Описание тега teamcity-7.0
TeamCity 7.0: Control the power
TeamCity 7.0 is a major release of teamcity and adds additional features and enhancements to teamcity-6.5.
Enhancements include:
Build Agent Pools
Remember the days when you had to wait for a free build agent to have your changes built and tested? Forget them. Now you can organize build agents in pools and assign them to build your project only.
Incremental builds
Use the advantages of your projects' proper module decomposition to significantly reduce the build and unit testing time.
Build failure conditions
Previously, you had an option to mark a build failed if at least one test failed. We thought that was not flexible enough, so we added more powerful failure conditions.
Branch graphs on change log
The usability of modern distributed version control systems often becomes a matter of good tooling.
Extended build chains support and visualization
Build chains give you a unique ability to define a sequence of builds and run them consistently, on the same source files revisions.
Build parameters with custom UI
The ability to run custom builds has always been one of TeamCity's distinctive features. In TeamCity 7.0, it gets even better.
Performance monitor
When your project expands and the number of unit tests grows to several thousands, your builds can become really slow. It isn't always obvious how to make them faster or even where to start.