Виртуальная машина выключается при половинной загрузке VMware

Он работал на виртуальной машине MacOS и резко выключил свет, после включения виртуальная машина работает на полпути и сразу выключается.

Вот файл журнала

2019-02-13T14:46:03.791+02:00| usbCCIDEnumCards| I125: USB-CCID: Card enum thread exiting.
2019-02-13T14:46:03.792+02:00| vmx| I125: sata0:0: numIOs = 4881 numMergedIOs = 838 numSplitIOs = 87 ( 9.4%)
2019-02-13T14:46:03.792+02:00| vmx| I125: Closing disk 'sata0:0'
2019-02-13T14:46:03.798+02:00| vmx| I125: AIOWIN32C: asyncOps=5093 syncOps=6 bufSize=464Kb fixedOps=292 sgOps=0 sgOn=0
2019-02-13T14:46:03.798+02:00| aioCompletion| I125: AIO thread processed 5093 completions
2019-02-13T14:46:03.887+02:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [1828 mainDispatch.c:1175]: VMAutomationPowerOff: Powering off.
2019-02-13T14:46:03.889+02:00| vmx| I125: Policy_SavePolicyFile: invalid arguments to function.
2019-02-13T14:46:03.889+02:00| vmx| I125: PolicyVMX_Exit: Could not write out policies: 15.
2019-02-13T14:46:03.889+02:00| vmx| I125: WORKER: asyncOps=71 maxActiveOps=1 maxPending=0 maxCompleted=0
2019-02-13T14:46:03.890+02:00| WinNotifyThread| I125: WinNotify thread exiting
2019-02-13T14:46:03.987+02:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [1828 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=1, newAppState=1873, success=1 additionalError=0
2019-02-13T14:46:03.987+02:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [1828 mainDispatch.c:4253]: VMAutomation: Ignoring ReportPowerOpFinished because the VMX is shutting down.
2019-02-13T14:46:03.987+02:00| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting cleanShutdown = "TRUE"
2019-02-13T14:46:03.987+02:00| vmx| I125: FILE: FileDeletionRetry: Non-retriable error encountered (C:\Users\Vlad\Documents\Virtual Machines\macOS 10.13 (2)\macOS 10.13 (2).vmx~): The system cannot find the file specified (2)
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [1828 mainDispatch.c:4234]: VMAutomation_ReportPowerOpFinished: statevar=0, newAppState=1870, success=1 additionalError=0
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [1828 mainDispatch.c:4253]: VMAutomation: Ignoring ReportPowerOpFinished because the VMX is shutting down.
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: Transitioned vmx/execState/val to poweredOff
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: VMX idle exit
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: WQPoolFreePoll : pollIx = 3, signalHandle = 588
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [1828 mainDispatch.c:834]: VMAutomation_LateShutdown()
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: Vix: [1828 mainDispatch.c:783]: VMAutomationCloseListenerSocket. Closing listener socket.
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: Flushing VMX VMDB connections
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: VmdbDbRemoveCnx: Removing Cnx from Db for '/db/connection/#1/'
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: VmdbCnxDisconnect: Disconnect: closed pipe for pub cnx '/db/connection/#1/' (0)
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: VigorTransport_ServerDestroy: server destroyed.
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: WQPoolFreePoll : pollIx = 2, signalHandle = 892
2019-02-13T14:46:04.002+02:00| vmx| I125: WQPoolFreePoll : pollIx = 1, signalHandle = 332
2019-02-13T14:46:04.018+02:00| vmx| I125: VMX exit (0).
2019-02-13T14:46:04.018+02:00| vmx| I125: OBJLIB-LIB: ObjLib cleanup done.
2019-02-13T14:46:04.018+02:00| vmx| I125: AIOMGR-S : stat o=2 r=22 w=19 i=0 

br=318460 bw=4980736

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