Недопустимый аргумент исключения liquidsoap в select()
Я бегу в среде, где мне нужно много конечных точек гавани.
Я обнаружил, что я получаю эту ошибку, когда я превышаю определенное число (около 150 или около того).
# =========================================
# =========================================
# Load in the env variables including ICE_HOST, ICE_PASS, home dir, etc
%include ".env"
# =========================================
# http://savonet.sourceforge.net/doc-svn/in_production.html
# =========================================
# Harbor settings
set("harbor.verbose",true) # make sure Harbor shows EVERYTHING
set("harbor.bind_addr", HARBOR_IP) # bind Harbor to nominated IP
set("harbor.reverse_dns",false) # tweak to improve network slightly
# Setup logging - default is /var/log/liquidsoap/<script.log>
set("log.file.append",true) # don't just overwrite
set("log.stdout",true) # show in console, too
set("log.unix_timestamps",false) # show UNIX timestamps instead
# Setup decoder order
set("decoder.file_decoders",["MP3","OGG","AAC","MP4","META","WAV","MIDI","FLAC"]) # set order according to likelihood
# set order according to likelihood
# =========================================
# =========================================
# Build the output control
out = output.icecast(%mp3.vbr(samplerate=44100,quality=6),
# =========================================
# =========================================
# Load all the custom mount point includes - these need to be loaded last
%include "macmount.inc"
%include "mounts.inc"
Включает в себя
# Liquidsoap home directory
# lshomedir = "/home/liquidsoap/liquidsoap"
# Icecast host settings
ICE_HOST = "###############" # Icecast host DNS
#ICE_USER = "source" # icecast default user is always "source" anyway
ICE_PASS = "#########" # default Icecast password
ICE_PORT = 7034 # Icecast listen port (not the streaming port)
# Basic script settings
LOG_LEVEL = 5 # 4 = debug-level logs; 5 = extra
# Harbor config
HARBOR_IP = "" # Harbor to listen on all IPs
def macmount(num,mntname)
rport = num * 2
mport = rport + 7500
vport = rport + 7800
vname=mntname ^ "voice"
harbom = audio_to_stereo(input.harbor(mntname, icy=true, port=mport, password=ICE_PASS, max=20.))
harbov = strip_blank(max_blank=5., mksafe(audio_to_stereo(input.harbor(vname, icy=true, port=vport, password=ICE_PASS, max=20.))))
radio = fallback(track_sensitive=false, [harbov, harbom, single("media/silence.m4a")])
# further 98 rows following the same pattern
Созданный файл журнала выглядит так до сбоя:
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source fallback_7507 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7504:4] Activations changed: static=[apr5eXRHAnjs49voice:apr5eXRHAnjs49voice, strip_blank_7504], dynamic=[fallback_7507:apr5eXRHAnjs49:apr5eXRHAnjs49].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source audio_to_stereo_7499 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [audio_to_stereo_7499:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source input.harbor_7498 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [input.harbor_7498:4] Content kind is {audio=1+;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:4] Opening port 7536 with icy = false
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:4] Opening port 7537 with icy = true
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:3] Adding mountpoint '/apr5eXRHAnjs49' on port 7536
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [input(dot)harbor_7498:4] Activations changed: static=[audio_to_stereo_7499:fallback_7507:apr5eXRHAnjs49:apr5eXRHAnjs49], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [audio_to_stereo_7499:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[fallback_7507:apr5eXRHAnjs49:apr5eXRHAnjs49].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source single_7506 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [single_7506:3] "media/silence.m4a" is static, resolving once for all...
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [single_7506:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [single_7506:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[fallback_7507:apr5eXRHAnjs49:apr5eXRHAnjs49].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [fallback_7507:4] Activations changed: static=[apr5eXRHAnjs49:apr5eXRHAnjs49], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [apr5eXRHAnjs49:4] Activations changed: static=[apr5eXRHAnjs49], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [apr5eXRHAnjs49:4] Enabling caching mode: active source.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source strip_blank_7493 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7493:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source mksafe gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source audio_to_stereo_7490 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [audio_to_stereo_7490:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source input.harbor_7489 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [input.harbor_7489:4] Content kind is {audio=1+;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:4] Opening port 7834 with icy = false
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:4] Opening port 7835 with icy = true
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:3] Adding mountpoint '/nxYjWRxEteOgunvoice' on port 7834
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [input(dot)harbor_7489:4] Activations changed: static=[audio_to_stereo_7490:mksafe:strip_blank_7493:strip_blank_7493], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [audio_to_stereo_7490:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[mksafe:strip_blank_7493:strip_blank_7493].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source safe_blank gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [safe_blank:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [safe_blank:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[mksafe:strip_blank_7493:strip_blank_7493].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [mksafe:4] Activations changed: static=[strip_blank_7493:strip_blank_7493], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7493:4] Activations changed: static=[strip_blank_7493], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7493:4] Enabling caching mode: active source.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source output.icecast_7494 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7493:4] Activations changed: static=[nxYjWRxEteOgunvoice:nxYjWRxEteOgunvoice, strip_blank_7493], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [nxYjWRxEteOgunvoice:4] Activations changed: static=[nxYjWRxEteOgunvoice], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [nxYjWRxEteOgunvoice:4] Enabling caching mode: active source.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source output.icecast_7497 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source fallback_7496 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7493:4] Activations changed: static=[nxYjWRxEteOgunvoice:nxYjWRxEteOgunvoice, strip_blank_7493], dynamic=[fallback_7496:nxYjWRxEteOgun:nxYjWRxEteOgun].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source audio_to_stereo_7488 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [audio_to_stereo_7488:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source input.harbor_7487 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [input.harbor_7487:4] Content kind is {audio=1+;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:4] Opening port 7534 with icy = false
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:4] Opening port 7535 with icy = true
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:3] Adding mountpoint '/nxYjWRxEteOgun' on port 7534
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [input(dot)harbor_7487:4] Activations changed: static=[audio_to_stereo_7488:fallback_7496:nxYjWRxEteOgun:nxYjWRxEteOgun], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [audio_to_stereo_7488:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[fallback_7496:nxYjWRxEteOgun:nxYjWRxEteOgun].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source single_7495 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [single_7495:3] "media/silence.m4a" is static, resolving once for all...
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [single_7495:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [single_7495:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[fallback_7496:nxYjWRxEteOgun:nxYjWRxEteOgun].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [fallback_7496:4] Activations changed: static=[nxYjWRxEteOgun:nxYjWRxEteOgun], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [nxYjWRxEteOgun:4] Activations changed: static=[nxYjWRxEteOgun], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [nxYjWRxEteOgun:4] Enabling caching mode: active source.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source strip_blank_7482 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7482:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source mksafe gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source audio_to_stereo_7479 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [audio_to_stereo_7479:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source input.harbor_7478 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [input.harbor_7478:4] Content kind is {audio=1+;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:4] Opening port 7832 with icy = false
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:4] Opening port 7833 with icy = true
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:3] Adding mountpoint '/vqyXzbCzVjHLrcvoice' on port 7832
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [input(dot)harbor_7478:4] Activations changed: static=[audio_to_stereo_7479:mksafe:strip_blank_7482:strip_blank_7482], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [audio_to_stereo_7479:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[mksafe:strip_blank_7482:strip_blank_7482].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source safe_blank gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [safe_blank:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [safe_blank:4] Activations changed: static=[], dynamic=[mksafe:strip_blank_7482:strip_blank_7482].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [mksafe:4] Activations changed: static=[strip_blank_7482:strip_blank_7482], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7482:4] Activations changed: static=[strip_blank_7482], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7482:4] Enabling caching mode: active source.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source output.icecast_7483 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7482:4] Activations changed: static=[vqyXzbCzVjHLrcvoice:vqyXzbCzVjHLrcvoice, strip_blank_7482], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [vqyXzbCzVjHLrcvoice:4] Activations changed: static=[vqyXzbCzVjHLrcvoice], dynamic=[].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [vqyXzbCzVjHLrcvoice:4] Enabling caching mode: active source.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source output.icecast_7486 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source fallback_7485 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [strip_blank_7482:4] Activations changed: static=[vqyXzbCzVjHLrcvoice:vqyXzbCzVjHLrcvoice, strip_blank_7482], dynamic=[fallback_7485:vqyXzbCzVjHLrc:vqyXzbCzVjHLrc].
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source audio_to_stereo_7477 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [audio_to_stereo_7477:4] Content kind is {audio=2;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [source:4] Source input.harbor_7476 gets up.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [input.harbor_7476:4] Content kind is {audio=1+;video=0;midi=0}.
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:4] Opening port 7532 with icy = false
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:4] Opening port 7533 with icy = true
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [harbor:3] Adding mountpoint '/vqyXzbCzVjHLrc' on port 7532
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [threads:2] Queue generic queue #1 crashed with exception Invalid argument in select()
Raised by primitive operation at file "duppy.ml", line 181, characters 20-51
Re-raised at file "duppy.ml", line 199, characters 11-18
Called from file "duppy.ml", line 201, characters 4-8
Called from file "duppy.ml", line 295, characters 12-25
Called from file "tools/tutils.ml", line 213, characters 19-55
2017/11/17 10:28:33 [threads:1] PANIC: Liquidsoap has crashed, exiting.,
Please report at: savonet-users@lists.sf.net
Это ошибка или я что-то не так делаю? Я обновился с liquidsoap 1.1.1, но я получаю ту же ошибку.
Сервер на DigitalOcean работает под управлением Ubuntu 16.04.03 LTS.
Лимит открытых файлов в ulimit был увеличен до 65536.