Доступ к кэшированным данным Coherence для нескольких уровней кластера WebLogic (Data-cache/EJB/Servlet)
Я пытаюсь настроить кластер WebLogic 12cR2 для поддержки распределенного кэша данных и приложений между последовательными кластерными узлами.
Топология кластеризации как:
1. Three separated weblogic clusters:
a. Cluster-jpa (local storage enabled, used to hold distributed data cache, it is JPA back mapped to PostgreSQL database - data tier),
b. Cluster-ejb (local storage disabled, used to hold business application (EJBs) - application tier)
c. Cluster-web (Coherence Web Local storage enable, used to hold and replicate web session, it is servlet cluster - web tier)
2. One Coherence Cluster, name: Coherence-cluster, configured as multicast (clustering mode). Three separated WebLogic clusters (jpa, ejb and web ) were added to coherence cluster as members.
3. Two WebLogic managed servers configured:
a. JPAServer, targeted to Cluster-jpa cluster, as Cluster-jpa was backboned with Coherence-Cluster, it is a managed coherence server as well. This managed server was used to hold Coherence Application (data tier), a ***.gar was deployed on this server, distributed cache objects and near cache was configured and works well.
b. EJBServer, targeted to Cluster-ejb cluster, as Cluster-ejb was backboned with Coherence-Cluster as well, it is an other managed coherence server. This managed server will be used to hold WebLogic JavaEE applications (EJBs in ***.ear format) as separated application tier (in application cluster) to consume distributed coherence data cache to provide high performance and high available business logic service. I'm having difficult to configure EJB application (***.ear) now. I followed oracle developing guide to develop a JEE application and embed the cache definition gar file into the lib directory. But unfortunately, I didn't get it work. The issue maybe caused by: EJBServer stay in Cluster-ejb cluster but JPAServer stay in Cluster-jpa cluster.
4. Two or more domain partition configured:
a. Couple of virtual targets were defined and target to Cluster-web
b. Couple of Domain partitions were defined and targeted to virtual targets, those domain partitions were used to hold web applications (servlet tier). Coherence will be used to hold and replicate web session to support failover. Web tier will access Coherence data cache through Application tier (This part is under developing.)
Поскольку WebLogic 12cR2 все еще довольно новый, он не может найти много хороших примеров и учебных пособий. Кто-нибудь может поделиться какой-то идеей об опыте разработки?
1 ответ
Недавно я развернул приложение с использованием последней версии Coherence [12c R2]. Теперь все дело в файле GAR.
Этот пост в блоге помог мне в обучении, я думаю, что стоит посмотреть на него.
Кроме того, я загрузил пример файла GAR на свой сайт, чтобы вы могли проверить его и начать с него.