Описание тега windows-community-toolkit

Набор средств сообщества UWP - это набор вспомогательных функций, настраиваемых элементов управления и служб приложений. Это упрощает разработчикам задачи по созданию [tag:uwp] приложений для Windows 10.

The Windows Community Toolkit is a collection of helper functions, custom controls, and app services. It simplifies developer tasks building uwp apps for Windows 10. The controls and app services in the toolkit are an addition to what's available in the current Windows 10 SDK (and will be marked deprecated if/when they're added to the official SDK).

The available toolkit NuGet packages are listed on the project's GitHub page. There's also a UWP Community Toolkit demo app in the Windows Store showing how to use the controls and services, including copy-paste code snippets.