Описание тега tablerow

Table row is a row in a table where object are arrange at the same height, from left to right. This concept is supported by HTML and several GUIs.

A row places objects horizontally left to right. The width of each column is determined by the width of the widest object and can be adjusted through various padding, weight, fixed width and similar settings.

The width of the same column in the same table is the same for all rows. In some cases it is possible to span the cell in a row over multiple columns, and sometimes (like in HTML) a column may span multiple rows.

The first row in the table may contain the column names (header row). It may be displayed differently and may also scroll differently (staying at the top for vertical scroll like in Java JTable).

Some platforms (Android, for instance) support arbitrary views in the role of the table row. Such views simply span over the full width of the table.