Как показать обзоры продуктов в информации о продукте Информационный шаблон на SCA Aconcagua

Я пытаюсь показать "Отзывы о товаре" на product_details_information.tpl вместо шаблона product_details_full.tpl. Отзывы не отображаются вообще. Я пытался добавить отзывы о товаре в качестве дочернего представления в информационный вид сведений о продукте, но безуспешно. Вот модуль отзывов о товаре:


    © 2017 NetSuite Inc.
    User may not copy, modify, distribute, or re-bundle or otherwise make available this code;
    provided, however, if you are an authorized user with a NetSuite account or log-in, you
    may use this code subject to the terms that govern your access and use.

// @module ProductReviews
// Defines the ProductReviews module (Model, Collection, Views, Router)
// Mount to App also handles rendering of the reviews
// if the current view has any placeholder for them
,   [
    ,   'ProductReviews.Center.View'
    ,   'GlobalViews.StarRating.View'
    ,   'ProductDetails.Full.View'
,   function(
    ,   ProductReviewsCenterView
    ,   GlobalViewsStarRatingView
    ,   ProductDetailsFullView
        , ProductDetailsInformationView
    'use strict';

    // @class ProductReviews @extends ApplicationModule
    var ProductReviewsModule =
        mountToApp: function (application)
                    'ProductReviews.Center': function wrapperFunction (options)
                        return function ()
                            return new ProductReviewsCenterView({
                                item: options.model.get('item')
                            ,   application: options.application

                    'ProductReviews.Center': function wrapperFunction (options)
                        return function ()
                            return new ProductReviewsCenterView({
                                item: options.model.get('item')
                                ,   application: options.application

                    'Global.StarRating': function wrapperFunction (options)
                        return function ()
                            return new GlobalViewsStarRatingView({
                                model: options.model.get('item')
                            ,   showRatingCount: true
                            ,   showSchemaInfo: true

                    'Global.StarRating': function wrapperFunction (options)
                        return function ()
                            return new GlobalViewsStarRatingView({
                                model: options.model.get('item')
                                ,   showRatingCount: true
                                ,   showSchemaInfo: true

            // default behavior for mount to app
            return new Router(application);

    return ProductReviewsModule;

и product_details_information.tpl

<div data-view="ProductReviews.Center"></div>

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