Ошибка инициализации целевого компьютера при установке "Среды выполнения Windows Driver Testing Framework (WDTF)" на целевом компьютере

Target OS:Win7 SP1 64bit<br>
Host OS:Win7 SP1 64bit vs2017 Ent<br>
WDK: 10</br>
why there are two "\" between Runtime and Actions?<br>
Error log:<br>
WDTFInstall:    Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes\WDTF\RunTime\\Actions\Deprecated\DeviceManagement.dll".
WDTFInstall:    Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes\WDTF\RunTime\\Actions\DeviceSupport\WDTFDeviceSupportAction.dll".
MSI (s) (24!BC) [00:33:41:862]: Product: Windows Driver Testing Framework (WDTF) Runtime Libraries -- WDTFInstall:       ERROR: Failed to load DLL

WDTFInstall:       ERROR: Failed to load DLL
MSI (s) (24!BC) [00:33:41:862]: Product: Windows Driver Testing Framework (WDTF) Runtime Libraries -- WDTFInstall:       ERROR: 183

WDTFInstall:       ERROR: 183
MSI (s) (24!BC) [00:33:41:862]: Product: Windows Driver Testing Framework (WDTF) Runtime Libraries -- WDTFInstall:       ERROR:

WDTFInstall:       ERROR:

WDTFInstall:    Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes\WDTF\RunTime\\Actions\DrvPkgLibExt.dll".
WDTFInstall:       Not a COM DLL

WDTFInstall:    Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Testing\Runtimes\WDTF\RunTime\\Actions\EDT\WDTFEDTAction.dll".
MSI (s) (24!BC) [00:33:41:878]: Product: Windows Driver Testing Framework (WDTF) Runtime Libraries -- WDTFInstall:       ERROR: Failed to load DLL

WDTFInstall:       ERROR: Failed to load DLL
MSI (s) (24!BC) [00:33:41:878]: Product: Windows Driver Testing Framework (WDTF) Runtime Libraries -- WDTFInstall:       ERROR: 183

WDTFInstall:       ERROR: 183
MSI (s) (24!BC) [00:33:41:893]: Product: Windows Driver Testing Framework (WDTF) Runtime Libraries -- WDTFInstall:       ERROR:

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