Описание тега tweetstream

Tweetstream provides access to Twitter's Streaming API in python or ruby

Tweetstream for ruby

Twitter’s Streaming API is one of the most exciting developments in the Twitter API in some time. It gives you the ability to create a long-standing connection to Twitter that receives “push” updates when new tweets matching certain criteria arrive, obviating the need to constantly poll for updates. TweetStream is a Ruby library to access the new API.

to install run:

gem install tweetstream

Tweetstream for python

tweetstream for python provides two classes, SampleStream and FollowStream, that can be used to get tweets from Twitter's streaming API. An instance of one of the classes can be used as an iterator. In addition to fetching tweets, the object keeps track of the number of tweets collected and the rate at which tweets are received.

SampleStream delivers a sample of all tweets. FilterStream delivers tweets that match one or more criteria. Note that it's not possible to get all tweets without access to the "firehose" stream, which is not currently avaliable to the public.

to install run:

pip install tweetstream