Кнопка прокрутки JavaScript - как скрыть div при загрузке страницы
Я пытаюсь повозиться с кнопкой прокрутки до верхней части javascript, но натолкнулся на небольшую проблему с элементом div, когда страница сначала загружает div, а затем сразу исчезает, а не скрывается с самого начала. Затем сценарий работает так, как ожидалось (в нижней части страницы div исчезает и исчезает, если пользователь возвращается наверх (нажатием кнопки или прокруткой вручную).
Я знаю, почему div появляется, а затем исчезает в начале - потому что я загружаю div, а затем немедленно вызываю метод fadeOut(). Тем не менее, я не уверен, как сделать это лучше (т.е. сделать так, чтобы div начинал скрываться. Я пытался использовать display: ни один, но это остановило его появление все вместе.
Любой совет будет принята с благодарностью.
Я испытал эту проблему в Firefox
//** jQuery Scroll to Top Control script- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library: http://www.dynamicdrive.com.
//** Available/ usage terms at http://www.dynamicdrive.com (March 30th, 09')
//** v1.1 (April 7th, 09'):
//** 1) Adds ability to scroll to an absolute position (from top of page) or specific element on the page instead.
//** 2) Fixes scroll animation not working in Opera.
var scrolltotop={
//startline: Integer. Number of pixels from top of doc scrollbar is scrolled before showing control
//scrollto: Keyword (Integer, or "Scroll_to_Element_ID"). How far to scroll document up when control is clicked on (0=top).
setting: {startline:500, scrollto: 0, scrollduration:600, fadeduration:[600, 400]},
controlHTML: '<div class="scroll-button"></div>', //HTML for control, which is auto wrapped in DIV w/ ID="topcontrol"
controlattrs: {offsetx:15, offsety:75}, //offset of control relative to right/ top of window corner
anchorkeyword: '#top', //Enter href value of HTML anchors on the page that should also act as "Scroll Up" links
state: {isvisible:false, shouldvisible:false},
if (!this.cssfixedsupport) //if control is positioned using JavaScript
this.$control.fadeOut() //hide control immediately after clicking it
var dest=isNaN(this.setting.scrollto)? this.setting.scrollto : parseInt(this.setting.scrollto)
if (typeof dest=="string" && jQuery('#'+dest).length==1) //check element set by string exists
this.$body.animate({scrollTop: dest}, this.setting.scrollduration);
var $window=jQuery(window)
var controlx=$window.scrollLeft() + $window.width() - this.$control.width() - this.controlattrs.offsetx
var controly=$window.scrollTop() + $window.height() - this.$control.height() - this.controlattrs.offsety
this.$control.css({left:controlx+'px', top:controly+'px'})
var scrolltop=jQuery(window).scrollTop()
if (!this.cssfixedsupport)
this.state.shouldvisible=(scrolltop>=this.setting.startline)? true : false
if (this.state.shouldvisible && !this.state.isvisible) {
else if (this.state.shouldvisible==false && this.state.isvisible) {
var mainobj=scrolltotop
var iebrws=document.all
mainobj.cssfixedsupport=!iebrws || iebrws && document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat" && window.XMLHttpRequest //not IE or IE7+ browsers in standards mode
mainobj.$body=(window.opera)? (document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat"? $('html') : $('body')) : $('html,body')
mainobj.$control=$('<div id="topcontrol">'+mainobj.controlHTML+'</div>')
.css({position:mainobj.cssfixedsupport? 'fixed' : 'absolute', top:mainobj.controlattrs.offsety, right:mainobj.controlattrs.offsetx, cursor:'pointer'})
.attr({title:'Scroll Up'})
.click(function(){mainobj.scrollup(); return false})
if (document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest && mainobj.$control.text()!='') //loose check for IE6 and below, plus whether control contains any text
mainobj.$control.css({width:mainobj.$control.width()}) //IE6- seems to require an explicit width on a DIV containing text
$('a[href="' + mainobj.anchorkeyword +'"]').click(function(){
return false
$(window).bind('scroll resize', function(e){
================================================== ================================
После добавления display: none в css для $ control внутри функции init, div не появляется в начале. Тем не менее, он останавливает показ слайдов должным образом. Я не уверен, почему, полностью застрял:-(
* A Slideshow Plugin for jQuery
* By: Nathan Searles, http://nathansearles.com
* Version: 1.1.9
$.fn.slides = function( option ) {
// override defaults with specified option
option = $.extend( {}, $.fn.slides.option, option );
return this.each(function(){
// wrap slides in control container, make sure slides are block level
$('.' + option.container, $(this)).children().wrapAll('<div class="slide-control"/>');
var elem = $(this),
control = $('.slide-control',elem),
total = control.children().size(),
width = control.children().outerWidth(),
height = control.children().outerHeight(),
start = option.start - 1,
effect = option.effect.indexOf(',') < 0 ? option.effect : option.effect.replace(' ', '').split(',')[0],
paginationEffect = option.effect.indexOf(',') < 0 ? effect : option.effect.replace(' ', '').split(',')[1],
next = 0, prev = 0, number = 0, current = 0, loaded, active, clicked, position, direction, imageParent, pauseTimeout, playInterval;
// is there only one slide?
if (total < 2) {
// Fade in .slide-container
$('.' + option.container, $(this)).fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){
// let the script know everything is loaded
loaded = true;
// call the loaded funciton
// Hide the next/previous buttons
$('.' + option.next + ', .' + option.prev).fadeOut(0);
return false;
// animate slides
function animate(direction, effect, clicked) {
if (!active && loaded) {
active = true;
// start of animation
option.animationStart(current + 1);
switch(direction) {
case 'next':
// change current slide to previous
prev = current;
// get next from current + 1
next = current + 1;
// if last slide, set next to first slide
next = total === next ? 0 : next;
// set position of next slide to right of previous
position = width*2;
// distance to slide based on width of slides
direction = -width*2;
// store new current slide
current = next;
case 'prev':
// change current slide to previous
prev = current;
// get next from current - 1
next = current - 1;
// if first slide, set next to last slide
next = next === -1 ? total-1 : next;
// set position of next slide to left of previous
position = 0;
// distance to slide based on width of slides
direction = 0;
// store new current slide
current = next;
case 'pagination':
// get next from pagination item clicked, convert to number
next = parseInt(clicked,10);
// get previous from pagination item with class of current
prev = $('.' + option.paginationClass + ' li.'+ option.currentClass +' a', elem).attr('href').match('[^#/]+$');
// if next is greater then previous set position of next slide to right of previous
if (next > prev) {
position = width*2;
direction = -width*2;
} else {
// if next is less then previous set position of next slide to left of previous
position = 0;
direction = 0;
// store new current slide
current = next;
// fade animation
if (effect === 'fade') {
// fade animation with crossfade
if (option.crossfade) {
// put hidden next above current
control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).css({
zIndex: 10
// fade in next
}).fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){
if (option.autoHeight) {
// animate container to height of next
height: control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).outerHeight()
}, option.autoHeightSpeed, function(){
// hide previous
control.children(':eq('+ prev +')', elem).css({
display: 'none',
zIndex: 0
// reset z index
control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).css({
zIndex: 0
// end of animation
option.animationComplete(next + 1);
active = false;
} else {
// hide previous
control.children(':eq('+ prev +')', elem).css({
display: 'none',
zIndex: 0
// reset zindex
control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).css({
zIndex: 0
// end of animation
option.animationComplete(next + 1);
active = false;
} else {
// fade animation with no crossfade
control.children(':eq('+ prev +')', elem).fadeOut(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){
// animate to new height
if (option.autoHeight) {
// animate container to height of next
height: control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).outerHeight()
}, option.autoHeightSpeed,
// fade in next slide
control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing);
} else {
// if fixed height
control.children(':eq('+ next +')', elem).fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){
// fix font rendering in ie, lame
if($.browser.msie) {
// end of animation
option.animationComplete(next + 1);
active = false;
// slide animation
} else {
// move next slide to right of previous
control.children(':eq('+ next +')').css({
left: position,
display: 'block'
// animate to new height
if (option.autoHeight) {
left: direction,
height: control.children(':eq('+ next +')').outerHeight()
},option.slideSpeed, option.slideEasing, function(){
left: -width
control.children(':eq('+ next +')').css({
left: width,
zIndex: 5
// reset previous slide
control.children(':eq('+ prev +')').css({
left: width,
display: 'none',
zIndex: 0
// end of animation
option.animationComplete(next + 1);
active = false;
// if fixed height
} else {
// animate control
left: direction
},option.slideSpeed, option.slideEasing, function(){
// after animation reset control position
left: -width
// reset and show next
control.children(':eq('+ next +')').css({
left: width,
zIndex: 5
// reset previous slide
control.children(':eq('+ prev +')').css({
left: width,
display: 'none',
zIndex: 0
// end of animation
option.animationComplete(next + 1);
active = false;
// set current state for pagination
if (option.pagination) {
// remove current class from all
$('.'+ option.paginationClass +' li.' + option.currentClass, elem).removeClass(option.currentClass);
// add current class to next
$('.' + option.paginationClass + ' li:eq('+ next +')', elem).addClass(option.currentClass);
} // end animate function
function stop() {
// clear interval from stored id
function pause() {
if (option.pause) {
// clear timeout and interval
// pause slide show for option.pause amount
pauseTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
// clear pause timeout
// start play interval after pause
playInterval = setInterval( function(){
animate("next", effect);
// store play interval
// store pause interval
} else {
// if no pause, just stop
// 2 or more slides required
if (total < 2) {
// error corection for start slide
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
if (start > total) {
start = total - 1;
// change current based on start option number
if (option.start) {
current = start;
// randomizes slide order
if (option.randomize) {
// make sure overflow is hidden, width is set
$('.' + option.container, elem).css({
overflow: 'hidden',
// fix for ie
position: 'relative'
// set css for slides
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: control.children().outerWidth(),
zIndex: 0,
display: 'none'
// set css for control div
position: 'relative',
// size of control 3 x slide width
width: (width * 3),
// set height to slide height
height: height,
// center control to slide
left: -width
// show slides
$('.' + option.container, elem).css({
display: 'block'
// if autoHeight true, get and set height of first slide
if (option.autoHeight) {
height: 'auto'
height: control.children(':eq('+ start +')').outerHeight()
// checks if image is loaded
if (option.preload && control.find('img:eq(' + start + ')').length) {
// adds preload image
$('.' + option.container, elem).css({
background: 'url(' + option.preloadImage + ') no-repeat 50% 50%'
// gets image src, with cache buster
var img = control.find('img:eq(' + start + ')').attr('src') + '?' + (new Date()).getTime();
// check if the image has a parent
if ($('img', elem).parent().attr('class') != 'slide-control') {
// If image has parent, get tag name
imageParent = control.children(':eq(0)')[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
} else {
// Image doesn't have parent, use image tag name
imageParent = control.find('img:eq(' + start + ')');
// checks if image is loaded
control.find('img:eq(' + start + ')').attr('src', img).load(function() {
// once image is fully loaded, fade in
control.find(imageParent + ':eq(' + start + ')').delay(500).fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){
zIndex: 5
// removes preload image
$('.' + option.container, elem).css({
background: ''
// let the script know everything is loaded
loaded = true;
// call the loaded funciton
} else {
// if no preloader fade in start slide
control.children(':eq(' + start + ')').fadeIn(option.fadeSpeed, option.fadeEasing, function(){
// let the script know everything is loaded
loaded = true;
// call the loaded funciton
// click slide for next
if (option.bigTarget) {
// set cursor to pointer
cursor: 'pointer'
// click handler
// animate to next on slide click
animate('next', effect);
return false;
// pause on mouseover
if (option.hoverPause && option.play) {
// on mouse over stop
// on mouse leave start pause timeout
// generate next/prev buttons
if (option.generateNextPrev) {
$('.' + option.container, elem).after('<a href="#" class="'+ option.prev +'">Prev</a>');
$('.' + option.prev, elem).after('<a href="#" class="'+ option.next +'">Next</a>');
// next button
$('.' + option.next ,elem).click(function(e){
if (option.play) {
animate('next', effect);
// previous button
$('.' + option.prev, elem).click(function(e){
if (option.play) {
animate('prev', effect);
// generate pagination
if (option.generatePagination) {
// create unordered list
if (option.prependPagination) {
elem.prepend('<div id="pagination"><ul class='+ option.paginationClass +'></ul></div>');
} else {
elem.append('<div id="pagination"><ul class='+ option.paginationClass +'></ul></div>');
// for each slide create a list item and link
$('.' + option.paginationClass, elem).append('<li><a href="#'+ number +'">'+ (number+1) +'</a></li>');
} else {
// if pagination exists, add href w/ value of item number to links
$('.' + option.paginationClass + ' li a', elem).each(function(){
$(this).attr('href', '#' + number);
// add current class to start slide pagination
$('.' + option.paginationClass + ' li:eq('+ start +')', elem).addClass(option.currentClass);
// click handling
$('.' + option.paginationClass + ' li a', elem ).click(function(){
// pause slideshow
if (option.play) {
// get clicked, pass to animate function
clicked = $(this).attr('href').match('[^#/]+$');
// if current slide equals clicked, don't do anything
if (current != clicked) {
animate('pagination', paginationEffect, clicked);
return false;
// click handling
$('a.link', elem).click(function(){
// pause slideshow
if (option.play) {
// get clicked, pass to animate function
clicked = $(this).attr('href').match('[^#/]+$') - 1;
// if current slide equals clicked, don't do anything
if (current != clicked) {
animate('pagination', paginationEffect, clicked);
return false;
if (option.play) {
// set interval
playInterval = setInterval(function() {
animate('next', effect);
}, option.play);
// store interval id
// default options
$.fn.slides.option = {
preload: true, // boolean, Set true to preload images in an image based slideshow
preloadImage: '', // string, Name and location of loading image for preloader. Default is "images/loading.gif"
container: 'slide-container', // string, Class name for slide container. Default is "slide-container"
generateNextPrev: false, // boolean, Auto generate next/prev buttons
next: 'next', // string, Class name for next button
prev: 'prev', // string, Class name for previous button
pagination: true, // boolean, If you're not using pagination you can set to false, but don't have to
generatePagination: true, // boolean, Auto generate pagination
prependPagination: false, // boolean, prepend pagination
paginationClass: 'pagination', // string, Class name for pagination
currentClass: 'current', // string, Class name for current class
fadeSpeed: 350, // number, Set the speed of the fading animation in milliseconds
fadeEasing: '', // string, must load jQuery's easing plugin before http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
slideSpeed: 350, // number, Set the speed of the sliding animation in milliseconds
slideEasing: 'easeInOutCubic', // string, must load jQuery's easing plugin before http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
start: 1, // number, Set the speed of the sliding animation in milliseconds
effect: 'slide', // string, '[next/prev], [pagination]', e.g. 'slide, fade' or simply 'fade' for both
crossfade: false, // boolean, Crossfade images in a image based slideshow
randomize: false, // boolean, Set to true to randomize slides
play: 0, // number, Autoplay slideshow, a positive number will set to true and be the time between slide animation in milliseconds
pause: 0, // number, Pause slideshow on click of next/prev or pagination. A positive number will set to true and be the time of pause in milliseconds
hoverPause: false, // boolean, Set to true and hovering over slideshow will pause it
autoHeight: false, // boolean, Set to true to auto adjust height
autoHeightSpeed: 350, // number, Set auto height animation time in milliseconds
bigTarget: false, // boolean, Set to true and the whole slide will link to next slide on click
animationStart: function(){}, // Function called at the start of animation
animationComplete: function(){}, // Function called at the completion of animation
slidesLoaded: function() {} // Function is called when slides is fully loaded
// Randomize slide order on load
$.fn.randomize = function(callback) {
function randomizeOrder() { return(Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); }
return($(this).each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var $children = $this.children();
var childCount = $children.length;
if (childCount > 1) {
var indices = [];
for (i=0;i<childCount;i++) { indices[indices.length] = i; }
indices = indices.sort(randomizeOrder);
$.each(indices,function(j,k) {
var $child = $children.eq(k);
var $clone = $child.clone(true);
if (callback !== undefined) {
callback($child, $clone);