Описание тега syslog4j

Syslog4j provides client and server implementations of the BSD Syslog protocol (RFC 3164) and the Structured Syslog protocol (RFC 5424).

Syslog4j is a pure-Java implementation of the syslog client and server specification as defined by "The BSD syslog Protocol" (RFC3164) with additional support for TCP/IP-based syslog, native Unix syslog, and Unix sockets.

Java applications (web or otherwise) needing to log messages to a syslog server or Java applications needing to accept syslog messages can use Syslog4j.

Syslog4j provides UDP, TCP, Native Unix syslog, and Unix socket logging with a simplified interface and is designed using an extensible coding model that allows developers to improve upon or add new capabilities.

Syslog4j requires JDK 1.4 or higher and requires NO EXTERNAL LIBRARIES (JARs) for basic UDP/IP and TCP/IP clients and servers.

Unix syslog and/or Unix sockets require the JNA library, available at: https://jna.dev.java.net/

Pooled connections for TCP/IP and TCP/IP over SSL/TLS require the Apache Commons Pool library available at: http://commons.apache.org/pool/

Log4j support requires, well, Apache Log4j, available at: http://logging.apache.org/log4j/

Syslog4j UDP/IP and TCP/IP clients should work in any typical Java JRE environment.

Source: Syslog4j