Почему dwData = new IntPtr(0) будет работать в WM_COPYDATA (C# visual studio 2015)
Когда я настраиваю COPYDATASTRUCT, я устанавливаю {
dwData = new IntPtr(0)
} и отправитель успешно отправит сообщение получателю. Тем не менее, когда я пытался {
dwData = new IntPtr(xxOtherNumbersxxx)
}, это не будет работать. Может кто-нибудь объяснить мне, что dwData действительно делает здесь? Спасибо!
(PS Я новичок в разработке программного обеспечения, у которого очень страстное желание учиться, поэтому будьте осторожны с моими оценками.... плз.....)
Вот мой исходный код для отправителя в C#:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// this application is a Sender
// made to work with a Receiver that is already made in Pascal by xxxxxx
// The Receiver is located at
// "K:\xxxxxxxxxxx"
// This application is meant to send string "Hello World" to the Receiver
// if successful, the Receiver would appear on screen:
// WM_CopyData from: 3819
// Received string "Hello World!" at 6/3/2015
// Application:
// 1. Put "Hello World!" message into a data structure called "COPYDATASTUCT"
// 2. Find receiver by its app title "ReceiverMainForm" and its Class "TReceiverMainForm" (debug window: a pop-up window should show up with non-zero integers)
// 3. Send message in COPYDATASTRUCT through WM_COPYDATA code to receiver
namespace FindNotepad
class Program
//include SendMessage
public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int uMsg, int wParam, ref COPYDATASTRUCT lParam);
//include SendMessage
public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpszClass, string lpszWindow);
//this is a constant indicating the window that we want to send a text message
const int WM_COPYDATA = 0x004A;
static void Main(string[] args)
// ---------------- 1. set up message to be sent -----------------------
//Put "Hello World!" message into a data structure called "COPYDATASTUCT"
string msg = "Hello World!";
var cds = new COPYDATASTRUCT
dwData = new IntPtr(0),
cbData = msg.Length + 1,
lpData = msg
// ---------------- 2. Find receiver application window -----------------------
IntPtr receiverHandle = FindWindow("TReceiverMainForm", "ReceiverMainForm");
// debug window pop-up
// ---------------- 3. send message to receiver -----------------------
SendMessage(receiverHandle, WM_COPYDATA, 3819, ref cds);
// receiverHandle: handle for the receiver window
// WM_COPYDATA: an application that sends WM_COPYDATA message to pass data to another application
// 3819: handle of sender application, any preset integer can work. This is to distinguish which sender sends message on the receiver
// ref cds: data structure that contains the message to be sent.
catch (Exception ex)
//Used for WM_COPYDATA for string messages
public struct COPYDATASTRUCT
//The data to be passed to the receiving application.
public IntPtr dwData;
// cbData
// The size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by the lpData member.
public int cbData;
// lpDATA
// The data to be passed to the receiving application. This member can be NULL.
public string lpData;