Описание тега test-fixture

Fixtures seems to be mostly a term used within UI Test automation, and carries a similar meaning to test-context or test-plans. Fixture categorizes the test cases that logically belong to a related scenario, such as Login screen tests, Load database with master data, etc. Also with test-fixtures it ensures that tests are run under a fixed environment where the test runs are done and the results are repeatable.

Fixtures seems to be mostly a term used within UI Test automation, and carries a similar meaning to test-context or test-plans. Fixture categorizes the test cases that logically belong to a related scenario, such as Login screen tests, Load database with master data, etc. Also with test-fixtures it ensures that tests are run under a fixed environment where the test runs are done and the results are repeatable.

For more details follow one of the online documentation found via the JUnit and Xamarin.UITests and Wikipedia in following links.