Описание тега vuforia

An Augmented Reality Software Development Kit (SDK) for mobile devices that enables the creation of Augmented Reality applications.

Qualcomm's Vuforia is an Augmented Reality Software Development Kit (SDK) for mobile devices that enables the creation of Augmented Reality applications. It uses Computer Vision technology to recognize and track planar images (Image Targets) and simple 3D objects, such as boxes, in real-time as well as complex objects using the new Vuforia Object Scanner (The Vuforia Object Scanner is supported on the Samsung Galaxy S5 and Google Nexus 5 for Android version 4.2 and above. Note that the app may not produce the best results on other Android devices). This image registration capability enables developers to position and orient virtual objects, such as 3D models and other media, in relation to real world images when these are viewed through the camera of a mobile device. The virtual object then tracks the position and orientation of the image in real-time so that the viewer’s perspective on the object corresponds with their perspective on the Image Target, so that it appears that the virtual object is a part of the real world scene.

The Vuforia SDK supports a variety of 2D and 3D target types including ‘markerless’ Image Targets, 3D Multi-Target configurations, and a form of addressable Fiduciary Marker known as a Frame Marker. Additional features of the SDK include localized Occlusion Detection using ‘Virtual Buttons’, runtime image target selection, and the ability to create and reconfigure target sets programmatically at runtime.

Vuforia 7 -> its features:

->Vuforia Model Targets recognize objects by shape, in contrast to existing methods that rely on detailed visual designs typically found on print media, product packaging and many consumer goods. Model Targets are perfect for attaching digital content to industrial equipment, automobiles or home appliances.

->Vuforia Ground Plane enables digital content to be placed on the ground, floor, or tabletop, providing an ideal solution for you to build visualization apps, ranging from in-home furniture shopping to AR design reviews. Ground Plane will support a wide range of devices starting with ARKit enabled iOS devices – and extending to the broadest range of popular Android and iOS devices.

->Vuforia Fusion, is a new capability designed to solve the problem of fragmentation in AR enabling technologies such as cameras, sensors, chipsets, and software frameworks like ARKit. With Vuforia Fusion, your application will automatically provide the best experience possible with no extra work required on your end.

Vuforia provides Application Programming Interfaces (API) in C++, Java, C#, Objective-C, and the.Net languages through an extension to the Unity game engine. In this way, the SDK supports both native development for iOS and Android while also enabling the development of AR applications in Unity that are easily portable to both platforms. And also supports Wikitude. AR applications developed using Vuforia are therefore compatible with a broad range of mobile devices including the iPhone, iPad, and Android phones and tablets running Android OS version 2.2 or greater and an ARMv6 or 7 processor with FPU (Floating Point Unit) processing capabilities.

Vuforia also supports AR Smart glasses like Microsoft Hololens, Vuzix, Movario etc. for the developing apps of Augmented Reality. Vuforia has its own app store https://www.vuforia.com/apps.html