Описание тега ti-basic

TI-BASIC is the official name of a BASIC-like language built into Texas Instruments (TI)'s graphing calculators, including the TI-83 series, TI-84 Plus series, TI-89 series, TI-92 series, TI-73, and TI-Nspire. The capability to write programs in TI-BASIC is automatically built-in to Texas Instruments calculators.

Forms of TI-Basic

TI-Basic comes in three distinct forms, TI-83, 68K, and TI-NSpire. While these forms have much in common, they also have noticeable differences that make code written for one from almost completely incompatible with the others. For this reason it is important to explicitly state the form of TI-Basic you are using in any questions.

  • TI-83 Basic
    This is the most common form of TI-Basic. It refers the form of TI-Basic found on both TI-83 and TI-84 series of calculators. Even within this form of TI-Basic, there are variations in the availability of functions between calculators.
  • 68K
    This form of TI-Basic is far less common than TI-83 Basic. 68K TI-Basic is found on the TI-89, TI-92 and Voyage 200 calculators.
  • TI-Nspire
    Generally the least common form, this is only found on TI-Nspire series calculators. Due to the far superior processing power TI-Nspire calculators have, this form could have more potential than the others, but limitation in regards to input and output renders this form largely unused.
