Подзапрос триггера должен возвращать только один столбец в postgresql
Я настроил триггер следующим образом, но, похоже, возникает какая-то ошибка:
create or replace function insert_ft()
returns trigger as
if ((select "WeekDay", "Time", sec."Quarter", sec."Year"
from "WeeklyMeeting" wm, "Section" sec
where wm."SectionID" = new."SectionID"
and wm."SectionID" = sec."SectionID")
(select "WeekDay", "Time", ft."Quarter", ft."Year"
from "WeeklyMeeting" wm, "FacultyTeaching" ft, "Section" sec
where sec."SectionID" = ft."SectionID"
and ft."Quarter" = new."Quarter"
and ft."Year" = new."Year"
and ft."SectionID" = wm."SectionID"
and "Name" = new."Name")) is not null
then raise exception 'The Professor % has already taught a section %
at % on %',
new."Name", new."SectionID", (select "WeekDay" from "WeeklyMeeting"
where "SectionID" = new."SectionID"), (select "Time" from "WeeklyMeeting"
where "SectionID" = new."SectionID");
raise notice 'Adding Success';
return new;
end if;
language plpgsql;
create trigger "insert_constraint_ft"
before insert on "FacultyTeaching"
for each row execute procedure insert_ft();
Ошибка отображается как
ERROR: subquery must return only one column
LINE 1: SELECT ((select "WeekDay", "Time", sec."Quarter", sec."Year"...
Может кто-нибудь помочь мне посмотреть, где происходит ошибка? Спасибо!