Ошибка индекса: индекс списка вне ранжирования (python 3.2)
Я и мои друзья работаем над проектом в школе, и мы понимаем, почему возникает ошибка, но мы не можем видеть, где мы сделали эту ошибку. Мы уверены, что мы посчитали это правильно, и мы знаем, что в индексе он начинается с 0, но это все еще неправильно. Наша задача - создать игру, которая перемещает игроков по сетке 7x7, но мы должны вставить некоторые игровые сообщения из-за пределов кода, который мы храним, в тот же файл. PS нам разрешено обращаться за помощью. Вот код Пожалуйста, помогите!:
import random
counter1 = 0
counter2 = 0
print("***********************************BOARD GAME**********************************")
print(" ")
print("***********************************GAME RULES**********************************")
print(" ")
print("----------------------------Game is for 2 players only-------------------------")
print(" ")
print(">The game board is a 10x5 board going up to 49")
print(" ")
print("40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49")
print("39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30")
print("20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29")
print("19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10")
print("0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ")
print(" ")
print(">The objective is to be the first player to reach space 49")
print(" ")
print(">There are 2 die, if you roll the same number twice, you will go back the number of spaces you rolled")
print(" ")
print(">If you land on spaces 27, 31 and 47, you will go back to space 24")
print(" ")
print(">Press ENTER to play")
print("**********************************START GAME***********************************")
print("Starting positions for both players = 0")
print(" ")
newfile=open("Game Messages.txt","r")
dice1 = random.randint(1,6)
print("dice 1 =",dice1)
dice2 = random.randint(1,6)
print("dice 2 =",dice2)
dicetotal = dice1 + dice2
print("dice total =",dicetotal)
if dice1 == dice2:
counter1 = counter1 - dicetotal
print(newfile.readlines()[1]) #This is one of the lines that is coming up as an error
counter1 = counter1 + dicetotal
print("P1 space =",counter1)
if counter1 == 47:
counter1 = 24
if counter1 == 27:
counter1 = 24
if counter1 == 31:
counter1 = 24
if counter1 >= 49:
print("end game end game end game end game end game end game end game end game end game")
print("Press ENTER to exit the game")
newfile = open("Game Messages.txt.","r")
dice1 = random.randint(1,6)
print("dice 1 =",dice1)
dice2 = random.randint(1,6)
print("dice 2 =",dice2)
dicetotal = dice1 + dice2
print("dice total =",dicetotal)
if dice1 == dice2:
counter2 = counter2 - dicetotal
print(newfile.readlines()[7]) #This is one of the lines that is coming up as an error
counter2 = counter2 + dicetotal
print("P2 space =",counter2)
if counter2 == 47:
counter2 = 24
if counter2 == 27:
counter2 = 24
if counter2 == 31:
counter2 = 24
if counter2 >= 49:
print("end game end game end game end game end game end game end game end game end game")
print("Press ENTER to exit the game")
1 ответ
Actually the problem is getting the file contents from Game Messages.txt.
So, first the whole file contents need to be converted into list.
**Please follow this procedure in your program first**
with open('Game Messages.txt', 'r') as infile:
data = infile.read() # Read the contents of the file into memory.
# Return a list of the lines, breaking at line boundaries.
my_list = data.splitlines()
print (my_list) #It will give whole file contents as an array
#Eg : ['game message1', 'game message2', 'game message3', 'game message4', 'game message5']
print (my_list[3]) # It will display game message 4
So in your program
instead of
if dice1 == dice2:
counter2 = counter2 - dicetotal
print(newfile.readlines()[7]) #This is one of the lines that is coming up as an error
counter2 = counter2 + dicetotal
it will be
if dice1 == dice2:
counter2 = counter2 - dicetotal
print(my_list[3]) #You need to give exact line number, in case 4th means it #will be my_list[3] as array index starts with 0 only
counter2 = counter2 + dicetotal
Hope that helps