Описание тега webpack
Webpack is JavaScript module bundler.
Webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules. Webpack's key features are rooted in extensibility and enabling developers to use best-practices in Web Architecture and Web Performance.
Packs ecmascript-6/ commonjs/ amd modules for the browser.
Allows to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Support loaders to preprocess files, i.e. javascript, css, html, json, jade, coffeescript, less...
- Bundles ES6/ES2015 modules (since webpack 2), commonjs and AMD modules(even combined).
- Can create a single bundle or a bunch of chunks loaded on demand, to reduce initial loading time.
- Dependencies are resolved while compiling, this makes the runtime very small.
- Loader can preprocess files while compiling, i.e. coffeescript to javascript.
Webpack Open Collective - Help support the teams ongoing development efforts.
Webpack Examples
Webpack Examples - Examples of common Webpack functionality.