Описание тега svn2git

There are multiple utilities called svn2git that do the same task, transforming an SVN repository into one or multiple Git repositories. This tag can be used for any of them.

The KDE svn2git utility is probably the most sophisticated, most flexible and fastest tool amongst the ones called svn2git.

It is fed with a set of rules that define how the SVN content should be transformed into one or even multiple Git repositories or combine different SVN repositories in one SVN location into one Git repository.

It is often used in conjunction with svneverever to easily analyze the history of a repository and its committers to aid in setting up a rules file if the history of the repository was not straightforward.

Another svn2git utility available is the one of nirvdrum which uses git-svn for importing the SVN repository and then does some post-processing which is in total extremely time consuming and produces sometimes a bit of a borked history or missies the history from some point on.