("returned : " + s);


            // String s = first.publicMethod1();   // Does not Compile missing cast
            // Returns Object which has to be cast to String.

            Third third = new Third();

            First[] firstArr = new First[4];
            firstArr[0] = first;        // No Exception
            firstArr[1] = second;   
            firstArr[2] = third;

            First[] firstArr2 = new Second[4];
            firstArr2[0] = first;       // No Exception
            firstArr2[1] = second;  
            firstArr2[2] = third;       

            First[] firstArr3 = new Third[4];
            firstArr3[0] = third ;      
            // firstArr3[1] = second;   // throws ArrayStoreException
            // firstArr3[2] = first;    // throws ArrayStoreException

    class Second extends First {
         * public int staticMethod(){   //  This instance method cannot override the static variant
         * static method from First return 5; }

        protected String protectedMethod1() {
            System.out.println("Calling sub class protectedMethod1");
            return new String("Derived");

        public String publicMethod1() throws IllegalArgumentException {
            System.out.println("Calling sub class publicMethod1");
            return new String("Derived");

    class Third extends Second {

         * protected String protectedMethod1() throws Exception{ // Does not compile
         * System.out.println("Calling sub class method"); return new
         * String("Derived"); }

        protected String protectedMethod1() throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return new String("Derived");

package oops_concepts.sub_pkg;

import oops_concepts.First;

public class Fourth extends First {

    protected Object protectedMethod1()  {
        return new String("Fourth");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        First first = new First();  
        first.publicMethod1();      // only member visible to First

        Fourth fourth = new Fourth();
        fourth.protectedMethod1();  // works !  



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