Описание тега xbim
XBIM ( http://docs.xbim.net/) is a set of.NET-based libraries to work with IFC building model files.
IFC is an ISO Standard and platform-neutral open file format for data exchange of building information. The XBIM toolkit supports STEP, IfcXml and IfcZip formats, and enables you to read and write the full schema of IFC2x3 and IFC4 (including support for the latest Ifc4 Addendum 2).
The wider XBIM toolkit contains additional repositories with libraries to read and write related Open BIM formats including COBie and BIM Collaboration Format ( BCF)
In order to visualise 3D Geometries you will need to include the Xbim.Geometry package which provides full support for geometric, topological operations and visualisation.
The motivation behind XbimEssentials is to take away much of the complexity and 'heavy lifting' required to work with Open BIM file formats, so you can focus on creating software solutions without needing deep understanding of STEP/Express parsing, 3D graphics, allowing you to work at a higher level than the buildingSmart data model.