Облачный код ошибки 141 при разборе на приятеле
При попытке запустить облачный код на платформе анализа Buddy, я получаю следующее сообщение об ошибке:
Failed running cloud function PrayersAdded for user undefined with:; Input: {"myTitle":"Test Message","theChannel":"Ministers"}; Error: {"code":141,"message":"timeout exception, success/error never called?"}
Рассматриваемый код облака:
Parse.Cloud.define("PrayersAdded", function(request, response) {
// Our “Prayers" class has a "text" key with the body of the comment itself
var theChannel = request.params.theChannel;
var myTitle = request.params.myTitle
var pushQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
pushQuery.equalTo('channels', theChannel);
where: pushQuery, // Set our Installation query
data: {
alert: "One of your subscriptions just added the notification \"" + myTitle + "\". Click to view.",
sound: "default.caf"
}, {
success: function() {
// Push was successful
error: function(error) {
throw "Got an error " + error.code + " : " + error.message;