Описание тега uu-parsinglib

NoneUu-parsinglib is a Haskell combinator parsing library with `Applicative` interface.

The uu-parsinglib Haskell package. Fast, online, error-correcting, monadic, applicative, merging, permuting, idiomatic parser combinators. It's written by Doaitse Swierstra from Utrecht University.

New version of the Utrecht University parser combinator library, which provides online, error correction, annotation free, applicative style parser combinators. In addition to this we do provide a monadic and idiomatic interface. Parsers do analyse themselves to avoid commonly made errors. A recent addition was the combinator <||> and associates, which generalise merging and permuting parsers.

This version is based on the module Data.Listlike, and as a result a great variety of input structures (Strings, ByteStrings, etc.) can be handled.

The modules Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Demo.Examples, Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Idioms and Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Demo.MergeAndpermute contain a ready-made show examples function, which can be called (e.g. from ghci) to see, e.g., the error correction at work. It contains extensive haddock documentation, so why not just take a look to see the correction process at work, and to get a feeling for how the various combinators can be used?

The file Text.ParserCombinators.UU.CHANGELOG contains a log of the most recent changes and additions.

The file Text.ParserCombinators.UU.README contains some references to background information.
