Описание тега webcam-capture
The Webcam Capture library makes it possible to use a build-in or external webcam directly from Java. It is designed to abstract commonly used camera features and support various capturing frameworks.
This library allows you to use your build-in or external webcam directly from Java. It's designed to abstract commonly used camera features and support various capturing frameworks.
- Simple, thread-safe and non-blocking API,
- No additional software required,
- Supports multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc) and various architectures (32-bit, 64-bit, ARM),
- Get images from build-in or USB-connected PC webcams,
- Get images from IP / network cameras (as MJPEG or JPEG),
- Offers ready to use motion detector,
- All required JARs Available in Maven Central,
- Offers possibility to expose images as MJPEG stream,
- It is available as Maven dependency or standalone ZIP binary (with all dependencies included),
- Swing component to display video feed from camera,
- Swing component to choose camera (drop down),
- Multiple capturing frameworks are supported:
- OpenIMAJ,
- Java Media Framework (JMF),
- Freedom for Media in Java (FMJ),
- OpenCV via JavaCV,
- VLC via vlcj,
- GStreamer (0.10.x only) via gstreamer-java
- MJPEG IP Cameras
For more Information, see the projects Github page.