Описание тега tacit-programming
Tacit programming is one of the styles possible in the J and APL programming languages, and means coding by combining functions, without reference to argument names. This idea may have been first brought up in functional programming; it's simpler than lambda calculus.
Tacit programming is also known as point-free style, or pointless programming, because of the lack of explicit arguments, or points.
In J, the same sort of point-free code occurs in a function made to compute the average of a list (array) of numbers:
avg=: +/ % #
Details: #
counts the number of items in the array. +/
sums the items of the array. %
divides the sum by the number of items.
Tag usage
The tag tacit-programming can be used for programming related questions in implementation of J and APL programming languages, Question with the tags j or apl can also use tag tacit-programming. Please avoid theoretical questions on stackru.